It's time once again for Bizarre Emails Day! Got one your self? Then mail in your mail!

"It's a good thing unit tests can be turned off so that the build succeeds," Botia wrote, "Otherwise, how could we ever get the changes into production?"

From: John Doe
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 5:09 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: PlannedDevTechLeads
Subject: 793 unit tests in the build!
Please go through the build a GREATLY reduce the number 
of unit tests.
Planned dev will not be responsible for fixing 793 unit 
test every time we try to create a build. As it stands 
now it takes over an hour to run a build and does not 
report the 94 failed unit tests until the end. 

Obviously, planned dev cannot fix this many random unit 
test every release.
If you guys want to leave this many unit tests in that 
is fine, but planned dev will shift all unit test 
support over to you going forward.
Let me know what you guys decide on Monday; it we 
cannot get a build on Monday we will be turning off 
all unit tests for the build so we can get it out.


"I can understand that Devin was upset to find that his lamp had gone missing while he was away on vacation," writes Chris, "but couldn't he have just sent a message to the help desk? "

From:, Anton (M Cont IA)
To:, Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
Sent: Tue Mar 30 11:43:46 2010
Subject: where is my lamp

The lamp from my table disappeared when I was on 
vacations. Could you please help me to return it back?
Thank you
Senior Software Developer

From: Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:49 AM
To: Anton (M Cont IA)
Subject: Re: where is my lamp
I'm sorry about your lamp. What would you suggest I do?


From:, Anton (M Cont IA)
To:, Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
Sent: Tue Mar 30 11:54:41 2010
Subject: RE: where is my lamp

I do not know... as I understand some service people 
removed lamps from a lot of desks. Some people did not 
allow them to do this, but I was on vacation...

Probably you can tell me who did this, by whose order 
or/and who is responsible and what I have to do to 
request the lamp back...

Senior Software Developer

From:, Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:04 PM
To:, Anton (M Cont IA)
Cc: Christopher L. (TR RE Fac)
Subject: Re: where is my lamp
On the assumption that you are serious, I have copied 
Chris T---- in our real estate group who can look into 
the great lamp caper. I wish you all the best.


From: Anton (M Cont IA)
To: Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
Cc: Christopher L. (TR RE Fac)
Sent: Tue Mar 30 12:16:08 2010
Subject: RE: where is my lamp

I sent these emails mistakenly not looking at where I send
them. I am so sorry. Please accept my apologies.
Senior Software Developer

From: Devin N. (M CEO Ofc)
To: Anton (M Cont IA)
Cc: Christopher L. (TR RE Fac)
Sent: Tue Mar 30 12:25:58 2010
Subject: Re: where is my lamp

Don't apologize. Its ok. Chris will sort it out.



 Jason has a funny feeling that the new tech might not work out in the long run.


"When a user submitted this support request," wrote John, "the best suggestion I could offer was that perhaps all representives were busy?" 

From: G-----------------------
Sent: October-05-10 12:31 PM
To: John --------
Cc: John --------
Subject: Touch Tone not working
Hi John,
Further to my prior email, I received a call from 
Q-------- on my cell phone blackberry voice mail.   I 
called my cell phone from my line to retrieve my voice
mail. When I listened to the voice message, and it asked 
me to “Press 1” to be able to talk to a representative. 
I pressed “1” on my Astra phone but it didn’t transfer. 

Please advise on how fix this.


 "A user had a question about a drive on her machine," writes Isky, "Thankfully, she included a diagram to reduce the possibility of any confusion on our part."

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