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I need a shower
I tried running it on Mono, and it's giving me an exception:
Hope this can be fixed soon.
Btw: I'm not sure you understand Namespaces correctly, but nevermind.
I immediately recognized this as an April firdeleted by moderators
obviously, we can take this one step further.
direct memory access.
to make it faster, specify the actual memory write lines from the processor or memory controller as parameters.
making the requests off hex keypad will reduce all the overhead necessary for GUI or CLI screens.
The trackback spoils it. Take it off.
The sad thing is, while this post is an April Fool's joke, the idea that RDBMS are dead and MongoDB or CloudDB or whatever the latest fad are the "wave of the future" is not a joke. I've seen a lot of well-known, prominent developers hyping these new fads as the "way to go" for new development.
I know this was meant to be funny, but most of what it says about relational databases is true.
SOrta figured it out by the end, but it's so plausible because the first part is true.
Though, I was half expecting a Real WTF to follow.
Of course people will give up SQL when they realize that AFQL will support natural language queries like "get me all the data I need right now". Syntax optional.
I agree, but like I said a lot of well-known developers are hyping this NoSQL stuff and trashing RDBMS. It makes it frustrating looking at what to learn because you have very experienced people saying that these weird fads are the way to go.
New in 2.0:
The internet's natural extension of award show acceptance speeches? (You can say whatever you want, but we cut you off before you can say anything really profound.)
Anyhow, for those of us stuck at work without a spare harddrive to "test" this one, would someone mind show/telling what this thing actually does at some point today/tomorrow?
I must admit that I fell for this hookline and sinker. For a few hours until I posted the link to a friend and he was joking about it, and I was taking it seriously until finally he was like "... You know what day it is right?".
Hangs self
Wow, thats amazing! What could possibly go wrong!?!?! ...wait for it... wait for it... can't... hold.. in.. pedantry... a corrupt sector kills the linking and now your db is trashed!!
Sigh. We've been through all this before. Accessing the disk directly through CHS? Way too slow. Putting all the data in RAM? Still too pokey for REAL TIME. I even experimented with keeping the database in processor registers, but even then, it can take as long as a whole processor clock cycle to manipulate the data.
No, the solution is to hardcode all of your data in silicon. The processor should have a unique instruction for each database record. You want record 292 of your database? You just execute the machine code instruction FETCH_RECORD_292, and BAM!, you've got your record. What if you don't know the record number, and want to look up a record by its index? That's what compilers are for, duh.
The only faster solution is to put each record on a wooden table, photograph it, and put it in a filing cabinet with the other photographs of records. And we all know that's just not practical.
Damnit Alex!
What if my CEO had seen that post!?!??
I'd be writing business cases for APDB for the next quarter!
Didn't fall for this one, but I and a friend of mine both fell for Google's AFD joke. Took me almost a minute for the light to turn on.
hahaha!! in this part of the world fools day is November 28... hahaha, so mine was a truly "WTF?!?!?!?!?!" I mean, I knew something went wrong and (or the editor went crazy...) had to check the comments!!
Well, it came to nothing in the end, but a looong long time ago, I started working on a project for a simple little address-book style database, to run on C64 + 1541 disk drive.
The data was all going to reside in a fixed block of preallocated sectors at the start of the disk, using fixed record sizes for random access.
The fun bit was that the drive had its own cpu, so all the searches were going to be run on the drive itself, which was probably more-or-less capable of reading the sectors and searching for the desired record on the fly, as fast as the disk turned. It made a lot of sense given the cripplingly-slow serial interface between the drive and the actual C64, as sending all the data to the computer to be searched there would have been vastly slower.
pls show me example of using javascript and APDB.
Yep, first paragraph made it clear. You guys who took longer to identify the fox by his paw are scary.
Really, Alex should make that a featured comment.
I kept on thinking... "no man! he can't be seriously thinking..." good job :-)
So... where's the joke? How is this funny?
I was actualy shocked when I first read "Relational Database is dead"! Nice April's Fool.
** \.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 ** Model: WDC WD15 00AHFD-00RAR SCSI Disk Device (Supported) Sector Count: 293040720 (Supported) Interface: IDE (Not Supported) Firmware: 21.0 (Needs Reflash)
I got all excited about taking apart your hacked HDD firmware :(
I'm interested in why you chose .NET Framework for "The Worlds's Fastest Database" since direct hardware access isn't available until 4.1.
