Perhaps the greatest evil Microsoft ever perpetrated on the world was putting a full-featured IDE on every end user’s desktop: Microsoft Office. Its macro system is a stripped down version of Visual Basic, complete with a UI-building tool, and when used in conjunction with Access, allows anyone to build a database-driven application. Anyone that’s spent enough time in an “enterprise” has probably inherited at least one Access application that was developed but somebody out at a manufacturing plant that magically became “mission critical”. Still, we can’t blame the end users for that.
There’s a special subset of developer though, that when trying to come up with an application that’s easy deploy, chooses Access as their development environment. “It’s already on all the users’ machines,” they say. “We can just put the MDB on a shared drive,” they say. And that’s how Ben gets handed an Access database and told, “figure out why this is so slow?”
The specific Access database Ben inherited was part of a home-brew customer-relationship-management package, which meant most of the queries needed to filter through a database of emails sent to customers. The SQL was already pretty bad, because it ran three times- once for all the emails with a certain timestamp, once for all the emails a minute earlier, and once for all the emails a minute later. Each query also filtered by the from-field, which really killed the performance since 25% of the emails were sent from the same email address- meaning the three queries did the same filtering three times, and Access isn’t exactly all about the optimization of SQL performance.
What really caught Ben’s eye, though, was that the query didn’t use the built in dateadd
function to calculate the one minute earlier/later rule. It used a custom-defined timeAdjust
' This function takes a time and returns a rounded time. If an adjustment
' has been given (+1 or -1 minute) then the time is increased or
' decreased by one minute. Seconds are zeroed during the process and
' are only included in the returned time is the blSeconds flag is
' true.
Function timeAdjust(varTime, intAdjust As Integer, blSeconds As Boolean) As String
Dim strHours
Dim strMins
Dim strSecs
' Get parts of the time
strHours = Format(varTime, "hh")
strMins = Format(varTime, "nn")
strSecs = Format(varTime, "ss")
' Adjust time as required
If intAdjust = 1 Then
If strMins = "59" Then
strMins = "00"
If strHours = "23" Then
strHours = "00"
strHours = strHours + 1
If Len(strHours) = 1 Then
strHours = "0" & strHours
End If
End If
strMins = strMins + 1
If Len(strMins) = 1 Then
strMins = "0" & strMins
End If
End If
End If
If intAdjust = -1 Then
If strMins = "00" Then
strMins = "59"
If strHours = "00" Then
strHours = "23"
strHours = strHours - 1
If Len(strHours) = 1 Then
strHours = "0" & strHours
End If
End If
strMins = strMins - 1
If Len(strMins) = 1 Then
strMins = "0" & strMins
End If
End If
End If
' Rebuild time
If blSeconds Then
timeAdjust = strHours & ":" & strMins & ":00"
timeAdjust = strHours & ":" & strMins
End If
Exit Function
GenericADOErrHandler "clsADOTeamTallies - timeAdjust"
End Function
After a lengthy campaign, Ben received permission to re-implement the application in C# with a real database on the backend. That project was completed and left behind many happy customers.