Recent Representative Line

A single line of code from a large application that somehow manages to provide an almost endless insight into the pain that its maintainers face each day.

Jan 2018

As the Clock Terns

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Hydranix” can’t provide much detail about today’s code, because they’re under a “strict NDA”. All they could tell us was that it’s C++, and it’s part of a “mission critical” front end package. Honestly, I think this line speaks for itself:

(mil == 999 ? (!(mil = 0) && (sec == 59 ? 
  (!(sec = 0) && (min == 59 ? 
    (!(min = 0) && (++hou)) : ++min)) : ++sec)) : ++mil);

The Mystery of the SmallInt

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PT didn’t provide very much information about today’s Representative Line.

Clearly bits and bytes was not something studied in this SQL stored procedure author. Additionally, Source control versions are managed with comments. OVER 90 Thousand!

Tern Back

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In the process of resolving a ticket, Pedro C found this representative line, which has nothing to do with the bug he was fixing, but was just something he couldn’t leave un-fixed:

$categories = (isset($categoryMap[$product['department']]) ?
                                        : NULL) : NULL);