• (cs) in reply to jonsjava
    Ok, I know that the USPS isn't the most efficient, but I can't think of the last time I saw a zip code longer than 10 (5didgit, dash, +4). Phone number being 255? wow. I'd hate to see the phone bill associated with that long distance call.....

    I was going to go all witty with this, but there are too many WTFs associated with this.

    Try looking at all your junk mail again.

    There is now an 11-digit zip, broken into groups of 5, 4, and 2 digits.

  • (cs) in reply to Ozru
    Ok, I know that the USPS isn't the most efficient, but I can't think of the last time I saw a zip code longer than 10 (5didgit, dash, +4). Phone number being 255? wow. I'd hate to see the phone bill associated with that long distance call.....

    I was going to go all witty with this, but there are too many WTFs associated with this.

    Try looking at all your junk mail again.

    There is now an 11-digit zip, broken into groups of 5, 4, and 2 digits.

    Yikes! get out of my mail!

  • JV (unregistered) in reply to campkev
    Crash Magnet:
    For those of us who don't speak sql, what the Fuuuuuhhhggggg is wrong with this?

    Um, where to start? Let's see, there's this mess

    @lnSitr0100Id      = max([Sitr0100Id])
    from Sitr0110 where [Sitr0110Id] = @lnSitr0110Id

    which does absolutely nothing.

    But the major WTF is that this whole page long crapfest could be written as:

    select @lnSitr0110Id as Response,
    IsNull(FirstName,'') as First,
    IsNull(LastName,'') as Last,
    IsNull(EmailAddress,'') as Email,
    IsNull(Title,'') as Title,
    IsNull(Company,'') as Company, 
    IsNull(Address1,'') as Address, 
    IsNull(City,'') as City, 
    IsNull(State,'') as State,
    IsNull(Zip,'') as Zip, 
    IsNull(Country,'') as Country, 
    IsNull(Phone,'') as Phone, 
    IsNull(Fax,'') as Fax, 
    @lnNew as New, 
    @lnSitr0100Id as Sitr0100Id
    where Sitr0100Id = @lnSitr0100Id

    I agree with this. But being somewhat of a newbie to SQL, I've always declared my columns with a NOT NULL constraint to avoid the whole null issue. Are there downside to doing that?

        CREATE TABLE sitr0100
          (First as ntext NOT NULL,
           Last as ntext NOT NULL,
  • Americium (unregistered) in reply to Dana
    It's standard practice to name SQL variables beginning with @.

    No, the @-symbol is not standard SQL. It is a Microsoft T-SQL distortion.

    The Embedded SQL standard uses a colon to indicate a host variable like :first_name.

    Also, Embedded SQL uses an INTO clause rather than = for variable assignments.

    SELECT FIRST, LAST INTO :first_name, :last_name FROM EMP WHERE EMP_ID = 10;

    The stored procedures standard, i.e. Persistent Stored Modules (PSM) might also use colons. Check the documentation. All implementation are non-standard today.

  • random cube jockey (unregistered) in reply to Ron Moses
    Ron Moses:
    To put it in simpler terms, let's say you want to buy a dozen donuts. You tell the clerk which donuts you want; he takes each donut from the case and places it in a separate bag. Once he's got all twelve bags lined up on the counter in front of him, each with a single donut in it, he opens each bag in turn and puts the donut into a dozen box. Once all twelve donuts are in the box, he closes it and hands it to you.

    Then his co-worker, noticing your puzzled expression, comes along and explains that it's better to do it this way in case you change your mind about one of the donuts and he has to swap it out. And you look at him, and the clerk, and realize the two of them have been doing crack all morning. The end.

    This is by far the best explanation for a story to date.

  • Not Microsoft (unregistered) in reply to Patrick
    And why do all the variables start @ln, or is it @In?

    That's dafter than tables starting tbl.

    That's nothing, I have to deal with all tables starting with "table_", which gets picked up by the syntax checker before I'm finished. Prefixing names (or Hungarian Notation, in this case) is useful only for form controls when you want to tell the difference between txtSearch and btnSearch. Other than that, it's usually a sign of an incoming wtf-bomb.

