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Basically, no matter how much people claim they're unaffected by it, many are
Fine, if everyone else is so lazy ...
1Nc29Ob3JtYWw+PFNQQU4gc3R5bGU9IkZP TlQtRkFNSUxZOiAnVGltZXMgTmV3IFJvbWFuJywnc2VyaWYnOyBtc28tYmlkaS1m b250LXdlaWdodDogYm9sZCI+SWYgeW91IGFyZSBub3QgcXVhbGlmaWVkIG9yIGlu
dGVyZXN0ZWQgaW4gdGhpcyBwb3NpdGlvbiwgcGxlYXNlIGNvbnRpbnVlIHRvIGNo ZWNrIG91ciB3ZWJzaXRlIGZvciBhbGwgb3VyIG9wcG9ydHVuaXRpZXM7PEI+IHdl IHJlY2VpdmUgbmV3IHBvc2l0aW9ucy
BvbiBhIHJlZ3VsYXIgYmFzaXM8L0I+LjxC Pjw/eG1sOm5hbWVzcGFjZSBwcmVmaXggPSBvIG5zID0gInVybjpzY2hlbWFzLW1p Y3Jvc29mdC1jb206b2ZmaWNlOm9mZmljZSIgLz48bzpwPjwvbzpwPjwvQj48L1NQ QU4+
PC9QPg0KPFAgc3R5bGU9IkxJTkUtSEVJR0hUOiBub3JtYWw7IE1BUkdJTj0g MGluIDBpbiAwcHQiIGNsYXNzPU1zb05vcm1hbD48Qj48U1BBTiBzdHlsZT0iRk9O VC1GQU1JTFk6ICdUaW1lcyBOZXcgUm
9tYW4nLCdzZXJpZiciPjxvOnA+Jm5ic3A7 PC9vOnA+PC9TUEFOPjwvQj48L1A+DQo8UCBzdHlsZT0iTElORS1IRUlHSFQ6IG5v cm1hbDsgTUFSR0lOOiAwaW4gMGluIDBwdCIgY2xhc3M9TXNvTm9ybWFsPjxCPjxT
UEFOIHN0eWxlPSJGT05ULUZBTUlMWTogJ1RpbWVzIE5ldyBSb21hbicsJ3Nlcmlm JyI+VG8gdmlldyBhbGwgb3VyIG9wZW4gcG9zaXRpb25zIHBsZWFzZSB2aXNpdDo8 bzpwPjwvbzpwPjwvU1BBTj48L0I+
PC9QPg0KPFAgc3R5bGU9IkxJTkUtSEVJR0hU OiBub3JtYWw7IE1BUkdJTjogMGluIDBpbiAwcHQiIGNsYXNzPU1zb05vcm1hbD48 QiBzdHlsZT0ibXNvLWJpZGktZm9udC13ZWlnaHQ6IG5vcm1hbCI+PFNQQU4gc3R5
bGU9IkZPTlQtRkFNSUxZOiAnVGltZXMgTmV3IFJvbWFuJywnc2VyaWYnOyBDT0xP UjogcmVkIj48QSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm5ldHJlY3J1aXQubmV0L2NnaS9D bG9ha1Rya3lucGw/
X3NpdGVHdWlkPXNwYXJ0bmVyJl9zbWhpZD0yMDE0NjYxNDMw MTA1Jl9pc2E9UmVjcnVpdGVyJl9pc2FJRD0xNTUxNDgzNzUmb2VtSUQ9QUlSUyZf cmVkaXJlbmNvZGVkPWh0dHAlM0ElMk==
(== added because the message in the image is truncated)
well clearly time dilation is affecting that rocket footage. If it were filmed from on the rocket it would have taken mere second...
I suspect that Google has deduced the language based on theoretical word length and some profound heuristics. Some languages can have words of theoretically unlimited length, and of those, Finnish was deemed the best candidate just because we Finnish people are somewhat crazy.
Eg. kolmivaihevaihtovirtakilowattituntimittari is a common device found in several Finnish homes and buildings, and training program for person who has extensively specialized in installing them could be kolmivaihevaihtovirtakilowattituntimittariasentajakoulutusohjelma and representative the program could be kolmivaihevaihtovirtakilowattituntimittariasentajakoulutusohjelmavastaava and so on ad absurdum.
It's not Finnish - there are not enough vovels.
"Not sure how big your lap is but I certainly wouldn't want this 'laptop'."
Actually, this is just a component to be used in your next lapdancing robot project.
Oh my how your i3 turns me on!
There's nothing magical about compound words like that. English has them, too, but chooses to embed whitespace between the parts.
kolmi- = three- vaihe = phase vaihto = alternating virta = current kilo- = kilo- watti = watt tunti = hour mittari = gauge asentaja = installer koulutus = training ohjelma = program vastaava = person in charge
Hah! You can do the same in Dutch:
(=Manager assistant of a sewage treatment installation company)
I always thought that German was the canonical language for ridiculously long constructed words, such as Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, or if you include specifically constructed words, there's always Vierwaldstätterseedampfshiffsfahrtsgeselschaftskapitänsmützensternlein which apparently appeared in a novel.
I am the OP of that screen shot and there is actually a very ironic epilogue to this submission: I interviewed with Google a few days later and had a Finnish interviewer who asked me about language detection. :-)
Also, to satisfy your curiosity, here's the full text of the email when run through base64 -d -i | lynx -dump (somewhat edited to protect the innocent):
And the raw output of base64 -d -i:
... Microsoft Office HTML Finnish that is :)
It occurs to me that languages like this must be murder on word-processing software that tries to word-wrap and fully justify text without hyphenating.
I'm pretty sure that I am not going to be using Access in 9000 years.
I'm presently working with a system where we send credit card purchases through a clearing house. And the system used by the clearing house for testing use magic dollar amounts to trigger error conditions. There are hundreds of these magic dollar amounts for all sorts of different error conditions. So if you are trying to test something that has nothing to do with error conditions, and the transaction fails, now you have to figure out whether it failed because of an error in your code, or whether you just happenned to pick items for the order that totalled one of the magic dollar amounts.
That software hasn't been updated since the turn of the century...the 20th Century!
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