
After surviving 35 years, dozens of languages, hundreds of projects, thousands of meetings and millions of LOC, I now teach the basics to the computer-phobic

Apr 2015

Source History Information Tool

by in Feature Articles on

In technology as in life, some folks get it, and some don’t. Trying to make the ones who don’t get it get it can sometimes challenge even the hardiest of tech-souls. Michelle made a valiant effort to enlighten one such individual, and failed. This is her story.


The Third (Party) Circle of Hell

by in Feature Articles on

While Ian was working at Initech, one of the major projects he undertook was an integration with a third-party vendor. They had recently gotten set up with this product that became known internally as the Third Circle of Hell (3CoH), and wanted to export some data from it over to the vendor's website. Sales agents needed some information during cold calls, and 3CoH promised to provide the data interactively, so that they could continue their call somewhat intelligently.

Circle of Jheronimus Bosch - Hell landscape

Getting in to the 3CoH might be easy, but getting out is another matter.

Delete if Not Exists

by in CodeSOD on

Early in life, we learn to grab the food and then put in in our mouths. Later, it's grab the ball and then roll it. In general, you must have something before you can attempt to do something with it.

...Or so you'd think.