Your APDB is okay, but it uses a hard drive for storage which everyone knows is literally exagigamegabillions times slower than using RAM. In fact, if you use RAM for your next version of APDB, you can avoid using CMS altogether and switch to a linear system (maybe its location in memory) for referencing data! You can even avoid the need to use chaining if you store the size of the data before the data itself.
I propose calling this method "programmable online immediate named text entity retrieval", or POINTER for short. I think that it will revolutionize the data-storage industry. Sure, some people will argue that having to keep track of these POINTERs to data is a chore, but people like that obviously shouldn't be programming anyways!
While I appreciate the Fools Day fun, I really wish that more people would actually consider if they really, REALLY need a RDB. Especially when performance really matters. If you want more than 1000 requests per second from each thread of your program, the big Oracle DBA will just tell you that you are nuts. However, if you go with the key:value store, such as Tokyo Cabinet, you can actually achieve millions of read or write requests per second on each thread on decent hardware.
Databases (round-trip latencies, 2-3 hard drive accesses per request, ACID overheads, SQL parsing costs, ...) can easily be the bottleneck in many high performance environments, but too many programmers are used to just getting the latest from Oracle, sticking it on a few millions worth of hardware and hoping for the best.
YOU DO NOT MAKE JOKES ABOUT SUCH THINGS! It won't take long until some very, very sick person implements this.
I read the text by reading the executable in the text viewer integrated into WinRAR. Nice one with the VM detection.
Its quite obvious that it is an aprils fools joke as the style of the article differs greatly from the others and it is dripping of irony and sarcasm.
Awesome post, Alex!
It would be nice if you'd post the source code (for those of us too paranoid to execute binary only releases :P).
Need a database, and it give you a file system ... ?!?!?!
Need a database, and it give you a file system... ?!?!?!
You guys make me laugh. That's why I love this site.
this is ... april 1st.
Nope, this is how the SABRE database, dating from the 1950s, worked. It's still in use today, or at least its legacy is, your airline record locator located the position on the DASD where your travel information was stored.
My team built a fast system - one of the very first 911 map display systems, if not the first, for Fairfax County VA in 1985. The maps were 8-bit color images, not vector files (although other data was overlaid from vector files) One of the key design elements was that the map image tiles were stored in physically optimal sectors on the disk so that when the user was 'live' panning across the county, the next image tile could be found and read as fast as possible. The visible image was two tiles square (IIRC), and the display buffer held all the bordering tiles. Given a street location, the system could look up the address in the geolocation database, and would get back a list of the disk addresses of the necessary tiles to retrieve.
This system was powered by a 286 with six expensive display cards. Each 286 system supported six graphic terminals, and there were four systems sharing two disk servers via an early SCSI interface with hacked drivers (to allow multiple controllers). This system supported 24 911 operators with an average initial display of 1.5 seconds from the moment the address came in - a lot better than the required 7 seconds.
clap clap clap! I actually read up to "The APDB Engine & Architecture" before I realised, and the sense of relief then was overwhelming. :) I wouldn't want to live in the same universe as this product! :)
Sorry to be U-boat captain.... I mean naval Nazi.... But sextant is not exactly "dead". It´s just so damn reliable it takes away all fun from the navigation. In all other aspects - Great job, Alex! Oracle is sitting and rotting on it´s stinking throne for way too long now...
I am now selling a full APDB package on ebay for $199.95AUD, full manual & support included.
This is your chance to get this brilliant database software delivered to your door!
For a limited time only i will also be providing installation & setup support, totally free of charge.
Don't miss out on this exciting offer, bid now so you wont be disappointed.
It was april foolday
If you're going to do April Fool's joke stories, can't you even try to be clever, to be subtle? This one stood out at a joke from the title alone, and didn't get any better.
There's an art to these things, you know - it's not just a case of mixing up a load of bullshit, and posting it online.
Relax fella, it's only a bit of fun.
Very good...reminds me of the 4/1 PC magazine stories of old:
"4-bit processors to replace 32 or 64 bit" (because 4-bit processing goes faster than 32 or 64 bits, just like risc goes faster than cisc), etc.