Someone online said we run a Mickey Mouse outfit. Angered beyond words, we consulted [email protected] and they threatened to find that guy and sue him. So to anyone else who thinks this column is Goofy, you should know that the world's definitive authorities insist that it absolutely is not.
But these guys? This website actually is kind of goofy, according to resolutioner Adam R. who crowed "Someone forgot to localize some text for the new year!"
Fellow resolutioner Brian says he "decided to learn some new skills for the new year, and this came up as part of the introductory lesson. Tip #1: pick a competent vendor."
"The unread email count was unusually high for a Sunday," noted an anonymous reader. Is "email inflation" a thing?
Greek Paul K. comes bearing this gift "Oh sure, lets leave debug on production, what's the worst it can happen? Greek museum fail."
"Maths is hard," muses Matthew S. "but the easy solution is just to make 42 be the answer to everything!"