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function isfrist($val1) { return (is_frist($val1) || ($val1 == 'FILE_NOT_FOUND')); }
Let me guess. Some database interface layer (or something) would sometimes coerce a NULL to an empty string? So things began breaking until
was added?Admin
I'm confused - last time I wrote something in PHP there was only the function isset() to check for nullability. Making an extra function for something basic feels to my rather pointless.
BTW php has also a null aware equality operator (similar to JS):
Oracle itself (and MS dynamics) coerce an empty string to null so the problem isn't necessarily just in the DB interface layer. SQL server on the other hand does differentiate between null and empty string but doesn't differentiate between an empty string and one containing only spaces. The moral is clear - don't trust anybody or anything
function what_is_trwtf() { return "PHP"; }
Underscoring the importance of picking a good programming language
A bad workman blames his tools. A good one gets to pick his. The rest of us laugh at our own misfortune.
void ArmNuke() { Arm_Nuke(); AimAtFoot(); LaunchNukeExplosion(); }
Personally I prefer the world altering missile.
PHP is an endless source of WTFs. The design of the language (or rather absence of intentional design) is a WTF of its own.
PHP: when you look at Perl and say, "I can make something simpler!". And then you fail, but everyone still uses it because of mod_php in Apache, and mod_perl wasn't meant for multi-tenant deployment.
Hey, it got us into e-commerce.
Which is treated as an "obvious" thing by Oracle fans... and is a TOTAL NIGHTMARE for who must develop applications that work well with multiple databases! Every year we have one or two angry customers because of a "NULL vs empty" bug in one of our applications :(
These bugs will never go away. NULL and empty string have distinct meanings, however, those meanings don't translate into UIs very well. For example, if a form has a checkbox that says "Ship to another address". The UI will usually disable the address text controls when said box is not checked. However, the UI serialization layer will most likely serialize those disabled fields as empty strings.
I have also witnessed an individual "clearing a textbox" with the space bar. When he tabbed into it, the entire text was automatically selected, so hitting the spacebar seemed to clear it. Since the UI used a proportional font, the single space that replaced the previous text was so much smaller that it looked very similar to just the cursor. Enjoy the resulting single space in the database!
Of course, really good database design can often help. But, the developer culture of "if it works, ship it" is working against us every step of the way. I'm actually looking forward to the day when AI based coding does all of the "easy things" so that professional developers will distinguish themselves not by doing the easy things faster, but by being able to do the hard things.
isset also returns false (as opposed to doing something reasonable like throwing an exception) when you've made a typo and the variable doesn't exist at all. For example:
php > $brillant = NULL; php > echo isset($brillant) === FALSE; 1 php > echo isset($brilliant) === FALSE; 1
But isNullOrEmpty() is sooo looong to type!
Plus it looks very C-sharpy or even worse Javaesque. Can't have that! (*)
[* Unfortunately a very real argument I've heard, apparently some people have to think Java is not cool for some reason or another, generally because the language is deemed too obvious and easy... <roll eyes>]
sigh The Real WTF is a dev paradigm that treats nulls and empty strings as the same thing without actually making sure the one you don't want is always turned the other.
I've encountered databases treating empty strings as null before. Evil, evil practice.
I have also witnessed an individual "clearing a textbox" with the space bar. When he tabbed into it, the entire text was automatically selected, so hitting the spacebar seemed to clear it. Since the UI used a proportional font, the single space that replaced the previous text was so much smaller that it looked very similar to just the cursor. Enjoy the resulting single space in the database!
The obvious solution there is to trim whitespace from text fields when sending to the backend. The even better solution is to have the UI framework do it where the application developer just sets a flag to say that leading/trailing whitespace is unimportant and should be stripped. Of course, with so many new frameworks being invented all the time I doubt anyone will take the time to think about implementing such things.
I would prefer Oracle's behavior in this case, honestly. Usually blank string is a means to meet a requirement where a more stringent value is expected but the system was lazily built w/o all the constraints and/or udts to specify behavior/rules more accurately.
Actually, in PHP, if you test
$var == ""
You would get true as result even if $var was null, due to type coercion.
To test for empty string only you'd need to use a different comparison operator, and test
$var === ""
I do not remember if that operator has a name, I tend to call it "identical to", and is the equivalent of the javascript operator.