Automation and tooling, especially around continuous integration and continuous deployment is standard on applications, large and small.
Paramdeep Singh Jubbal works on a larger one, with a larger team, and all the management overhead such a team brings. It needs to interact with a REST API, and as you might expect, the URL for that API is different in production and test environments. This is all handled by the CI pipeline, so long as you remember to properly configure which URLs map to which environments.
Paramdeep mistyped one of the URLs when configuring a build for a new environment. The application passed all the CI checks, and when it was released to the new environment, it crashed and burned. Their error handling system detected the failure, automatically filed a bug ticket, Paramdeep saw the mistake, fixed it, and everything was back to the way it was supposed to be within five minutes.
But a ticket had been opened. For a bug. And the team lead, Emmett, saw it. And so, in their next team meeting, Emmett launched with, “We should talk about Bug 264.”
“Ah, that’s already resolved,” Paramdeep said.
“Is it? I didn’t see a commit containing a unit test attached to the ticket,” Emmett said.
“I didn’t write one,” Paramdeep said, getting a little confused at this point. “It was just a misconfiguration.”
“Right, so there should be a test to ensure that the correct URL is configured before we deploy to the environment.” That was, in fact, the policy: any bug ticket which was closed was supposed to have an associated unit test which would protect against regressions.
“You… want a unit test which confirms that the environment URLs are configured correctly?”
“Yes,” Emmett said. “There should never be a case where the application connects to an incorrect URL.”
“But it gets that URL from the configuration.”
“And it should check that configuration is correct. Honestly,” Emmett said, “I know I’m not the most technical person on this team, but that just sounds like common sense to me.”
“It’s just…” Paramdeep considered how to phrase this. “How does the unit test tell which are the correct or incorrect URLs?”
Emmett huffed. “I don’t understand why I’m explaining this to a developer. But the URLs have a pattern. URLs which match the pattern are valid, and they pass the test. URLs which don’t fail the test, and we should fallback to a known-good URL for that environment.”
“And… ah… how do we know what the known-good URL is?”
“From the configuration!”
“So you want me to write a unit test which checks the configuration to see if the URLs are valid, and if they’re not, it uses a valid URL from the configuration?”
“Yes!” Emmett said, fury finally boiling over. “Why is that so hard?”
Paramdeep thought the question explained why it was so hard, but after another moment’s thought, there was an even better reason that Emmett might actually understand.
“Because the configuration files are available during the release step, and the unit tests are run after the build step, which is before the release step.”
Emmett blinked and considered how their CI pipeline worked. “Right, fair enough, we’ll put a pin in that then, and come back to it in a future meeting.”
“Well,” Paramdeep thought, “that didn’t accomplish anything, but it was a good waste of 15 minutes.”