    I blame XML for "let's make the names of everything be 100% self describing". That and dolts on facebook whose handles are "ShallowJerseyGirlWhoLovesColliesAndItalianFood"

  • DB Master (DB Faster) (unregistered) in reply to JV
    I agree with this. But being somewhat of a newbie to SQL, I've always declared my columns with a NOT NULL constraint to avoid the whole null issue. Are there downside to doing that?
        CREATE TABLE sitr0100
          (First as ntext NOT NULL,
           Last as ntext NOT NULL,

    nope, not really. a column should only allow nulls if it's actually valid for it to contain no data (and yes, and empty string is different to no data. i can't remember why that is the case off the top of my head, but it's true! look it up.)

    you wanna watch those ntexts though, unless you're constrained to mssql2k or lower i'd go with nvarchar(max) (the ntext will be gone one day).

    also, if in your example "First" is a name, i'd consider taking into account that normal people don't have names that long. but that might just be me.

    carry on good sirs.

  • Spike (unregistered) in reply to Patrick
    And why do all the variables start @ln, or is it @In?

    That's dafter than tables starting tbl.

    That's nothing, I have to deal with all tables starting with "table_", which gets picked up by the syntax checker before I'm finished. Prefixing names (or Hungarian Notation, in this case) is useful only for form controls when you want to tell the difference between txtSearch and btnSearch. Other than that, it's usually a sign of an incoming wtf-bomb.

    The original intent of Hungarian notation was to hold additional, and necessary, information about a variable; e.x. msTime, meaning time in milliseconds. This information was originally called the variable's 'type.' 'type' was defined in the paper, however various people didn't read the definition and assumed 'type' to mean the literal type of variable (integer etc.).

    some info about this can be found here http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html

  • (cs)

    Yeah, that's about the point where I say "fuck it" and fire up Profiler.

  • drobnox (unregistered) in reply to Not Microsoft
    That and dolts on facebook whose handles are "ShallowJerseyGirlWhoLovesColliesAndItalianFood"

    Hey! I object! I just friended her a couple days ago. We went to high school together, and she's a really sweet person. Shame! Shame on you!

  • Sam (unregistered) in reply to Ron Moses
    Ron Moses:
    To put it in simpler terms, let's say you want to buy a dozen donuts. You tell the clerk which donuts you want; he takes each donut from the case and places it in a separate bag. Once he's got all twelve bags lined up on the counter in front of him, each with a single donut in it, he opens each bag in turn and puts the donut into a dozen box. Once all twelve donuts are in the box, he closes it and hands it to you.

    Then his co-worker, noticing your puzzled expression, comes along and explains that it's better to do it this way in case you change your mind about one of the donuts and he has to swap it out. And you look at him, and the clerk, and realize the two of them have been doing crack all morning. The end.

    That is by far the best analogy for why this is bad that I have ever seen, heard or thought of.

    You sir, are a genius because you made me laugh at the end of a very hard day.

  • (cs) in reply to JV
    I agree with this. But being somewhat of a newbie to SQL, I've always declared my columns with a NOT NULL constraint to avoid the whole null issue. Are there downside to doing that?
        CREATE TABLE sitr0100
          (First as ntext NOT NULL,
           Last as ntext NOT NULL,

    As far as I'm concerned, not only is there nothing wrong with that, but also I would even go so far as to say that should be your default for all columns unless you have a specific reason to make it otherwise.

  • (cs) in reply to DB Master (DB Faster)
    DB Master (DB Faster):
    <snip>also, if in your example "First" is a name, i'd consider taking into account that normal people don't have names that long. but that might just be me.
    What do you do about abnormal people?
  • (cs)

    Why do you guys want crack, don't you know there are drugs in it?

