Recent Coded Smorgasbord

Inspired by the Pop-up Potpourri, the examples presented here aren't necessarily "bad" code nor do they imply the miserable failure that we're all used to reading here. The examples are more-or-less fun snippets of code like ones that we've all written at one time or another.

Nov 2012

The New TODO and More

by in Coded Smorgasbord on

While wading through hundreds of disallowed implicit casts and such from turning option strict on for a large project, Tevildo came across this little gem.

Sort of like Visual Studio's comment tasks except potentially visible to the user. Who knows, it might actually get attended to if a user reports it as a bug.

Code Comedians

by in Coded Smorgasbord on

When it comes to bad code, everybody thinks they’re a comedian. Heck, look at us! Stupid programmer jokes are a game everyone can play, though, so let’s enjoy an evening at the Improv with some code comedians.

Brian sends us this enum, which I’m sure was very funny back in 2007.

Truth or Sim

by in Coded Smorgasbord on

A huge number of the bad code submitted to TDWTF is related to dates. This isn’t all that surprising- dates are very complex data structures with a vast number of possible representations and huge cultural variations.

I have no idea what the excuse is for all the bad code relating to booleans. Today, let's take a moment to explore some philosophy, and see if we can understand what truth really is.