It was Anthony's second day on the job, and the sixth time he thought to himself, What The Fuuuuuhhhggggg, while searching through the code. At least, he thought that he kept that last sentiment to himself.
Not a moment later, his coworker asked "what is it?" and then scooted his chair over to see Anthony staring at the following code, mouth agape.
declare @lnFirstName varchar(255) declare @lnLastName varchar(255) declare @lnEmailaddr varchar(255) declare @lnTitle varchar(255) declare @lnCompany varchar(255) declare @lnAddress varchar(255) declare @lnCity varchar(255) declare @lnState varchar(255) declare @lnZip varchar(255) declare @lnCountry varchar(255) declare @lnPhone varchar(255) declare @lnFax varchar(255) select @lnSitr0100Id = max([Sitr0100Id]) from Sitr0110 where [Sitr0110Id] = @lnSitr0110Id /* get local variable set with data from record if found */ select @lnFirstName = [FirstName] ,@lnLastName = [LastName] from Sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id /* reset nulls whether found or not */ select @lnFirstName = isnull(@lnFirstName,'') ,@lnLastName = isnull(@lnLastName,'') select @lnEmailaddr = [EmailAddress] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id select @lnTitle = [Title] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnTitle is null begin set @lnTitle = '' end select @lnCompany = [Company] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnCompany is null begin set @lnCompany = '' end select @lnAddress = [Address1] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnAddress is null begin set @lnAddress = '' end select @lnCity = [City] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnCity is null begin set @lnCity = '' end select @lnState = [State] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnState is null begin set @lnState = '' end select @lnZip = [Zip] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnZip is null begin set @lnZip = '' end select @lnCountry = [Country] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnCountry is null begin set @lnCountry = '' end select @lnPhone = [Phone] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnPhone is null begin set @lnPhone = '' end select @lnFax = [Fax] from sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id if @lnFax is null begin set @lnFax = '' end select [Response] = @lnSitr0110Id ,[First] = @lnFirstName ,[Last] = @lnLastName ,[Email] = @lnEmailaddr ,[Title] = @lnTitle ,[Company] = @lnCompany ,[Address] = @lnAddress ,[City] = @lnCity ,[State] = @lnState ,[Zip] = @lnZip ,[Country] = @lnCountry ,[Phone] = @lnPhone ,[Fax] = @lnFax ,[New] = @lnNew ,[Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id
"It's actually better this way," Anthony's coworker said unsarcastically, "you get a lot more control over things when you need to change things later."
It was going to be a really long contract.
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