...to know which way the wind blows. This week, it's been an ill one. Two of our readers sent us references to the BBC's reports on unusual weather in Bristol - one from the web, and one mobile. Maybe that will help you deduce the source of this error.

Frist, Graham F. shared a screenshot of the beeb's mobile app, bellowing "I know Milton is hitting the US hard right now but that's nothing compared to the 14,000 mph winds here!"



Snecod, Jeremy P. confirms the story and provides some details from the web page. "BBC weather is clipping windspeed making it look like it's only 5909mph and not 15909mph... At least they realise something is wrong."



Some anonymous American shared a snap of their weather station, which was worth a little chuckle. "Whether you like it or not, it's the weather, sort of. And, no, this wasn't during the recent eclipse." It would have been worse if the crescent had been a "sunny and clear" icon, though, given the time of day that the snap was taken. All in all, I have to call this "not an error'd".



We had to dig into the surplus bin to pad out the theme with this pair from Stuart H. He opens with "I can only assume that the forecast is for Hell or a point between the surface and the center of the Sun! I think I need to turn the aircon up a few notches."



"And following on from the forecast on the front-page - it's even worse for the rest of the world!"



Finally Eric K. reported a temperature extreme "Hellfire or extinguished sun? My weather app seems unsure of which type of apocalyptic weather conditions we're currently experiencing." But I also note this represents an unusually high level of humidity. I haven't checked but maybe one of our readers will look up these coordinates and let us know which burg has been obliterated.