I'm not entirely sure I understand the first item today, but maybe you can help. I pulled a couple of older items from the backlog to round out this timely theme.

Rudi A. reported this Errord, chortling "Time flies when you're having fun, but it goes back when you're walking along the IJ river!" Is the point here that the walking time is quoted as 77 minutes total, but the overall travel time is less than that? I must say I don't recommend swimming the Ij in March, Rudi.



I had to go back quite a while for this submission from faithful reader Adam R., who chimed "I found a new type of datetime handling failure in this timestamp of 12:8 PM when checking my past payments at my medical provider." I hope he's still with us.



Literary critic Jay commented "Going back in time to be able to update your work after it gets published but before everyone else in your same space time fabric gets to see your mistakes, that's privilege." This kind of error is usually an artifact of Daylight Saving Time, but it's a day too late.



Lucky Luke H. can take his time with this deal. "The board is proud to approve a 20% discount for the next 8 millenia," he crowed.



At nearly the other end of the entire modern era, Carlos found himself with a nostalgic device. "Excel crashed. When it came back, it did so showing this update banner." Some programmer confused "restore state" with the English Restoration. Not that state, bub.



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