  • (cs) in reply to Ibi-Wan Kentobi
    Ibi-Wan Kentobi:
    Mike Dimmick:
    (ordering by the ID in reverse and taking the top result is the same as selecting MAX(Sitr0100Id))


    In output yes, but in performance NO! Max() / Min() is O(n) whereas sort (ORDER) is at best O(n log(n))

    For small n it doesn't matter, but for large n.....

    If you were searching through a flat file yes, but in a database NO!

    Max(), Min(), and SELECT TOP 1 FROM ... ORDER BY are all O(1) in a table indexed by the field in question -- which this table certainly should be, given this usage.

    No, actually, he's right. It's bizarre, but true. Under some circumstances, TOP 1 combined with ORDER BY can result in an index scan on the sort column, compared with an index seek and stream aggregate using MAX(...). Worse, if your index is in ascending order and you use ORDER BY DESC, the performance can be absolutely brutal.

    I've never been able to figure out exactly what triggers it, but I can point to one table in one of our databases that has exactly this behaviour. If I do:

    FROM Table
    WHERE SomeField = 1
    ORDER BY OtherField DESC

    Then I get a horrific index scan that takes forever. Note that SomeField is the first field in a clustered index, and OtherField is the primary key (which is nonclustered, and yes, there is a good reason for that). Note also that this table has billions of rows, so maybe there's just something in there that's confusing the optimizer. Nevertheless, huge difference in performance.

  • Wodin (unregistered) in reply to Aaron
    Also note that isnull is not index-friendly, so it is probably a bit slower than it should be.
    Um, no?

    There is actually no non-trivial function that is "index-friendly" if used as part of a WHERE clause - only the columns themselves are indexed, and if you chuck it into any function, the optimizer has to scan the whole index. But applying a function to the query's output has almost no effect on performance unless the function itself is extremely slow, which ISNULL definitely isn't.

    With PostgreSQL you are able to create indexes of functions of columns, so you could index UPPER(some_column) instead of some_column itself if you intend to use UPPER(some_column) in a where clause quite often. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/indexes-expressional.html
    This entire hunk of junk could have been written as one SELECT statement with a bunch of ISNULLs, and would run in about 1/50th of the time.
    Or you could use COALESCE to be more portable, I think.

  • BK (unregistered) in reply to Aaron
    Note that SomeField is the first field in a clustered index, and OtherField is the primary key (which is nonclustered, and yes, there is a good reason for that).

    it might be because there are plenty lots of rows where SomeField = 1 . Just guessing.

  • (cs)

    I'm forced to work with the company wide system, which has all table and field names without vowels, including 'y', unless it's first or last Letter, or in ID. Double letters are truncated down to one.

    So you'll find a table like XmUsrsTms (Users Teams), with columns such as CpCseNts (Case Notes), CpFrstClntAdrs (First Client Address - yes, that's another typical problem)

    Also, instead of using an identity columnn in the tables, there is another table of tables along with the next ID to use. To add a new record, you have to go to this table and get the next ID and update the record.

    Also, there are no stored procedures, views or functions, or lookup tables.

    I did think, due to the table naming convention, that all the problems were just down to ignorance, but I think that certainly the latter two are designed to 'keep the mystery'. Especially as the table IDs are made even more problematic by the consuming application these people built NOT using transactions when using them - effectively preventing external addition to the tables.

    Same with the SPs, both mean even quite trivial external messing with the data has to be done by the developers. Need to add a record anywhere? They have to build a webservice or new screen for it.

    I'm not saying that this is the case here, that's just some BASIC developer sitting down in front of SQL for the first time.

    "Hmm, what's first? Declare some variables, now fill them, then output them, what's the point of this "select" in every line, tch! What a waste of time. OK. EXECUTE. Oops, some values are NULL, I need to check if they're Null somehow, Oh good, they have an IF at least. Right, sorted.

    EXECUTE. What's wrong with the 'THEN' You stupid machine???"

    Phew! I hope it's not always this complicated.

    I remember reading my first TSQL Lessons and thinking, "I'm on lesson 3, and they've not even mentioned how you loop yet FFS!".

