Recent CodeSOD

Code Snippet Of the Day (CodeSOD) features interesting and usually incorrect code snippets taken from actual production code in a commercial and/or open source software projects.

Dec 2019

Caga Tió

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As we plow into the holiday season, it’s important to remember that each submission- each bit of bad code, each horror story, each personal confession- is its own little gift to us. And, when you write a bit of bad code, you can think of it as a gift for whoever follows you.

Photograph of a typical contemporary Tió

We Go to School

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Sometimes, it feels like any programming question you might have has a thread on StackOverflow. It might not have an answer, but it’s probably there. Between that, online guidebooks, tools with decent documentation, YouTube programming tutorials there are a lot of great ways to learn how to solve any given programming task.

Andreas R had a programming task. Specifically, Andreas wanted to create sortable tables that worked like those on MediaWiki sites. A quick google for “sort html table” turned up a source which offered… this.

An Advent Calendar

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Java date-time handling was notoriously bad for the vast majority of Java's lifetime. It was so bad that a third party library, Joda-Time, was the defacto standard for Java date processing until finally, in Java 8, the features, functionality, and design of Joda-Time were adopted into Java. JSR-310 added refinements to conventional datetime objects, like Timestamps and LocalDates, but also added useful classes like Instant (an immutable instant in time) and DateTimeFormatters that had a conventional and flexible API for doing date formatting and parsing.

Since JSR-310, it's easy to write good date handling code in Java.

Null Serializer

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Nulls cause problems. Usually, they’re not big problems, but if a field might have a value- or none at all- we have to be careful with how we handle it.

Languages like C# have added Nullable types, which wrap around those problems. But sometimes, you need to cross a boundary between systems. When you send the C# data to JSON, how do you want to represent null values?

An Endpoint's Plugin

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Heidi is doing some support work and maintenance on a application owned by a government agency. Currently, the work environment is a bit of a bureaucratic nightmare where you can’t do even the mildest code change without going through four hundred layers of paperwork, signoff, and consensus building. This isn’t just normal government stuff- it’s coming straight as a reaction to the previous work done on this project.

Heidi was specifically trying to track down a bug where one of the generated documents was displaying incorrect data. That lead her to this method in their C# web code:

Crank the Volume

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When using generic types in a language like Java, nesting generics is a code smell. That is to say, a type like List<Map<String, T>> is probably a sign that you've gone off the path and should rethink how you're structuring your program. Similarly, types that depend on more than one or two generic type parameters are probably a code smell as well.

If those are a "code smell" this code Adam S found is a "code sewage treatment plan in dire need of a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency".

Failure To Process

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Karl supplies us with an unusual bit of code. In the vein of a "true confession", it's code Karl wrote. In the vein of a good WTF, it had to be written like this because of bad choices made earlier in the pipeline.

But the code itself isn't a WTF. It's not good, but… well…

An Utter Mockery

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Today's submitter gave us their name as simply ImminentBurnout. IB works at a company that uses Python and has strong opinions about unit testing. They don't have much understanding to go with those opinions, but they definitely have opinions.

One opinion is that every object- every object must have a stub version to facilitate unit testing. Now, if you're familiar with Python, you know the MagicMock library is built-in in Python 3 and is available as a dependency in 2.7, so problem solved. A MagicMock can act as a stub for every class or method. Plus, it has patching operators to dynamically swap out implementations.

List Incomprehension

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Loads of languages, like Python, have some sort of "comprehension" as a form of syntactic sugar. Instead of doing something awkward like:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
res = []
for x in my_list:
# res contains: [1, 4, 9, 16]