Dave wrote, "Found this comment dated from three years ago. I sure hope that vacation ended well."
//TODO: ask terry about this when he comes back from vacation
//row["VERSION"] = (decimal)row["VERSION"] + 1;


Stephen recently re-encountered a comment despite chipping away at it and putting portions in other classes and DLLs, it is still declared in most of their code files.

CodeSOD (submitted from SubmitToWTF Visual Studio Add-In):
/// Behold! The mighty God Object of ! Errr, I mean, this is the class for the main window.
public partial class Form1 : Form


Adam K. wrote, "I was a bit puzzled when I saw comment like that in a code of a big banking app. Thank goodness for my Secret Programmers' Society Decoder ring!"

 * 506C6561736520646F6E277420626C616D65206D652E20436F64
 * 65207772697474656E2062656C6F77206973206E6F74206D696E
 * 652E497420776173207772697474656E20616761696E7374206D
 * 652E


Saheed found some ...."descriptive"... messages while investigating why Pokki failed during a software update.

[0408/101001:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101001:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101617:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101617:INFO:CONSOLE(38)] "ONLINE", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform.js (38)
[0408/101619:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101619:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101619:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101619:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101624:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101624:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101629:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101629:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101634:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101634:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101639:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101639:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101644:INFO:CONSOLE(48)] "fetch that shit", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (48)
[0408/101644:INFO:CONSOLE(54)] "widget script load error", source: file:///C:/Users/alien/AppData/Local/Pokki/Engine/sysapps/notifications/assets/scripts/platform/controllers/recommended.js (54)
[0408/101841:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2
[0408/101841:INFO:dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.cc(265)] Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: 2


Dominic Black was trying to track down a Shell Script/Java problem on a new server and came across this little gem of a JVM error:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (assembler_x86.cpp:523), pid=13550, tid=140018232325888 
#  Error: ShouldNotReachHere() 
# JRE version: 7.0_05-b06 
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.1-b03 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) 
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again 
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# hs_err_pid13550.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp


Jelle J. stumbled upon a rather philosophical comment while updating another author's code.

	If (...){...}
	If (...){...}
	ElseIf (...){...}
	ElseIf (...){...}
	ElseIf (...){...}
	Else {...}
	If (...){
			If (...){...}
			ElseIf (...){
						If (...){...}
						ElseIf (...){...}
						ElseIf (...){...}	
						Else {...}				
			ElseIf (...){...}
						If (...){...}
						If (...){...}
						If (...){...}
		# Nothing. I just enjoy the simplicity of an empty Else-clause after this cascade of Ifs. 
                # Come to think of it: it's quite philosophical that there is no Else but only an If. 
                # Except this Else then. But that doesn't count. 		

Craig was looking through an older project that he hadn't been in for a couple of years ago and found this comment that he added. Unfortunately, things haven't improved since then. (submitted from SubmitToWTF Visual Studio Add-In):

// Oh well, another global.  It's the accepted way around here apparently.  The 80's called, they want their code back.
extern ShadowMap *gShadowMap;
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