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I'm running IE and I don't get that message as a popup like that. I guess it only applies to "shitty IE", whereas I have the regular one.
Me three.
yeah I use Avant, and it doesn't do it with that, and launching IE also doesn't get it to happen, not sure, apparently the people that make it have some type of error catching and have now declared it.
Are you running IE7?
I am...Maybe its only an IE6 bug. Or they fixed it.
most likely you haven't got JS debugging enabled. Over-zealous ad blocking at work renders some sites completely unusable for me with JS debugging on in IE
Me 4,
Although from the screen shot it looks like you are using Vista, so perhaps it's a Vista thing? (Heaven forbid!!)
Nope, i'm on IE7 on XP and it happens to me. It's because I've got JS debugging enabled - note the caption - "Do you want to Debug?". I bet all you guys who don't get it on IE get a little yellow triangle in the status bar.
Ah yes, I get it,
Little yellow triangle it is.
You don't need the "Enable JavaScript debugging" setting - you will be notified of the error, but in a different-looking dialog and without the option to debug, if you just enable the "Show a message for every scripting error" option.
The Real WTF™ is that this had to be pointed out. Call yourselves techies? Sheesh!
Look in the bottom left corner of IE for a yellow triangle and double click on it.
That did it, thanks.
Sadly, I was thinking the same thing.
The real WTF is that he's using Windows Vista. Make that shitty Windows Vista.
A great example of why you never put salng/profanity anywhere in your code, not as a comment, not as a function name, etc. You never know what an error will reveal.
I will never forget being on holiday and receiving an email from my boss asking me what the function "OohMePiles" did.
Reminds me of my co-worker who left the "o" out of getMasterCount().
I get crappy_Opera_needs_this error myself
The Real WTF™ is that this had to be pointed out. Call yourselves techies? Sheesh!
Point taken,
I feel suitably humiliated!
It's been a long month! and I'm still 45mins from Beer O'Clock
The culprits is simply:
Not surprisingly, this also flags errors in Firefox, although not, for whatever reason, in Opera.
If IE really needed some JavaScript handler there, I'd think "void(0)" would have been a better choice.
Maybe the coder meant to put "shi-TTY" (it could happen).
I stumbled across a var named 'titfor' I tracked down the programmer responsible for it and asked him "What's a titfor"
That's just ShittIE
The real WTF is why you bastards are using IE and your techies!? Come on do us web developers a favor and stop using that crap browser so it'll eventually fall off the face of the earth.
Seriously. If you people think IE is "Fine" you need to quit your tech job.
You should not be doing anything that affects other people if you are so inept as to accept IE.
Same here. As long as none of the guys who couldn't see it were web developers, I guess it's not a big deal. It's not like I'm a master of debugging embedded systems or anything.
2 awesome things:
Hey Mr. Techie, why were you trying to escape an HTML character in a plain text post?
Options are limited. I've not run Opera, mostly because of the cost (yeah, I know it was (is?) free for a while), but the other options are either IE based (lame) or Mozilla based. And I spent the last 3 years of my life working on Mozilla technology, and trust me, IE is a MUCH better choice. The Mozilla renderer might be more standards compliant, but that's about the only thing it has going for it, and as a consumer of web pages, I could give a crap less about that.
It works well on Firefox though.
Captcha : Cognac (let's drink to shitty IE!) ;+)
When I attended MTU oh so many years ago, students were highly encouraged not to use any 'unprofessional' words or statements anywhere in the code or, even worse, in the input/output of the program. You could expect huge deductions in your grade if you did so. Even mild language or silliness was treated very seriously. That teaching left a heavy impression on me to this day. Examples like this irritate me more than they amuse me. Fortunately, I rarely encounter such things in the companies I have worked for.
For better or worse, we live in the real world, and that means no matter what we personally think of the implmentation of IE (shitty version or otherwise) - if we are having to write real world web-apps, this means we have to use it, understand, and live with all its faults, because no matter what pollsters say, a very large number of people still use IE straight out of the box. Commercial companies who fail to realise this will not be commercial for long.
heh, i was going through some old code the other day and found something i did like:
my($tit, $cunt) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
was supposed to be ($tit, $cont) (for title, content) but I think it almost makes more sense this way...
And did he reply "about £45 an hour"?
If it were that simple we'd all be using Opera.
"For a while"? Opera is free, period. Has been for years. They charge for the cell phone browser, but the PC version is available free of charge (and without ads or any other crap).
I use IE6, IE7, Firefox and Opera (for reasons of Intranet support, company policy, etc.), and I have to say that Opera is easily the best one, at least for me. It is much prettier than Firefox, comes with functions like tabs and ad blocker built in, and is totally customizable so that you can define your own gestures and keyboard shortcuts. Give it a try!
DBI, DBD oh how I love thee DBI, prep/execute I really love you
In the summer of 1984, I was sitting in my grandparents' basement hacking together a TRS-80 terminal program for my 300 baud modem. My grandfather came down to see what I was doing, and pointed to the screen at a variable named PIDASS -- because it was where I stored a bunch of piddly-ass flags. "What's that?" he asked, disapprovingly.
What could I say? I had to tell him the truth:
"PIDASS is a bitmapped memory location containing eight bits of status information from the UART. Bitmapping allows me to use 8 bits for 8 binary values. I could store them in eight different discrete locations, but that would be a waste of memory."
"Oh, ok," he said, and went back up the stairs. He may not have been the techie type, but he taught me an important lesson about variable naming conventions.
Why would I pay for Opera when Firefox mostly works? Other than leaking memory like a sieve, I mean. After you get enough plugins to make it useful, anyway. But I have to figure out which ones those are ...
So how much is Opera again?
6.0.2900.2180 SP2 and like I said I'm not getting it
It's free.
If you buy today, I can get you the PC version for the low, low price of $0!
For some of you people participating in "browser wars", could you at least please not use information that's two years old?
Just as lame as the error loading this website:
http://worse_than_failure_premium/ can't find host.
View it in your Firefox Activity window (Window->Activity).
You must be joking. Either that or you've never used a real browser so you don't know what you're missing.