Tomiko* inherited some web-scraping/indexing code from Dennis. The code started out just scanning candidate profiles for certain keywords, but grew, mutated, and eventually turned into something that also needed to download their CVs.
Now, Dennis was, as Tomiko puts it, "an interesting engineer". "Any agreed upon standard, he would aggressively oppose, and this can be seen in this code."
"This code" also happens to be in Perl, the "best" language for developers who don't like standards. And, it also happens to be connected to this infrastructure.
So let's start with the code, because this is the rare CodeSOD where the code itself isn't the WTF:
foreach my $n (0 .. @{$lines} - 1)
next if index($lines->[$n], 'RT::Spider::Deepweb::Controller::Factory->make(') == -1;
# Don't let other cv_id survive.
$lines->[$n] =~ s/,\s*cv_id\s*=>[^,)]+//;
$lines->[$n] =~ s/,\s*cv_type\s*=>[^,)]+// if defined $cv_type;
# Insert the new options.
$lines->[$n] =~ s/\)/$opt)/;
Okay, so it's a pretty standard for-each loop. We skip lines if they contain… wait, that looks like a Perl expression- RT::Spider::Deepweb::Controller::Factory->make('
? Well, let's hold onto that thought, but keep trucking on.
Next, we do a few find-and-replace operations to ensure that we Don't let other cv_id survive
. I'm not really sure what exactly that's supposed to mean, but Tomiko says, "Dennis never wrote a single meaningful comment".
Well, the regexes are pretty standard character-salad expressions; ugly, but harmless. If you take this code in isolation, it's not good, but it doesn't look terrible. Except, there's that next if
line. Why are we checking to see if the input data contains a Perl expression?
Because our input data is a Perl script. Dennis was… efficient. He already had code that would download the candidate profiles. Instead of adding new code to download CVs, instead of refactoring the existing code so that it was generic enough to download both, Dennis instead decided to load the profile code into memory, scan it with regexes, and then eval
As Tomiko says: "You can't get more Perl than that."