  • (cs)

    if @lnFax is null begin set @lnFax = '' end

    I love this snippet

  • blunder (unregistered) in reply to Spike
    The original intent of Hungarian notation was to hold additional, and necessary, information about a variable; e.x. msTime, meaning time in milliseconds. This information was originally called the variable's 'type.' 'type' was defined in the paper, however various people didn't read the definition and assumed 'type' to mean the literal type of variable (integer etc.).

    some info about this can be found here http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html

    Sorry, but I find that to be almost as dumb/OCD as his blogging about aliased fonts. Maybe it works for his eyes, but after reading "sName" enough times I'd want to sName somebody upside the head.

    Although he writes off abstraction as not suitable for this situation, I have a hunch that it would work decently.

    This may not be the best idea either...but why not make an object that contains the string and a flag stating if it's safe, and a method for cleaning the string and changing the flag? Then you change Write to something that will work transparently with your object or with a string, but throw an exception if you pass it the new datatype and "unsafe."

    I don't know, there's got to be something better than creating that much new syntactic sugar. Type checking is something the computer can do better than your eyes, which is why HN is superfluous to begin with. I don't think that "type" in this cases matches a built-in language type matters, it's still treated the same way.

    Who knows, I haven't been doing this as long as any of you and I wouldn't be offended if anyone pointed out why what I'm saying or what I proposed is way off.

  • (cs) in reply to ChrisSamsDad
    I remember reading my first TSQL Lessons and thinking, "I'm on lesson 3, and they've not even mentioned how you loop yet FFS!".
    Damn straight. The first lesson of any SQL course should consist solely of basic set theory and an explanation of why they will fail the course immediately if they ever use a loop or a cursor.

    And why empty strings are not the same as nulls, regardless of what Larry Ellison says.

  • SurturZ (unregistered) in reply to operagost
    Ron Moses:
    And you look at him, and the clerk, and realize the two of them have been doing crack all morning. The end.

    Obviously I have misunderstood the phrase 'crack programmer' all these years.

  • SurturZ (unregistered) in reply to woodle
    And why empty strings are not the same as nulls, regardless of what Larry Ellison says.

    That's why I always make sure to train my users to type empty strings into the user interface instead of nulls.


  • SurturZ (unregistered) in reply to blunder
    The original intent of Hungarian notation was to hold additional, and necessary, information about a variable; e.x. msTime, meaning time in milliseconds. This information was originally called the variable's 'type.' 'type' was defined in the paper, however various people didn't read the definition and assumed 'type' to mean the literal type of variable (integer etc.).

    some info about this can be found here http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Wrong.html

    Sorry, but I find that to be almost as dumb/OCD as his blogging about aliased fonts. Maybe it works for his eyes, but after reading "sName" enough times I'd want to sName somebody upside the head.

    Although he writes off abstraction as not suitable for this situation, I have a hunch that it would work decently.

    This may not be the best idea either...but why not make an object that contains the string and a flag stating if it's safe, and a method for cleaning the string and changing the flag? Then you change Write to something that will work transparently with your object or with a string, but throw an exception if you pass it the new datatype and "unsafe."

    I don't know, there's got to be something better than creating that much new syntactic sugar. Type checking is something the computer can do better than your eyes, which is why HN is superfluous to begin with. I don't think that "type" in this cases matches a built-in language type matters, it's still treated the same way.

    Who knows, I haven't been doing this as long as any of you and I wouldn't be offended if anyone pointed out why what I'm saying or what I proposed is way off.

    I'm with you. BASIC used to have type declaration codes that were enforced by the compiler e.g. $ for string, % for integer etc.

    So they deprecated them and encouraged hungarian notation (strBlah, intBlah) which was more effort to type, and unenforced by the compiler.

    Then Microsoft said forget hungarian, use strict typing and use intellisense to view the variable type - and let the compiler enforce type checking.

    Now they've defeated that by adding type inference to .NET despite the great VB4 "Variant data type" fiasco of the 1990s... sigh...

