When Darwin visited the Galapagos, he saw that the relative isolation of the islands had allowed species to evolve into forms that would never have happened on the mainland. This insight helped him to refine his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Roberto had a similar experience, when one of his co-workers went on vacation . This co-worker didn’t work on any of the regular teams, and spent all of their time working in isolation on projects no one else ever touched. Roberto found something certain to give even Darwin's finches nightmares.

        'Get Demographics
        Dim myubound As Integer = GetDemographics.Count
        If myubound > 0 Then

            Dim a As String
            Dim b As String
            Dim c As String
            Dim d As String
            Dim e3 As String
            Dim f As String
            Dim g As String
            Dim h As String
            Dim i As String
            Dim j As String
            Dim k As String
            Dim l As String
            'Skipping ahead some…
            Dim a1 As String
            Dim b1 As String
            Dim c1 As String
            'Have you gotten the theme, here?
            Dim t2 As String
            Dim u2 As String
            Dim v2 As String
            Dim w2 As String
            Dim x2 As String
            Dim y2 As String
            Dim z2 As String
            Dim data As ArrayList = GetDemographics()

            For Each p As Demographics In data
                If p.Dem_last_name <> "" And p.Dem_first_name <> "" Then

                    a = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'><img src='/content/images/logo.png' Width='150px' /><br /><big><big><big><b>Demographics</b></big></big></big><br />"
                    b = "<small>Patient Name:</small><br />"
                    c = p.Dem_first_name & " " & p.Dem_last_name
                    d = "<br /><br /></td></tr></table><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='85%' bgcolor='#ffffff'><tr><td colspan='5'><b>How did you hear about us?</b><br />"
                    e3 = p.marketing
                    f = "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' width='49%' class='formsheader'><br /><br /><b>Billing Address</b></td><td width='1%'></td><td colspan='2' width='49%' class='formsheader'><br /><br />Secondary Address</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' valign='top'>"
                    g = p.address_line_1 & "<br />"
                    h = p.address_line_2
                    i = "<div class='formsx'><small>Street</small></div></td><td rowspan='2' style='border-left:solID #999;'><img src='/content/images/spacer.png' width='1px' height='1px' /></td><td colspan='2' valign='top'>"
                    j = p.sec_address_line_1 & "<br />"
                    k = p.sec_address_line_2
                    'Cut, so as not to belabor the point
                    x2 = p.PharmName & "<div class='formsx'><small>Pharmacy Name</small></div><br />"
                    y2 = p.PharmStreet & "<br /> " & p.PharmCity & ", " & p.PharmState & "  " & p.PharmZip & "<br /><div class='formsx'><small>Pharmacy Address</small></div></td><td valign='top'><br />"
                    z2 = p.PharmFax & "<br /><div class='formsx'><small>Pharmacy Fax</small></div><br />" & p.PharmPhone & "<br /><div class='formsx'><small>Pharmacy Phone</small></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style='page-break-after:always;'></div></td></tr></table>"

                    Dim _alphalist As String = a & b & c & d & e3 & f & g & h & i & j & k & l & m & n & o & q & r & s & t & u & v & w & x & y & z & a1 & b1 & c1 & d1 & e1 & f1 & g1 & h1 & i1 & j1 & k1 & l1 & m1 & n1 & o1 & p1 & q1 & r1 & s1 & t1 & u1 & v1 & w1 & x1 & y1 & z1 & a2 & b2 & c2 & d2 & e2 & f2 & g2 & h2 & i2 & j2 & k2 & l2 & m2 & n2 & o2 & p2 & q2 & r2 & s2 & t2 & u2 & v2 & w2 & x2 & y2 & z2
                    Dim _demox As New Label
                    _demox.ID = p.email_address
                    _demox.Text = _alphalist
                End If

        ElseIf myubound <= 0 Then
            Dim _demo As New Label
            _demo.ID = "email_address"
            _demo.Text = "No Results"
        End If
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