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Fight club was not bad movie.
You call the rendition of a corporate slave breaking apart psychologically forming multiple personalities as a coping mechanism for reality, "not bad movie"?
You must be one of those people who enjoys Will Smith films too.
'the Number_Text field sometimes contained a value like "nine", and other times contained a value like "17"' may not be such a bonus WTF.
My employer's corporate style/writing guide mandates numbers <=nine written in letters, and >=10 in numerals.
That's like the ABC of programming.
As one of Alex's "frist" deleting minions, I'm going to pull back the curtain and explain the secret to keeping your "frist" comment from getting deleted: be clever and entertaining.
A simple "frist" is going to get deleted. For an article like this,SELECT * FROM comments WHERE comment_text = 'frist' might stick around (personally, I'm a little tired of SQL-based "frists"). The key point is- if it makes us laugh, we're less likely to delete it.
I call BS.
No self respecting Enterprise system would be caught dead using lowercase or allowing the total number of characters in a record to exceed 80.
It's just not done.
If only there were well-established methods for converting integers into strings or roman-numerals, or globally unique identifiers. One day, some clever person will invent them and become very, very rich. Ah well. Until that happens, we'll just have to use a lookup in a database table...
Pretty sure I read in some general "writing style" guide somewhere that that is how you should represent numbers when writing. It just looks better. Apparently.
Our delete button gives us two options- "Just this comment" or "This comment and all replies". Unless I see something really genius mocking the original "frist", I hit the "delete all replies" option.
It would be a fun project to create a book titled "How to know your Enterprise Software is crap" with stuff like:
Does your software goes to the database to perform stupid ops?
Does your sofware has 5 or more layers of abstraction?
Does your software use Struts?
You're not only going for the children, but for the grandchildren too... Machiavelli would approve, if I remember "The Prince" correctly :-)
see also: Remy's Law of Software. "If the term 'enterprise' is used anywhere in the description of your software, it is a piece of garbage."
I do believe it is recursive.
I like how they assign a GUID to each number. But, a GUID is a 16-byte number, so do they store GUIDs in this table to, and do they assign GUIDs to their GUIDS? Yo dawg...
SELECT C.Comment_Text AS [Comment] FROM dbo.stbl_Comments C WHERE C.Comment_ID = 1
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stbl_Comments] AS ( Comment_ID INT NOT NULL, -- Number of comment Comment VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- The comment Comment_Text VARCHAR(255) NULL, -- Textual representation of the comment, should always match the value in the Comment field Comment_Irish VARCHAR(255) NULL, -- Irish translation of the comment Comment_GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL -- Globally unique identifier for the comment )
Nice. You left out, however:
You guys are stunning! You managed to comment on the article almost a week before it was published!
Keep up the good work.
Apparently the first rule of prepping TDWTF articles for publication is to make a forced cultural allusion.
Data Integrity
Because one cannot trust a database to store the value given, you should always record your data twice.
Case Study:
Same Number Theory
Because numbers may be the same value in an imaginary plane, one should always assign them unique identifiers to differentiate those that look similar.
Case Study:
Oh and for the record: forming multiple personalities is also a coping mechanism for working with Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server.
I'd like to know how many records were actually in the number table!
And this post can serve as the fr1st example why they don't work.
The structure of the table looks like someone exposed to Unicode without brain.
The Number_text would hold the glyph(s). The Number_roman would hold the us-ascii. Number would be the the value for computation.
Number_ID and Number_GUID are looking like a primary key and index from outer space. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey.
As any misshaped table, it has to be misused too. Adding letters is just one step. It can be used to convert hexadecimal too.
TRTWF here is using KLOC as the primary measure of your programmers' job performance.
To be honest, I'm surprised that 65 and 80 are hard-coded into that procedure, rather than calling another table for the ASCII values of a and z.
TRWTF is that there's no "Order By" in the query. That means that the alphabet is not guaranteed to be in alphabetical order.
nobulate - are you new around here? Feeding Nagesh is not always the best idea. Then again, I don't know the current economic situation in Hyderabad, so he might actually need feeding.
Having read his articles, I suspect the intersection between "Things that make Remy Porter laugh" and "Things that are actually either witty, original or intelligent" is a pretty small set.
You can't leave dangling references behind! The entire DBMS might crash!!!
Yes, it's truly fascinating that each number is assigned a GUID... as if there's no reliable way to tell if two number really are the same. Then again, perhaps the table has multiple rows with the same number value that must be distinguished... shudder.
Unless I have misunderstood completely TORWTF is using the word 'Roman' 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are ARABIC numerals
I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX are the corresponding Roman numerals
A movie doesn't have to describe utopia in order to be "not bad"
I bet they have an incident when the database switches to Unicode.
And you know what the true cherry on this banana split of fail is? If you change the text representation to anything other than "17" for the number 17, I bet the the payroll subsystem will throw a silent exception and no one will get their checks deposited at the end of the month.
That would have been highly appropriate.
what? I don't even... what?!
We apologize for the inconvenience
captacha: sagaciter - citing the saga of the hitchhiker.
I've actually been at a company where GUIDs were not considered unique enough (yeah, I know what unique means). So instead of using GUIDs as keys, they used three GUIDs concatenated together. Because what are the odds of three identical GUIDs being generated when a record is created.
As it turns out, if you looked in the data table directly, you would see that the second and third GUIDs were set to all zeroes. Because what are the odds that...oh, never mind.
...and what happens if the system happens to use EBCDIC or some other collating sequence?
The answer of that SELECT statement is much more simple:
"I can't remember the question."
Speaking of Roman numerals, I read this joke last night and kind of liked it:
A Roman general walks into a bar. Holds up two fingers and says, "I'll have five beers."
What happens when grandma starts getting her fingers dirty on the keyboard: This happens.
Clearly TDWTF needs to upgrade to an enterprise-class delete button. With moar XML, just because.