  • resa (unregistered) in reply to Ron Moses
    Ron Moses:
    To put it in simpler terms, let's say you want to buy a dozen donuts. You tell the clerk which donuts you want; he takes each donut from the case and places it in a separate bag. Once he's got all twelve bags lined up on the counter in front of him, each with a single donut in it, he opens each bag in turn and puts the donut into a dozen box. Once all twelve donuts are in the box, he closes it and hands it to you.

    Then his co-worker, noticing your puzzled expression, comes along and explains that it's better to do it this way in case you change your mind about one of the donuts and he has to swap it out. And you look at him, and the clerk, and realize the two of them have been doing crack all morning. The end.

    Teh awesome!

  • Mahesh Velaga (unregistered) in reply to Ron Moses
    Ron Moses:
    To put it in simpler terms, let's say you want to buy a dozen donuts. You tell the clerk which donuts you want; he takes each donut from the case and places it in a separate bag. Once he's got all twelve bags lined up on the counter in front of him, each with a single donut in it, he opens each bag in turn and puts the donut into a dozen box. Once all twelve donuts are in the box, he closes it and hands it to you.

    Then his co-worker, noticing your puzzled expression, comes along and explains that it's better to do it this way in case you change your mind about one of the donuts and he has to swap it out. And you look at him, and the clerk, and realize the two of them have been doing crack all morning. The end.

    Awesome .. story in a (do{Nut}shell)

  • N Morrison (unregistered) in reply to jonsjava
    Ok, I know that the USPS isn't the most efficient, but I can't think of the last time I saw a zip code longer than 10 (5didgit, dash, +4). Phone number being 255? wow. I'd hate to see the phone bill associated with that long distance call...
    Did you miss the ... "declare @lnCountry varchar(255)" ???

    Not every country in the world uses 5+4 zip codes -- and not every country in the world uses 10 digit phone numbers. Why is it so hard to convince Americans of this?

  • grzlbrmft (unregistered) in reply to N Morrison

    Did you miss the ... "declare @lnCountry varchar(255)" ???

    Not every country in the world uses 5+4 zip codes -- and not every country in the world uses 10 digit phone numbers. Why is it so hard to convince Americans of this?[/quote]

    Well, at least the @lnTitle is long enough that all the titles fit in: "Prof Dr. rer., Dr. nat, Dark Lord, Holder of the Brass Scepter of the Dukedom of Whereveristan, Keeper of the goals, Warden of the Reindeer etc. pp. "

    However, it is true, ZIP codes and Phone numbers must be strings and long enough for everyone. Surely 255 chars is a bit of of overhead, though. I guess 30 should be enough by far.

    At least they chose varchar...

  • (cs)

    Actually, I think that the reason for 255 is a bit different. Unless you /really/ want to impose some kind of length limit, there is no point in putting anything else there than the maximum. A DB column declared as varchar(10) will take up just as much space as a column declared varchar(255). But if you declare it as varchar(10), you'll run into trouble later if for some reason you will need to store a longer string there.

  • DB Master (DB Faster) (unregistered) in reply to pjt33
    DB Master (DB Faster):
    <snip>also, if in your example "First" is a name, i'd consider taking into account that normal people don't have names that long. but that might just be me.
    What do you do about abnormal people?

    give them crack, and eat donuts while I watch the ensuing fun

  • Elvis (unregistered)

    Good lord. That's all I can say.....wtf??????

  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to Coward
    Why would you use a decimal? Wouldn't it make more sense to use a NUMBER(1)?

    Why not using a boolean type for a boolean value?

    I agree with this. But being somewhat of a newbie to SQL, I've always declared my columns with a NOT NULL constraint to avoid the whole null issue. Are there downside to doing that?
        CREATE TABLE sitr0100
          (First as ntext NOT NULL,
           Last as ntext NOT NULL,
    (snip)unless you have a specific reason to make it otherwise.

    The downside / specific reason is, what do you do when somebody has no, say, fax number?

    A DB column declared as varchar(10) will take up just as much space as a column declared varchar(255).

