"Grocery stores are going too far with their energy foods" charged Tim DG. "I was just looking for some salads to go with my BBQ," he complained. "I'm not sure they sell what I'm looking for." I've seen what your kin put in their Huzarensaladen, Tim, so I'm not entirely surprised about the Duracells.



Long-suffering Gordon S. found a novel Error'd, at least, I don't remember having seen this before. "Left Spotify running and came back 15 minutes in on a 3 minute song. Is this how extended play records worked?" I'm glad he only submitted it once and not a hundred more times for art's sake.



Christopher P. thinks FedEx is on the verge of building robots with Genuine People Personalities. "It appears to be impossible to contact a human at FedEx, and their bot seems very passive aggressive when I gave it a negative rating it tries to cancel my case. Fantastic. " I'm sure it's not truly impossible, only very very improbable.



Experienced Drinker Peter G. thinks this is not really an Error but it's a little bit of a WTF. "This is the gatekeeper popup that blocks your way when you visit the Quantum Spirits web site, which for some reason has decided to limits its customer base to a very narrow demographic. No, I'm not 21, and haven't been for quite some time." People should say what they mean and not place the burden of decoding their imprecision on everyone else.



Michael Th. is making me hungry. "Had a lovely dinner in a nice restaurant in Mannheim, Germany - and the service was really SUperb!" Once again, not really an Error'd but a sign that somebody is using bad practices with their POS system.



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