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I've used all (read: many) of the major browsers starting from Netscape and IE 2.0. I like Galeon the best of all, with IE 6 as my second favourite. IE 7 and Opera are next. Mozilla, Netscape and Konqueror are at the bottom. Firefox is somewhere in the middle. That's just me, though. I don't think that one browser is objectively better or worse than another (except for Safari, Konqueror and Netscape 4.0 - those are objectively crap). Browser fights are funny.
When's the W3c going to make an official CSS property to draw a border that looks like a window, regardless of what OS you're using. The only thing worse than websites that do that are websites that try to be a different OS from the one I'm using?
Actually, I think it's IE6 with JS debugging enabled. I get the message on XP.
IE is standards compliant. Microsoft's corporate standards... W3C standards are nothing more but recommendations. W3C does not own the web or have an official say in how it is run, they are a non-profit that gives suggestions to make it easier to use. But just because Microsoft chooses to follow their own standards instead of W3C's does not mean that they are not standards compliant... they just aren't W3C compliant.
Yeah. Do it like the US gov and make up new facts yourself!
IE is fine if you only surf. With it's lack of support for modern standards and numerous implementation problems, it SUCKS as a web development platform.
Sorry, but when someone says "standards compliant" they mean it implements, fully and as near to correctly as possible (i.e. all software has bugs), an open specification. Arguments that the W3C isn't an actual standards body, like the ISO or ECMA, are pointless. And arguing that IE follows "corporate standards" just shows either a great lack of understanding, or a devious attempt to subvert the known meaning of the statement.
I like IE. But as a professional developer, I have to agree with others when they complain that IE is not standard. To some extent, this is a developer issue. End users could care less. But when IE causes huge amounts of developer man hours needing to be spent in making a site run under both IE and compliant browsers, there's an indirect impact on end users as well.
I dislike people over inflating the importance of IE's lack of compliance, because in comparison to other popular browsers, IE is the better product (again, I can't comment on Opera, so I won't). But I also dislike people who are supposed to be professional developers who tell me I shouldn't be upset that MS is lagging so far behind the W3C.
As written in the page, the onmouseout doesn't even use a syntactically legal function call. Wouldn't matter if the function was present or not.
--Zealots teach me nothing new. Learn it, love it, live it.
Personally, I don't care what browser people use. However, I've been responsible for leading the development of a number of very large e-commerce websites in the last few years and I've noticed a significant paradigm shift from the higher ups. THEY now understand that it takes longer to develop for IE then port to the other browsers than the other way around.
So now, development takes place on Firefox and Safari with rudimentary checks on IE to see if it basically looks OK. It may even go live with a few bugs on IE. It's purely cost/benefit - it's much cheaper to develop that way - not a particular browser preference. We've even got to the point where if there's a show stopper on IE, customer service are trained to talk customers through installing Firefox.
I suspect that this kind of thinking (and this is a large multinational I'm talking about here) is what prompted Microsoft to release IE 7 - which is better standards wise, but still poor for developers (where's the JavaScript console and the CSS debugger?).
Am I the only person who finds that if they write validating XHTML code and don't make assumptions about the default values of style attributes their site works the same in all browsers?
Corporations still dictate what browser most people use - since I would bet that a large amount of browsing is done at work.
Poor Safari. I never even gave it a chance... I went straight to Firefox with my Mac.
Whatever. Profanity in the code is generally a bad idea, especially in the outputs, but being unprofessional is fine - I put stuff like 'ZOMG HAXX!' in debug statements and it's fine - easy to grep and easy to remember. We're professionals, but the profession isn't undertaking.
I don't think any browser is 100% perfect. But this comment does make me laugh considering how the tables have turned. For years and years we wrote websites that just worked in IE, and had to spend countless man hours getting the bastard thing to work in Netscape. Funny how it's all switched round, but yet it's exactly the same problem we always had! People just program to Mozilla now because it's "standards compliant". It's not much of a standard if it's only one rendering engine that implements it is it?
CAPTCHA: burned. So true.
I guess you're probably not. Just goes to show that the "wasted man hours" that used to be on Netscape, and now are apparently on IE ( I don't know, I let libraries generate it all for me nowadays ), really stem from programming to a browser in the first instance rather than a known compatibility point. Only difference is that now there's no excuse for those wasted man hours since XHTML strict pretty much just works if you get it right. If you get it right... if you get it right.... (fade to black)
What the hell are you talking about? I mean, I enjoy the billable hours IE has provided me as I fix layouts to work with its awful rendering engine... but it's not fine.
Man, you guys are funny. I've been making websites for years (albeit non-professional ones), and I've never had a problem with cross-browser compatibility between IE and Firefox, even with experimental Javascript-heavy pages. I have trouble with Opera and KHTML browsers (not really browsers at all, if you ask me), yeah, but IE and the Mozillas have always been friendly to me. I'm going to have to assume that one of us has been doing it wrong this whole time and, since I'm not experiencing the frustration you are, it seems that I'm the one doing it right.
Not quite. In the past you coded for IE and you were lucky if it worked in anything else. Nowadays you code to standards compliance and you'll find that it works flawlessly in Firefox, Safari, Opera, Camino, Konqueror etc etc, but not in IE. So instead of fixing for a whole bunch of browsers (or not even bothering to support them at all), you now only have to fix for one. It's simple economics really in terms of devloper man hours vs total target audience.