    No way. "VARCHAR values are stored as a one-byte or two-byte length prefix plus data." "A varchar field will only use up as much space on disk as the data you store in it (plus a one or two byte overhead)." (MySql 5.) "For example, assume you declare a column VARCHAR2 with a maximum size of 50 characters. In a single-byte character set, if only 10 characters are given for the VARCHAR2 column value in a particular row, the column in the row's row piece stores only the 10 characters (10 bytes), not 50." (Oracle.) "varchar(n) variables store non-fixed length character strings consisting of approximately n characters. They consume l+2 bytes of space, where l is the actual length of the string." (SQL Server.) And so on...

    In case you were speaking about the space allocated, then a varchar(n) column usually allocates n+1 or n+2 bytes, so there is still a difference between varchar(10) and varchar(255).

  • (cs)

    Ehh, you didn't get it...

    What I meant was that you should read the documentation on your DBMS and decide on what type to use. As long as the overhead between choices A and B is the same, use the bigger one.

    So, on MySQL, if your string will be short, use varchar(255). That way the storage space requirement will be N+1, where N is the number of characters. If your string might be longer than 255, use varchar(65535) - the maximum you can get with storage space being N+2. But there is no point in using varchar(100), because varchar(255) will have the same overhead, but be more flexible.

    On MSSQL you would normally just use nvarchar(max), because anything less than that has the same storage requirements anyway.

    I'm not well versed in Oracle, but you get the idea.

    As for NULL columns - there is a point for them, because a NULL is a valid value as well, and denotes that the cell is empty. Using some sentinel values for that often makes the code more cumbersome. For example, I once had to work with a MySQL DB where there were no NULLs. So, when someone wanted to make a cell "empty", he put 00-00-0000 00:00 in there (valid in MySQL). Unfortunately .NET's DateTime type does not allow such a value. The hoops I had to jump through to get it working...

    Also, NULLs are invaluable for foreign keys. (You DO use Foreign Keys, don't you?) All the JOINs are based around the fact that a non-existent key is NULL, not 0 or some other value.

  • My Name (unregistered) in reply to Vilx-
    Ehh, you didn't get it...

    What I meant was that you should read the documentation on your DBMS and decide on what type to use. As long as the overhead between choices A and B is the same, use the bigger one.

    So, on MySQL, if your string will be short, use varchar(255). That way the storage space requirement will be N+1, where N is the number of characters. If your string might be longer than 255, use varchar(65535) - the maximum you can get with storage space being N+2. But there is no point in using varchar(100), because varchar(255) will have the same overhead, but be more flexible.

    On MSSQL you would normally just use nvarchar(max), because anything less than that has the same storage requirements anyway.

    I'm not well versed in Oracle, but you get the idea.

    And this line of reasoning is why things like nearly every app I'm currently running uses more memory than my video card had 6 years ago. Sure, that logic might work for some databases, but then some hack job programmer says "Hey, I can do that in xxx too" only then it takes up an unnecessary amount of memory. Jebus people, how friggen hard is it to properly DESIGN AND SPEC your database tables. If your front end only allows 100 characters, make the backend only allow 100 characters. Inconsistencies only lead to failure.

  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to Vilx-

    Yes, I really don't get it. At all. If you declare a column as varchar(15), then 16 bytes of space get allocated (in single-byte), and if you fill it with just 8 chars, the actual space occupied is 9 bytes. (In double-byte, it would be 32 bytes allocated, 20 occupied.) Why in the world should I declare a varchar(255) --allocating 256 bytes of memory-- to actually use only 9 and leave 247 unused? For each column of each record of each table maybe? I've tried counting the amount of allocated (and unused) space in a 100-table DB made of 100-column, 1M-records tables declared that way... but my head imploded.

    Side note: yes, I DO use foreign keys. And, if I ever catch a NULLable column involved in a foreign key, I'll pretty much kill the culprit.

  • Bonce (unregistered)

    What I want to know is how all those nulls got in there in the frist place. My keyboard doesn't even have a NULL key.

  • (cs) in reply to dew|frost

    I think you got it backwards.

