• (cs)

    The things that Amazon comes up with.

    As I figured "Red Nose" has to do with clowns (comedy): http://www.rednoseday.com/

  • bakudanporu (unregistered)

    Why that's a 0.0000002% savings!

  • Will (unregistered) in reply to AbbydonKrafts
    The things that Amazon comes up with.

    As I figured "Red Nose" has to do with clowns (comedy): http://www.rednoseday.com/

    Clowns? :/

    It's a charity thing, as the website shows.howdy

  • chris (unregistered)

    £0.02 or £0.002?

  • (cs)

    Could it be that Amazon.co.uk has developed a sense of April Fools' day humour?

  • Verizon (unregistered) in reply to chris

    What's the difference?

    (My captcha test is RIAA. checks over his shoulder)

  • Craig (unregistered)

    Red Nose Day is a UK event, hence the ".co.uk" reference... its quite a big event really.

    But getting £0.02 off for spending £100,000 isn't really worth doing... however it does say 'qualifying items'... so it does not necessarily mean that you have to buy lots of copies of 'Sage Instant Accounts'.

    Oh... and for the Americans...


    Red Nose Day is a UK wide fundraising event organised by Comic Relief every two years. It culminates in a night of TV treats on BBC ONE.

  • JTK (unregistered) in reply to poochner
    Could it be that Amazon.co.uk has developed a sense of April Fools' day humour?

    They are just doing their own version of Comic Relief....

  • (cs)

    Where was this deal when I needed to buy 85,000 bottles of pills?

  • BlueCollarAstronaut (unregistered)

    Isn't that how the rich (presumably those able to spend £100,000.00 per Amazon transaction) get rich? By scrimping and saving and making full use of opportunities like this. Let this be a sobering reminder to everyone to pick up that loose change you find lying on the sidewalk....every little bit counts :)

  • Ken (unregistered)

    It's not April Fools. The link to the Google cache of the page is dated March 29th.

  • (cs)

    Woah! This is even better than the time I saved $0.25 on a $5.00 item with 50% off!

  • (cs) in reply to chris
    £0.02 or £0.002?

    According to Verizon, that's the same thing.

  • mischa (unregistered)

    guaranteed delivery by march 30? hell yes i'll take it!

  • JL (unregistered) in reply to JTK
    Could it be that Amazon.co.uk has developed a sense of April Fools' day humour?
    They are just doing their own version of Comic Relief....
    True, but to be more accurate: They are doing the original version of Comic Relief. It started in the U.K. and is a much bigger deal there.


  • kuroshin (unregistered) in reply to AbbydonKrafts

    Seems like you guys missed the grand lottery :


  • Rolf (unregistered)

    What a yummy deal!! ( That was my captcha. :P )

    Methinks I'll go buy it now! :D

  • (cs)

    Oh great. It is about time sage software formerly named "best software"(the irony) showed up here. Too bad no stories have surfaced about the software jewels this company has.

  • Karl von L. (unregistered) in reply to AnthonyG
    Woah! This is even better than the time I saved $0.25 on a $5.00 item with 50% off!

    While not quite a WTF, I remember the time in the early days of the Web when I got a $10.00 discount coupon for Amazon.com, and they lacked the foresight to put a minimum order value on it. So I bought a single DVD for about 3 bucks.

  • The Fox (unregistered) in reply to kuroshin
    Seems like you guys missed the grand lottery :


    Is this a joke too? The product pages says it's 100% off, plus a $50 rebate. The final price is -$50.00. Not bad for a $600 phone.

  • S|i(3_x (unregistered) in reply to bonzombiekitty
    £0.02 or £0.002?

    According to Verizon, that's the same thing.


  • Southern (unregistered) in reply to kuroshin
    Seems like you guys missed the grand lottery :


    I suggest you read more carefully about that. I would call that a 'booby-trap'.

  • (cs) in reply to Southern
    I suggest you read more carefully about that. I would call that a 'booby-trap'.

    What? A measly 6 month contract with a fixed plan that must be paid on time? That's nothing! I had a 2 year plan on my first phone. The standard is around 1 year. 6 months is easy. Now, if you mean the "good standing" part, just don't be late on paying the bill.

  • Liinux (unregistered) in reply to The Fox

    It's not a joke. You get a phone subscription where you are bound for a certain number of months and have to pay a rather high monthly fee.

  • Kid (unregistered) in reply to desertjim
    Oh great. It is about time sage software formerly named "best software"(the irony) showed up here. Too bad no stories have surfaced about the software jewels this company has.

    How about allowing people with no formal SQL or Database experience writing rather large queries, and letting them run those queries against the production database as the same user as the website itself?


  • Grafalgar (unregistered)

    Red Nose day is also celebrated in South Africa, sometime in March.

    It's a very successful, very popular day. Everybody buys clown-like red noses, and wears them to show their support. The day itself features comic relief shows and people generally being silly.

    More people should take part in Red Nose day. You really have not seen how "cheerful" the world can get when 90% of the people sport a shiny, bulbous red nose. Good times!

  • Southern (unregistered) in reply to AbbydonKrafts
    I suggest you read more carefully about that. I would call that a 'booby-trap'.

    What? A measly 6 month contract with a fixed plan that must be paid on time? That's nothing! I had a 2 year plan on my first phone. The standard is around 1 year. 6 months is easy. Now, if you mean the "good standing" part, just don't be late on paying the bill.

    Yeah, I love the part that says (I'm paraphrasing here) .. ' Pay the bill on time or else you agree to pay us 250 dollars'

    So just being curious, I clicked ... http://img392.imageshack.us/my.php?image=image1oi8.jpg

  • (cs) in reply to Southern
    Yeah, I love the part that says (I'm paraphrasing here) .. ' Pay the bill on time or else you agree to pay us 250 dollars'

    Ahh.. so it IS 2 years.. the 6 month contract "on time" is with the seller. Nice that the Blackberry forces you into at least $30/mo of Blackberry services.

  • sjs (unregistered) in reply to bakudanporu
    Why that's a 0.0000002% savings!

    Extended warranty! How can I lose?!

  • Stewart Johnson (unregistered)

    I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Australia, Red Nose Day is a day wear people buy and wear red noses to raise money for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

  • Kalen (unregistered)

    You have to spend money to save money!

  • WhatTheFaq (unregistered) in reply to Kid
    How about allowing people with no formal SQL or Database experience writing rather large queries, and letting them run those queries against the production database as the same user as the website itself?


    I used to work with that guy...

  • mgi (unregistered) in reply to Craig
    Red Nose Day is a UK event, hence the ".co.uk" reference... its quite a big event really.

    But getting £0.02 off for spending £100,000 isn't really worth doing... however it does say 'qualifying items'... so it does not necessarily mean that you have to buy lots of copies of 'Sage Instant Accounts'.

    Oh... and for the Americans...


    Red Nose Day is a UK wide fundraising event organised by Comic Relief every two years. It culminates in a night of TV treats on BBC ONE.

    It's also a similar event in Australia.

  • (cs) in reply to bonzombiekitty
    £0.02 or £0.002?

    According to Verizon, that's the same thing.

    From what I remember from the video post, it was $0.02 and 0.02c being the "same". They were trying to say that 3000 x 0.02c = $60 but really it should have been 60c. (numbers changed to make maths easy)

    He should have done the calculations with the CSR using $0.0002 per MB (instead of arguing about the units) then it would have come up correctly in dollars. 0.0002 x 3000 = 0.60.

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