Brad has actually discovered what appears to be the second most useless Java class written. Yes, it's almost impossible to follow and replaceable with a single line ... but dang ... it's just too hard to top the ObjectWrapper.

class Rounding {
 public static String toString( double d, int place ) {
        if ( place <= 0 ) {
            return "" + ( int ) ( d + ( ( d > 0 ) ? 0.5 : -0.5 ) );
        String s = "";
        if ( d < 0 ) {
            s += "-";
            d = -d;
        d += 0.5 * Math.pow( 10, -place );
        if ( d > 1 ) {
            int i = ( int ) d;
            s += i;
            d -= i;
        } else {
            s += "0";
        if ( d > 0 ) {
            d += 1.0;
            String f = "" + ( int ) ( d * Math.pow( 10, place ) );
            s += "." + f.substring( 1 );
        return s;



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