I avoid writing software that needs to send emails. It's just annoying code to build, interfacing with mailservers is shockingly frustrating, and honestly, users don't tend to like the emails that my software tends to send. Once upon a time, it was a system which would tell them it was time to calibrate a scale, and the business requirements were basically "spam them like three times a day the week a scale comes do," which shockingly everyone hated.

But Krista inherited some code that sends email. The previous developer was a "senior", but probably could have had a little more supervision and maybe some mentoring on the C# language.

One commit added this method, for sending emails:

private void SendEmail(ExportData exportData, String subject, String fileName1, String fileName2) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.Email)) { WriteToLog("No email address - message not sent"); } else { MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage(); mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(exportData.Email, exportData.PersonName)); mailMsg.Subject = subject; mailMsg.Body = "Exported files attached"; mailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High; mailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.ASCII; mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.EmailCC)) { string[] ccAddress = exportData.EmailCC.Split(';'); foreach (string address in ccAddress) { mailMsg.CC.Add(new MailAddress(address)); } } if (File.Exists(fileName1)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName1)); if (File.Exists(fileName2)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName2)); send(mailMsg); mailMsg.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); } }

That's not so bad, as these things go, though one has to wonder about parameters like fileName1 and fileName2. Do they only ever send exactly two files? Well, maybe when this method was written, but a few commits later, an overloaded version gets added:

private void SendEmail(ExportData exportData, String subject, String fileName1, String fileName2, String fileName3) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.Email)) { WriteToLog("No email address - message not sent"); } else { MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage(); mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(exportData.Email, exportData.PersonName)); mailMsg.Subject = subject; mailMsg.Body = "Exported files attached"; mailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High; mailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.ASCII; mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.EmailCC)) { string[] ccAddress = exportData.EmailCC.Split(';'); foreach (string address in ccAddress) { mailMsg.CC.Add(new MailAddress(address)); } } if (File.Exists(fileName1)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName1)); if (File.Exists(fileName2)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName2)); if (File.Exists(fileName3)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName3)); send(mailMsg); mailMsg.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); } }

And then, a few commits later, someone decided that they needed to send four files, sometimes.

private void SendEmail(ExportData exportData, String subject, String fileName1, String fileName2, String fileName3, String fileName4) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.Email)) { WriteToLog("No email address - message not sent"); } else { MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage(); mailMsg.To.Add(new MailAddress(exportData.Email, exportData.PersonName)); mailMsg.Subject = subject; mailMsg.Body = "Exported files attached"; mailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High; mailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.ASCII; mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(exportData.EmailCC)) { string[] ccAddress = exportData.EmailCC.Split(';'); foreach (string address in ccAddress) { mailMsg.CC.Add(new MailAddress(address)); } } if (File.Exists(fileName1)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName1)); if (File.Exists(fileName2)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName2)); if (File.Exists(fileName3)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName3)); if (File.Exists(fileName4)) mailMsg.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName4)); send(mailMsg); mailMsg.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteToLog(ex.ToString()); } }

Each time someone discovered a new case where they wanted to include a different number of attachments, the previous developer copy/pasted the same code, with minor revisions.

Krista wrote a single version which used a paramarray, which replaced all of these versions (and any other possible versions), without changing the calling semantics.

Though the real WTF is probably still forcing the BodyEncoding to be ASCII at this point in time. There's a whole lot of assumptions about your dataset which are probably not true, or at least no reliably true.

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