
After surviving 35 years, dozens of languages, hundreds of projects, thousands of meetings and millions of LOC, I now teach the basics to the computer-phobic

Aug 2013

Coding Practices MUST Be Followed

by in Feature Articles on

Marcin Wichary, Posted to Creative Commons Jan 05, 2006When a new company is formed, it's usually just the owner, possibly some partners, and a small staff. As they figure out how the business is to be run, they come up with their own ways of doing things. Over time, the staff grows, and more rules are created about how this or that is to be done. Eventually, it reaches critical mass, and all of these rules get quantified into written guidelines. Sometimes this can be a good thing. For example, coding style guidelines, if done correctly, can be a good thing.

Unfortunately, beyond a certain point, the company becomes bureaucratic, and the folks making the rules tend to be insulated from the bigger picture. People start clarifying rules to add finer grained detail. To the point of lunacy. You get stuff like instructions on whether of not to put a space before a semicolon; in which corner of the page a staple should be used, and at what angle it should be to the page, or how many sheets of TP to use for #1 vs. #2, and whether you should choose one ply or two ply. The rules start to resemble a mindless automaton, blindly forging ahead, without thought, sensibility or sentience. It's enough to suck the life out of any well-meaning effort.

Don't Be Evil

by in CodeSOD on

Many things in life can be joined. You can join two pieces of wood to construct something useful. You can join a club. You can join with a person of your choosing. Joins can be good things. Sometimes...

Doug K. was working on utilities to manage applications. Among other things, this would entail keeping track of which administrators were responsible for each application. As a first pass, the developers came up with a table like so:

The Last Straw

by in Feature Articles on

In the beginning, The Founder had a vision. He hired Manoj P. to develop a shiny brand new system that would embody The Founder's vision. He would have the freedom to design and build it any way he wanted. He could choose his own languages, tools and methodologies. The Founder laid out his vision and Manoj started typing. Thus was born Team WTF at what would become WTF-Inc.

Over the next few years, Manoj would encourage The Founder to hire his comrades to help. And help they did; they copied and pasted each other's code hither and yon, over and over. Features were added. The code and functionality grew at an astounding rate. Unfortunately, none of them had ever heard of the concepts of scalability, threading or aging off data. As features and customers were added, the database grew geometrically. Along with the hardware requirements to support it. And the cost. It was at this point that The Founder had an epiphany; let's hire someone who has more than 2 years of experience to help sort out the mess. Enter Snoofle.