
After surviving 35 years, dozens of languages, hundreds of projects, thousands of meetings and millions of LOC, I now teach the basics to the computer-phobic

Jan 2015

We're Not Gonna Pay It..Anymore

by in Feature Articles on

TWISTED SISTER!! DEE SNYDER!!!!In the world of software development, you have customers, who request and ultimately use the software, and development organizations, who build and test said software. Of course, it's never that simple. At some point, the customer has to try using the software in order to sign off on it.

At least in a sane business arrangement. Sometimes, things get all twisted around.

Images...Why Settle for Just One?

by in CodeSOD on

Grab a know you want to!We've all seen folks who have trouble dealing with for-switch statements, exception handling, dates/times and so forth. As such, it should come as no surprise that people have at least as much trouble dealing with images.

In practice, there are only so many things you can do with an image. You can load it from a file or URL. You can calculate its size. You can stuff it into some buffer. You can even display it in a variety of ways. As long as you have a graphics library handy, one would think that these things would be fairly straightforward tasks.

Getting the Green Light

by in Feature Articles on

greenlightTests. What can you really say about them? They are a royal pain to write and an even bigger pain to keep current as code changes. Nevertheless, we all (should) write them because they help verify that changes to the code don't break something and that the code works properly.

Of course, in order to be of any real value, the tests need to be useful tests. For example, a test to verify that setting the value of an integer to 5 and then immediately reading that integer to see if it's actually 5 doesn't really add any value. The same applies to tests like this: