• Annon (unregistered)

    Is it just me... or has the quality of the DailyWTF posts gone down significantly?! This is proof of it... followed by the horrible "WTF" yesterday about the Codecthulu

     captcha : NEW QUALITY CONTENT

  • (cs)

    Gotta love it when the management-types "learn" something "new"... They always want to share it!

  • (cs) in reply to Hartmut

    This must have been the first time in my life that i've seen 1-based binary data ...

     1 1 1 2 1 1 . . .


    That's two-bits.  Enough for 'shave and a haircut' !

  • Cousin Jamie (unregistered) in reply to Annon

    Just wanted to point out to all the complainers that

    a) you're not paying to read this site

    b) I doubt it took more than a few minutes out of your life to read today's article, 

    and c) if you're unhappy with the content of this site, you're all free to start your own site, updated daily with new content, devoted to humorous perversions of technology. 

    It ain't easy, folks. Especially when the site admin is (most likely) doing this in his free time, (most likely) has a full time job, and (most likely) is not making a penny off of it. 

    Try it yourself sometime. Then come back and complain.

  • (cs) in reply to Cousin Jamie

    Just wanted to point out to all the complainers that

    a) you're not paying to read this site

    No I'm not, neither am I paying for Sharktank and they update daily and stay on topic.


    b) I doubt it took more than a few minutes out of your life to read today's article, 

    I'm not complaining about time am I/


    and c) if you're unhappy with the content of this site, you're all free to start your own site, updated daily with new content, devoted to humorous perversions of technology. 

    Yes I am free to do so, but then again, this is advertised as such, so why recreate the wheel?


    It ain't easy, folks. Especially when the site admin is (most likely) doing this in his free time, (most likely) has a full time job, and (most likely) is not making a penny off of it. 

    Try it yourself sometime. Then come back and complain.

    Actually, he is making money off this, not much but some.  This is his free time, I know that.  I also know that his full time job is working for himself.  Great gig if you can get it.

    Now take one more look at the complaints and take note of something.  This is supposee to be the "BEST OF" and nobody here thinks this qualifies, that is our only real complaint.

    As far as making our own site, well Alex gave us the forum and we have made his site ours, just look at the great content in the sidebar.  That is what this site has become for me and it is fantastic.  Maybe that is the problem also, we keep posting the good stuff ourselves and leaving Alex with the lesser material.  If that is the case, well, we only have ourselves to blame.


  • Rich (unregistered)

    From the diagram, it appears that this is a repost of yesterday's Cthulhu article



  • (cs)

    We will never see the good examples of Drive By Architecture here.

    Thats just one little diagram, I've seen a 50-100 page document that has lots and lots of really pretty diagrams.

    The client, in the form of a new and compentent hire at the client's, swore me to secrecy before telling that if he had been there, they never would have paid for the document. The author of the document thinks its a "really good one".


  • (cs) in reply to KattMan

    If this is one of the best of 2006, then I know why we aren't seeing much code any more.  Even the Code Snippet if the Day isn't daily.

    I think he's starting out small. There's got to be a way to follow the act. If he starts with, say, the Customer-Friendly system, there's nowhere left to go.

  • rotu (unregistered) in reply to Hugh Brown


    If this site is for whining about how bad an IT life is, this post is not making the case. Now if you had a story about out of control projects that eat up money and people or maybe a story about a system without source code that was maintained by decompiling the binaries and then throwing away the source or maybe a story about an antique system maintained entirely through domain specific languages, translators, and interpreters to emulate a language no longer used -- then we'd have something funny.



    But then if we limit the post to your criteria, we'd have a pretty bland site in a few days. Who are you anyway? the humor police? 

  • Peter (unregistered) in reply to ssprencel

    Licky Lindsay:
    to talk to her just so they can stare at her chest. The engineers are probably just as bad, except they stare at her feet instead.

    Are you saying that all engineers have a foot fetish or are they too shy


     How do you tell an introvert engineer from an extravert engineer?
    Are they looking at their own feet or someone elses? 


  • El Quberto (unregistered) in reply to Hartmut

    This must have been the first time in my life that i've seen 1-based binary data ...

     1 1 1 2 1 1 . . .

    It is 0 based Trinary.  The zeros are absent in this representation as all the files have been found on the filesystem.  That's the mark of a well running machine.
  • rgz (unregistered) in reply to Cowbert

    > Yeah, my whiteboard is covered with diagrams like that, so I'm not sure what the objective of this dailywtf was either.

    The point is that we want to make fun of management and we will take every chance to do it. It's not like managers don't make fun of us laughing all the way to the bank, cashing in money for work they didn't spent countless unpaid overtime doing.

    I realize not all managers are like that but hey, you need to let go some steam. 

    captcha: random

    Not a lot I see. 

  • OMG LAZOR BEANS!! (unregistered) in reply to Annon

    Is it just me... or has the quality of the DailyWTF commenters gone down significantly?

    In January, this post actually got funny comments like


    It looks like an overhead view of a high school cafeteria. Notice how one student ate the meatloaf and died on a table, while the lunchroom lady continues to serve with reckless abandon.

    The stick figures are a nice touch. It also appears that the [smart client] is communicating to the (Perf Stat) via morse code.

    Hey, this looks suspiciously like some of the JFK assassination conspiracy theories...If you hold it up to a mirror, you get a clear picture of Dealy Plaza and the grassy knoll......
    If you're a humourless loser and are just here to moan about something that's free anyway then take my advice and please SOD OFF.
  • Sheila (unregistered) in reply to Licky Lindsay
    Licky Lindsey:
    I'm sure being a woman doesn't help her either. (Male) managers probably find stupid excuses to talk to her just so they can stare at her chest. The engineers are probably just as bad, except they stare at her feet instead.

    With a name like "Licky Lindsey" I can imagine how managers and engineers act around you...
  • OMG LAZOR BEANS!! (unregistered) in reply to OMG LAZOR BEANS!!

    Looking at the diagram again, I think the manager was explaining that the update caused one of their N-tiers to reach critical mass and explode, killing one. It then appears that the body was moved to the cafeteria and served as lunch to the companys' smart clients to remove the evidence. I can just see the manager concluding with "...and that's how I avoided criminal negligence charges."

  • Jason (unregistered)

    Awesome. This looks exactly like the maps I scribbled down while solving interactive fiction games back in the day.

  • OMG LAZOR BEANS!! (unregistered) in reply to OMG LAZOR BEANS!!


    Looking at the diagram again, I think the manager was explaining that the update caused one of their N-tiers to reach critical mass and explode, killing one. It then appears that the body was moved to the cafeteria and served as lunch to the companys' smart clients to remove the evidence. I can just see the manager concluding with "...and that's how I avoided criminal negligence charges."

    Or maybe a smart client found the concealled body and had to be killed and eaten in the cafeteria. I can't tell. ARRRGH! THIS DIAGRAM IS UNCLEAR!

  • OMG LAZOR BEANS!! (unregistered) in reply to OMG LAZOR BEANS!!

    It could also be version of the executive's plan to infiltrate their competitor's HQ and sabotage their operation. I see he was planing to disguise himself as a cafeteria worker after assasinating the real one. To the right is a floorplan of the building showing where to plant the charges. All he needs is a .NET programmer to hack the smart client.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to steven22

    What do you think the bottom 3 connected boxes are with one marked out?  I'm smelling clustering with failover!

  • Coward (unregistered)

    I had a good giggle at this one. It just so happens that the Operations Manager at my ex company, has the gift of knowing some keywords and then using them randomly. I still remember being in one meeting, and he would blurt out Smartclient. I was like wtf. This dude has absolutely no idea abt system, he has a military background and you can therefore guess how he treats the staff, we used to call him Dick, short for Dictator.

     I am sure this one and Codethulhu comes from my ex company.

  • Chris Travers (unregistered) in reply to alexp

    Is that Anne's desk in the top left?

     You got it.


    The "Smart Client" as Anne, though evidently the executive doesn't know a client from an employee but that is another matter.


    The N-Tier diagram describes the number if tiers of management you have to go through at this company to get anything done.

  • Ryan (unregistered) in reply to lgonggr

    I'm really glad that most people don't enjoy this.

    This is a standard IT process map.

    the real wtf is that this developer says she can't understand that.

  • Brad (unregistered) in reply to Hartmut

    I think that was supposed to be ...  which might be an IP address, but is still crazy.

  • itb (unregistered)

    You don't understand. The WTF about this post is the post itself. Meta-WTF that is. Not sure whether is the best of 2006 though.

  • Theo (unregistered) in reply to itb

    WTF ??? This thread isn't a WTF at all...

  • (cs)

    Oh, Bill Lumbergh ! Mmmmmm yeeeeeahhhh mmmm I need you to come to work in mmmmm saturday mmmm and in sunday to mmmmyeeah... LOL That was the most exact picture of bad evil annoying boss I've ever seen, the Office Space is a must-see !

  • (cs)

    This one was new to me since I started reading TDWTF during September. Since this one is presented in the "Best of 2006 " list, I feel challenged to judge it.

    Based on what I've read since September, this is a really lame WTF:

    1. Management guy read/heard/"learned" something about some tech subject and boasts his new "knowledge". (common - yawn!)

    2. Management guy stops by employee and distracts her from important work by useless chatting. (even more common - double yawn!)

    3. Management guy produces messed up drawing which cannot be judged in a fair way without his conversation. (has already been pointed out that such drawings are created in many meetings - serious yawn attack!!)

    4. The messed up drawing MAY show that the management guy confuses deep confusion about .NET with bright, sound knowledge. Nevertheless, consider 3. (I don't know much about .NET - huge yawn attack!!!)

    My vote: This is not one of the best, but one of the lamest WTFs of the year. But I understand that .NET experts may vote differently because of some delicate details in the drawing.

  • Pidgeon (unregistered)

    Hehehe. This is one of the best wtf’s ever. Not because of the wtf, which was pretty lame (no offence), but for the priceless comments. If anybody had ever written a smart client, they would know that one of the things that makes smart clients great is automatic updates (this will be especially important to management). And automatic updates works with… uhm… version numbers? (it seems as if this manager knew more about smart clients than most people who posted here) Granted the version numbers are a bit “wrong”, but that’s understandable considering that it is management we are talking about. The rest of the document doesn’t really make sense either, but you can’t really judge without knowing what was said.

  • (cs) in reply to Cousin Jamie
    Just wanted to point out to all the complainers that

    a) you're not paying to read this site

    b) I doubt it took more than a few minutes out of your life to read today's article, 

    and c) if you're unhappy with the content of this site, you're all free to start your own site, updated daily with new content, devoted to humorous perversions of technology. 

    It ain't easy, folks. Especially when the site admin is (most likely) doing this in his free time, (most likely) has a full time job, and (most likely) is not making a penny off of it. 

    Try it yourself sometime. Then come back and complain.

    OUCH ! Well stated. Thanks.

  • (cs) in reply to John Bigboote
    John Bigboote:

    It's perfectly clear. The smart client emits a turkey off the starboard bow, which is then sent directly to the Weber grill. What's so hard to understand about that? 

    It looks like someone was standing in the turkey's way.


  • Olddog (unregistered) in reply to PxP

    Where is the XML?

    It's probably on the flip-side of the sheet. Along with the dinner orders and action items.

    A power ( think tank ) session, such as this, is likely carry on well into the night.

  • Olddog (unregistered) in reply to El Quberto

    This must have been the first time in my life that i've seen 1-based binary data ...

     1 1 1 2 1 1 . . .

    It is 0 based Trinary.  The zeros are absent in this representation as all the files have been found on the filesystem.  That's the mark of a well running machine.

    Could be a new security effort.  All parties have agreed to add one ( or ) subtract one on all transmissions

  • Anonymous Dude (unregistered) in reply to ssprencel

    Licky Lindsay:
    I'm sure being a woman doesn't help her either. (Male) managers probably find stupid excuses to talk to her just so they can stare at her chest. The engineers are probably just as bad, except they stare at her feet instead.

    Cartman, what the hell are you talking about? 

    Are you saying that all engineers have a foot fetish or are they too shy to look at your breast?  Lindsay, are you being sexually harassed at work?


    More importantly, is she saying that she things female engineers and programmers are hot enough to waste your time ogling? Feeling mighty full of themselves, obviously. But tell you what - hot chicks don't have to work. They're hot. it's the fugly chicks who are in fields like this, becuase they had to become smart. No guy is going to pay her way through life and she had plenty of time to study up on things and become smart on friday and saturday nights while she was stuck at home alone and all the hot chicks were out getting drunk and dancing half naked on bars with their older dates.     

  • Christophe (unregistered) in reply to DWalker59

    It looks like a house with a long driveway... and trees and bushes on the right side....

    Bushes? I thought they looked more like shrubberies ... and a little path running down the middle. ( A Path! A Path! )


  • Fry (unregistered) in reply to Hartmut

    This must have been the first time in my life that i've seen 1-based binary data ... 1 1 1 2 1 1 . . .

    Don't worry. There's no such thing as two.

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