Recent Feature Articles

Apr 2024

Two Pizzas for ME

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Gloria was a senior developer at IniMirage, a company that makes custom visualizations for their clients. Over a few years, IniMirage had grown to more than 100 people, but was still very much in startup mode. Because of that, Gloria tried to keep her teams sized for two pizzas. Thomas, the product manager, on the other hand, felt that the company was ready to make big moves, and could scale up the teams: more people could move products faster. And Thomas was her manager, so he was "setting direction."

Gloria's elderly dog had spent the night at the emergency vet, and the company hadn't grown up to "giving sick days" yet, so she was nursing a headache from lack of sleep, when Thomas tried to initiate a Slack huddle. He had a habit of pushing the "Huddle" button any time the mood struct, without rhyme or reason.

Taking Up Space

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April Fool's day is a day where websites lie to you or create complex pranks. We've generally avoided the former, but have done a few of the latter, but we also like to just use April Fool's as a chance to change things up.

So today, we're going to do something different. We're going to talk about my Day Job. Specifically, we're going to talk about a tool I use in my day job: cFS.