Today's snippet comes from an issue that Brian discovered in the production code of a large telecomunication company's call center software. It attempts to solve a fairly simple problem: get the handle to a specified window and, if it can't be found, try again for MAX_SECONDS. However, there was a bit of an issue with the default wait time...


// Retrieve the window.
public static IntPtr GetWindow(string className, string title)
    // 86400 is the number of seconds in a day
    return GetWindow(className, title, 86400, IntPtr.Zero); 

// Retrieve the window (with wait and avoid)
public static IntPtr GetWindow(string className, string title, 
                               int maxWaitInSeconds, IntPtr avoidWindow)
    IntPtr window = IntPtr.Zero;
    int max = 86400 * 4;
    int i = 0;

    // 86400 is the number of seconds in a day
    if (maxWaitInSeconds < 86400) 
        max = maxWaitInSeconds * 4;

    window = Win32API.FindWindow(className, title);

    while ( ((window == IntPtr.Zero) 
              || (window != IntPtr.Zero && window == avoidWindow)) 
           && (i++ < max))
        window = Win32API.FindWindow(className, title);
    return window;

Being a call center application, they had a hard time asking the operator to hold until the application finishes waiting twenty-four hours for the process to finish...

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