You've obviously never bothered with CSS then. That's what causes most of the pain with IE, not the JavaScript.
It's not the only rendering engine that implements it. In fact, IE is the only rendering engine that does so poorly in implementing it. And things have "switched around" despite IE still being the dominant browser in the market, but a VERY significant margin. Why? Because the features IE fails to implement turn out to be features that are very important to designing a nice looking web site that's not full of hacks that take significant man hours to implement and maintain. It's easier to code to the standards than to code to IE, even if you're willing to use the IE extensions. That's significant.
This is great as I am right now creating the separate style sheet for IE.
It depends what you're trying to do. If you're using CSS for all the layout as it's designed to be used (as in not using tables for column layouts), then you can get in real trouble. For example, go look at the source to Slashdot, or any other site with a pure CSS layout. Notice the special CSS file for IE? That will be there to work around the inconsistencies in it's rendering engine. All the sites I've been involved with have required something similar. However, Slashdot renders exactly the same for me in Firefox, Safari, Konqueror and Opera using the default stylesheet. That is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Or, better yet, "tat"?
I love a large part of the comments are about "which browser is better", while what we have here is a workaround for a bug that causes an error in a webpage that works perfectly if you choose to ignore errors. In other words, it appears to be a faulty workaround for a bug that doesn't exist.
fuck ie
What I want to know is...
Why does the main window have an XP theme, yet the modal dialog has the vista glass effect?
It works, look on the bottom left, you will see a exclamation mark, click on that and click show error, it'll display the same error message :D
Seriously... I vote for this thread to be one of tomorrow's posts...
And that's not even counting the various browsers using those engines.
Aw, I was plannign to post that.
It appears fixed. Someone renamed the function to 'workaround_for_IE_turn_off_debug_mode', but didn't actually make into a function call. sigh Maybe they'll get it next time...
Even bigger WTF: The author's comment on the fact that this is "necessary":
...Worse than Failure?
Make that shitty drivers (Nvidia!), and noobs who can't figure out how to turn off UAC.
Why does a web app attempt to look like an old operating system? Good question. On a related note, why did half of all programs from '95 to '98 look like Windows 3.11 applications? I believe it took people until the 21st century to get rid of the old style buttons and controls.
I get: "workaround_for_IE_turn_off_debug_mode" with IETab in Firefox. In IE, I don't get anything when I mouse over it.
I'm running Vista Ultimate 64-bit so I don't know...
If more so called web developers understood what the DOCTYPE declaration was and how to use it most of them wouldn't have a problem with IE 6 or 7's css support.
It amazes me how many "hacks" exist to force IE support, when if they just picked a proper doctype the browser itself would figure out which underlying engine to use for rendering. And yes, Firefox AND IE both contain different rendering systems which are fired depending on the web pages doctype. If you take the time to understand this, then picking the right one to have your site render identically in both browsers is easy.
Also, for those who think IE 7 is not a "developer's" browser download the DebugBar plugin for IE; it is fantastic.
Ho yes, same here. Valid XHTML 1.0 helps with IE6 a lot — it too has a quirks and a “standards” mode, and even things like
work, as long as you leave out the xml version stanza (weird bug, that!).So yeah. There are some things that are utterly horrible, but oh well. Can sorta live with it.
And Konqueror is fine. Does an excellent job in rendering, and really few are the websites I would need Firefox for.
What memory leaks? Perhaps you think RAM is better left pristine and untouched rather than used for cache. You can remove the memory from your machine if this is the case.
What exactly does Firefox not do natively that you want? I can't think of much that Opera does that requires a Firefox plugin: wand, gestures, and speed dial.
IE is the shitty Firefox.
There are two functions in gaim: goddamICQ and goddamnICQ2
(I don't remember the exact footprint, there may be _'s)
I once wrote a JS function that removes all child nodes from an HTML DOM node. Without thinking about it much, I called it "killChildren".
Some other function names I've encountered include kill, die, explode, implode, rend and stuff.
Well I don't get it, at least not with that wording.
Apparently he changed the value to "workaround_for_IE_turn_off_debug_mode", but didn't fix the problem. And if you read the comments, apparently its supposed to do this.
Be glad that you don't deal with Unix forked processes; you'd have to reap your zombie children.
Bah - religious wars in computing is getting tiresome, ranging from browser to OS to .... whatever.
Just use whatever you think is best and then marvel quietly in the fact that you are vastly superiour to everybody else. Hate the fact that you can never get a debate going anymore without some fanatics coming and pushing their own agenda constantly. Some like IE, some like FireFox, some like Opera ... live with it.
IE is my favorite browser still (and appears to be for the majority of visitors if you check site statistics) - IE 6 that is. However, independend of your choice, if you are a webdeveloper you need to use all kinds of browsers regularly to test what you developped so it works.
Apparently the developer for the site in question reads this forum and has changed the name of the function to "workaround_for_IE_turn_off_debug_mode".. If he/she does read this, please show us and change it to "workaround_for_IE_turn_off_debug_mode_Hello_to_WTF" :D
Maximised windows in Vista don't have the glass effect.
(unless you install the 3rd-party program which makes them, vistaGlazz i think its called)