Ben Murphy found a developer who liked to cover all of his bases ... then cover the dug-out ... then the bench. If you think this method to convert input (from 33 to 0.33) is a bit superflous, you should see data validation.
Static Function ConvertPercent(v_value As Double) If v_value > 1 Then ConvertPercent = v_value / 100 ElseIf v_value = 1 Then ConvertPercent = v_value / 100 ElseIf v_value < 1 Then ConvertPercent = v_value / 100 ElseIf v_value = -1 Then ConvertPercent = v_value / 100 Else ConvertPercent = v_value End If End Function
And on another note, I think it's high time we had a logo. If you're the creative type, post your idea (rough draft ok).