I can see it now.  Everybody will say how the following bit of Java code that Shawn C. has sent in isn't actually a WTF and is, in fact, quite brilliant.

To a point, I agree - the code works, and leaves the door open for accomodating changes to the structure of the SQL queries themselves. Especially if, some day, in a far flung future when, from out of space, a runaway planet comes hurtling between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction casting civilization into ruin, forcing mankind to re-invent the standard keywords used to retrieve information from databases.

This, dear readers, is what I would consider planning for the future, or at least one of them.

public class DBQueryString 
  protected String mstrSelect; 
  protected String mstrTable; 
  protected String mstrWhere; 
  protected String mstrOrder; 
  public static final String SELECT = "select "; 
  public static final String INSERT = "insert into "; 
  public static final String UPDATE = "update "; 
  public static final String DELETE = "delete "; 
  public static final String SET = " set "; 
  public static final String FROM = " from "; 
  public static final String WHERE = " where "; 
  public static final String AND = " and "; 
  public static final String VALUES = " values "; 
  public static final String ORDER = " order by ";

[other code snipped]

  public String buildQuery() 
    String strQuery = "";

    strQuery = SELECT + this.mstrSelect; 
    strQuery = strQuery + FROM + this.mstrTable; 
    if (this.mstrWhere != null) 
      strQuery = strQuery + WHERE + this.mstrWhere; 

    if (this.mstrOrder != null) 
      strQuery = strQuery + ORDER + this.mstrOrder; 
    LoggingSystem.getLogger().inform(3, strQuery); 
    return strQuery; 


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