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Put your glasses on, look closer.
It says 19.8g ...
Which raises interesting thoughts about how we buy groceries...
Fresh produce (at least in this neck of the woods) tends to be sold by (fairly exact) weight, and it is weighed somewhere (either at the cash register, or before a barcode is put on it).
Other food products (tins and jars etc) are sold by a 'guaranteed' weight (or sometimes volume) - that is, "this container will have at least this amount of stuff in it". Without speculating on the amount of water that might be added to tinned vegetables, it is a means to simplify the system for logistics (transport, storage etc) and sales (we don't have to calculate specific quantities). These days, the technology exists to calculate more accurately, but it would still be too complicated to do so, because producers use different sized jars with different volumes of glass, and lids made from different materials - standardising this would be hideously difficult (imagine telling Coke that they can no longer use their trademarked bottle).
(For the record, I think I have seen some fresh produce (carrots, onions and potatoes spring to mind) sold in pre-packaged, "constant-weight" bags. Although I've never actually weighed them, I think I probably get a bit over each time - in return, I don't get the privilege of picking out the nicest looking potatoes...
It's not necessarily the world's fairest system, but it seems to work pretty well...
2gms is insignificant in this case, especially as it is a guaranteed lower-bound rather than an exact measure.
Holy Shyte, You might be right! or that might be a speck on the jar...I would've thought a decimal point would be a little further to the left
Just to remind you that you can take "fatal dosage" of something and then survive if you receive proper treatment in time.
Internal verification, surely...
I think you misunderstand - the person this responded to referred to a rant as "right-wing" even though I didn't think it sounded right-wing, the guy who called it a rant opposes the right-wing, so he calls things he opposes "right-wing" - which is label-based thinking.
The second line is an illustration of how confused label-based thinking can get.
So is slavery a part of the LIBERT(y)arian platform?
You know what the original requirements were for immigrants to get citizenship? "White persons of good moral character"
I do hope that you're just joking and you don't think this is a serious political argument.
It reminds me of all the times I hear a politician or biased reporter say, "How can these people be against the Widget Consumers' Protection Act? Are they in favor of widget consumers being cheated? How can anyone be against protecting consumers?"
Has there every been a law that gives special favors to a politician's biggest campaign contributors at taxpayer expense that was NOT called the "Tax Reform Act" or "Equal Treatment Under Law Bill" or some such?
Are there really people out there who fall for this? Who really judge a proposal or an idea based on the name given to it by its supporters and not based on, say, the actual contents?
I think I'm going to start a "Motherhood and Cuddly Kittens Party".
But surely you don't get the absolute last molecule of peanut butter out either. Personally, I wouldn't throw away a jar of peanut butter that still had an inch of product in the bottom. But I will throw it away when there are still streaks of peanut butter stuck to the sides. At some point the effort of scraping these off and collecting them isn't worth the trouble.
I also have a simple philosophy regarding left-overs. It seems awfully wasteful to throw away perfectly good food. So instead, I put it in the refrigerator and wait until it goes bad. Then I throw it away. That way I am only throwing away inedible food, and I am being much more economical and saving the environment and all that.
No, I'm not trolling, and most countries don't change their products package every six months in order to keep the same price, like they do here in Brazil. Seriously, all of a sudden 1L juice becomes 750ml juice, 40m toilet paper becomes 30m toilet paper, 180g chocolate bar becomes 160g chocolate bar. Sizes visually won't change, and prices remain the same. So the ordinary people gets the idea that there's no inflation, even though they're paying the same for less product. This is fact. Good for you who live in a place where your favorite industry puts more stuff in the box, but here it's less, it's legal, and it's right under our noses.
Keep an eye open, is all.
I think that TRWTF is the transformer sitting, apparently, squarely in the middle of the bottom edge of a skiing slope.
Amen to point F. My school recently made us convert from PowerPoint to Prezi. All online social interaction is also banned.
Amen to point F. My school recently made us convert from PowerPoint to Prezi. All online social interaction is also banned.
Wouldnt that be in liquid ounces and thus actual weight would depend on the density of the liquid?