    If you declare it varchar(15), and don't fill it, then it will take 1 byte on the disk and 1 byte in memory.

    When you put an 8-byte long string in there, it will allocate a few more byte and will now take 9 bytes on disk and 9 bytes in memory.

    If you have a table with a varchar(255) column, and 100'000 rows, but each row only has 3 characters stored in that column, then the table will take up 400'000 bytes on the disk, in RAM, and wherever else you put it. Well, plus some inevitable overhead of other origins, but that's besides the point.

    varchar is not like char, which actually allocated that many bytes for every row and leaves them empty if not used. That's the whole point of varchar! It takes up only as much memory as needed.

  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to Vilx-

    That's exactly why I would not declare a varchar(255) to store a phone number or any other short string.

  • (cs) in reply to Wodin
    With PostgreSQL you are able to create indexes of functions of columns, so you could index UPPER(some_column) instead of some_column itself if you intend to use UPPER(some_column) in a where clause quite often. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/indexes-expressional.html
    Wow, people still use postgres? Anyway, SQL Server has had indexed views for years, but that's completely beside the point, which was that scalar functions in the SELECT list are not going to slow the query down.
    Or you could use COALESCE to be more portable, I think
    Most of the world doesn't care about portability.
  • PaladinZ06 (unregistered) in reply to rocksinger
    Crash Magnet:
    For those of us who don't speak sql, what the Fuuuuuhhhggggg is wrong with this?

    The TSQL function ISNULL(@variable,'') returns '' if @variable is null.

    You could also argue that it's the front-end/mid-layer's job to deal with nulls.

    This is ORACLE SQL, so the function you're looking for is NVL(fieldname,replacementvalueforwhennull)

    Yeah - one select with NVL() wrapped fields would have sufficed.

  • Vilx- (unregistered) in reply to dew|frost
    That's exactly why I would not declare a varchar(255) to store a phone number or any other short string.
    I beg your pardon?
  • Tinkerghost (unregistered) in reply to Patrick
    Prefixing names (or Hungarian Notation, in this case) is useful only for form controls when you want to tell the difference between txtSearch and btnSearch. Other than that, it's usually a sign of an incoming wtf-bomb.
    Depends - prepending to distinguish between a table and a view has some rational behind it since they act the same in a select but are very different on an INSERT or UPDATE. Prepending to distinguish between a table and a function is a bit assinine.
  • (cs) in reply to Aaron
    With PostgreSQL you are able to create indexes of functions of columns, so you could index UPPER(some_column) instead of some_column itself if you intend to use UPPER(some_column) in a where clause quite often. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/indexes-expressional.html
    Wow, people still use postgres? Anyway, SQL Server has had indexed views for years, but that's completely beside the point, which was that scalar functions in the SELECT list are not going to slow the query down.
    Or you could use COALESCE to be more portable, I think
    Most of the world doesn't care about portability.

    TopCoder, is that you?

  • SurturZ (unregistered) in reply to dew|frost
    I agree with this. But being somewhat of a newbie to SQL, I've always declared my columns with a NOT NULL constraint to avoid the whole null issue. Are there downside to doing that?

    The downside / specific reason is, what do you do when somebody has no, say, fax number?

    Store it as an empty string!

    Are you REALLY trying to distinguish between when a user never enters a fax number, and when they type in a fax number and then delete it? Users cannot enter NULLs into the user interface, so to me, user-entered fields should never support NULL.

    Date fields might be an exception, but I personally find it more practical to have a magic date that means "no date". At least then you'll only get a wtf date on your printout if you make a coding error, rather than crashing the app.

  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to Vilx-
    I beg your pardon?
    Last night I suddenly realized my previous comment made no sense at all. I apologize. But then I also realized the whole story was about some guy who queried the same frigging table like 20 times to get some info from the same frigging record, so --instead of going on about the difference between memory preallocation and actual occupation after post-- I thought it would just be better to settle it down. Or maybe, I really hadn't understood what you were saying...
  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to SurturZ
    Are you REALLY trying to distinguish between when a user never enters a fax number, and when they type in a fax number and then delete it? Users cannot enter NULLs into the user interface, so to me, user-entered fields should never support NULL.
    This is an interesting point. But the fax example may be misleading. There are data that are not user entered. (And unfortunately there are DBMSs that do not really make a distinction between a NULL and a ""...)
    Date fields might be an exception, but I personally find it more practical to have a magic date that means "no date". At least then you'll only get a wtf date on your printout if you make a coding error, rather than crashing the app.
    Crash the app? If I a) test the code, b) validate user input, c) provide proper error support, d) manage NULLs, I'm not going to crash the app.

    However, as I already mentioned elsewhere, this is going to get off-topic. I won't pretend I can really grab the guts of data management. I'll be contented by knowing I will not make 20 queries to retrieve one lonely record.

  • (cs)

    Fair point. OK, let's drop this here. If you would still like to argue about this with me (I'd really like to hear at least one good reason why NOT to make them max size), I've opened a question in stackoverflow:


  • OK (unregistered) in reply to Aaron

    See Oracle.

  • dew|frost (unregistered) in reply to Vilx-

    It might be I worked too much in an Oracle environment so I am stuck to its (perhaps old BTW) mechanism, but: Let's say you have a table, with a column, declared as varchar(255)-- varchar2(255) in Oracle if you prefer:

    • when you create a record, 256 bytes of memory are pre-allocated for the column (single-byte).
    • if you insert only a 10-character, then of course only 11 bytes are actually occupied.
    • this does not mean the other 245 are now free, unless by "free" you mean "if I update the column with a longer value, the memory for it is pre-allocated already". That tiny part of memory is "free" where "free" = "devoid of data", but not "free" where "free" = "available for whatever else". The record length, in terms of allocated memory, will still be of 256 + (other columns). So, when I have a variable I can more or less predict the maximum length of, I'd just declare a slightly longer datatype for safety (= specs change unexpectedly) but not maximum size.

    I hope I've been able to make it clearer now. Of course I might be wrong, I'm recalling all by heart and NOT looking at the docs-- otherwise I'd spoil the discussion! ;) and maybe be more precise :/ let me quote you:

    you should read the documentation on your DBMS and decide on what type to use.

    I'll follow the Stack Overflow thread, thanks for sharing.

  • Luis Espinal (unregistered) in reply to Crash Magnet
    Crash Magnet:
    For those of us who don't speak sql, what the Fuuuuuhhhggggg is wrong with this?

    A short sample extracted from that mess should suffice as an explanation:

    /* get local variable set with data from record if found */ select @lnFirstName = [FirstName] ,@lnLastName = [LastName] from Sitr0100 where [Sitr0100Id] = @lnSitr0100Id

    /* reset nulls whether found or not */ select @lnFirstName = isnull(@lnFirstName,'') ,@lnLastName = isnull(@lnLastName,'')

    One SQL statement, one round trip to the db, for initializing first and last names with first and last name fields from a table (if the id matches).

    Then, another SQL to nulls them out. Why not just test their individual values with plain-vanilla, easy to read IF statements.

    One single SQL followed by locally executed control and assignment statements should suffice to initialize all those variables.

    But instead, the whole thing is a collection of SQL statements being executed, each which can be expensive.

    Well, by themselves and from the point of view of a single client executing them, they are not.

    In general, and unless otherwise indicated by some sort of invariant, you assume every SQL statement (or any form of access to a remote resource) to be expensive. This is the type of complexity that cannot be factored out for the sake of simplicity. Design should take these into account and attempt to minimize their execution.

    Incompetent programmers treat those as if they were local method calls with no overhead. Big no no.

    You have a sufficiently large number of clients and/or execute that sh1t with a sufficiently large rate (specially continuously over a sufficiently long period of time), and you are pretty much nuking the living crap out of the capacity of the database server (and perhaps the network's as well.)

    I've seen these type of supposedly innocuous crap (innocuous from the point of the "single machine" view of a crappy developer) bringing systems down during peak times. Bad beyond description.

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