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This reminds me of someone near and dear to my heart who told me one day - you should take a year off and write a facebook thing or something. and I'm not even a web "programmer". I only dabble. Or the time my father asked me to write him an accounting system and was shocked that I said it would take 6 months working in my spare time. which from what I know now would have been a gross underestimation. and I don't know accounting.
there's a lot of people that expect miracles for nothing. they shop at walmart.
I don't know. I do know that I'm truly lousy at guessing how long a project is going to take. The standard rule "take your worst guess and double it" doesn't help me much. I've got too large a variance from the mean. (This is one reason among many why I'd never make it as a consultant.)
This is a pretty typical industry story. There is a huge difference between programming, and software development. Just because someone can write bits of working code, doesn't mean that they have the knowledge and/or ability to build a real system. Working code is not necessarily good code, and crappy code is just a nasty problem waiting to happen.
Garbage in -> Garbage out.
What is the stigma attached to buying it at Walmart?
Walmart generally sells something that breaks sooner, even when it's the same model number. I go there for bullets, but nothing else.
Even wore
PHP = Personal Home Page
Could also be http://www.thedailyplate.com/ or http://www.fitday.com/
Nice story.
Or http://www.thedailyplate.com/
Also known as "throwing good money after bad."
Good. Fast. Cheap.
Pick two.
I worked for a company that was, well, clueless when it came to Open Source. They made money cutting Microsoft code so they were not going to touch anything else. Even when they needed a content management system themselves.
Written during low employment times, it employed a number of internal code cutters and burned well over $200k in costs (i.e. internally they robbed the kitty for a good 200k).
What they produced was, well, basic. The guy who commissioned it got rather green in the face when I told him he could have had the same by taking Joomla and paying developers familiar with the code to change a few components (it really was very basic). Not only would that have costed about 5% of their spend but it would have provided extra marketing benefit if that code was then pushed back to the community.
I left in the end. There was so much more wrong with that company on the ethical front that the above issue was relatively minor..
Oh, the site also ran like a dog..
Hey, now we know where you father shop :-)
That's a pet peeve of mine as well. At very least, put a space around a single hyphen if you're going to treat it like an em dash. Or, better yet, just use two hyphens together if you don't want to bother with —.
When you publish something, part of your goal should be making it easy for people to read your text...
Damn! I was that developer.
Not liking their answer doesn't make you right, or more knowledgeable...
Its obvious you have no future as a PHB! To make it to the top, you have to get what you want. You cant let the laws of physics get in the way!
And Rockler probably has something for $19.95 that actually doesn't break when you are halfway through your task. Walmart sells crap. That other places also sell crap does not change that simple fact.
This is so true. On my last job our customers wanted a SOA solution to communicate their mainframe systems with the ones used by the mother company. We estimated around 8 months using a SOA solution, but suddenly the General Manager said "this should be done in 3 months, no more".
Needless to say we didn't get the contract, but it's been 10 months since then and they have not reached the testing phase yet. The other compnay, which was the one hired for the job, did not use a SOA solution, they implemented their "custom ESB" because they said that it was "faster".
Recast the sentence this way:
Kyle learned that the codebase was too large for email, and so used his remote connection to the server to poke around.
Because the codebase was too large for email, Kyle established a remote connection to the server and poked around.
Kyle poked around in the codebase.
No hyphens anywhere.
CAPTCHA: facilisis, a variety of ivy that covers consultants.
Yes. That reminds me of the bad name Java desktop programs got, because most developers didn't think of adding the user events (mouse clicks etc.) in a separate thread. I've seen many apps where you press a button, and the rest of the interface hangs while the function does its work... but it's Java that gets the blame.
You would think that they would wonder why Java on the server was so fast and powerful, while the desktop apps where unresponsive... Put two and two together, and blame the developers and not the VM. Or you could also put some blame on Sun, since they didn't release a GUI tool early enough, that could have added code for events handling for the less experienced developers
Same thing with code.
And then you have TopCod3rs who say they do it for $700.
It took my nephew 2 hours to build his ASP.NET AND EVERYTHING MS PUTS OUT IS UBER CRAP page , so don't you try to bullshit me mister , how hard it should to add some functionality? while you're at it make it like facebook and youtube.
TRWTF is that you are all bitching about bad code and run-away cost overrun.
Never happened to me.
Notice what I said: "I need to buy a woodworking tool. Walmart has it." Other places have the same product, same brand, same model, the one I need, for more money.
I don't need to take a taxi to cross the street, I don't need a drill press to drill a hole, and I don't need a $400 plane to smooth an edge.
Walmart sells some crap. They also sell some standard-quality stuff. When standard quality is what I need and I can get it there cheaper, that's where I'll be buying it.
Now carry on with your blanket condemnation routine (yawn).
a poo cometh
In my experience, Wal-Mart either:
I think the last thing I bought at Wal-Mart was sink drain plugs. Can't remember what it was before then -- a watch battery, I think, and I won't be buying those there again because a real jeweler will often sell you the battery and install it while you wait at no extra charge.
TopCod3r! Welcome back...
GCC is the only syntax nazi my life has room for.
Seriously. Computers have an excuse for being fussy. You, on the other hand, have this wonderful, flexible, extensible human brain, and yet you complain when information isn't formatted exactly how you like it. You got the intended message, so stop complaining.
I use to work at a shop that was always the lowest bidder with the shortest delivery time. My boss would bid way low on the initial contract thinking that he would make up the loss from development in the "maintenance contract".
Our development cycle consisted of working on the project which had the maddest customer that week. Needless to say we never on schedule, our code was crap, and the maintenance contracts never materialized as customers would take their code in a huff when we finally (usually months late) got a crippled version working.
It was a shame because there were some super smart guys working there and we could have put together some sweet applications.
I think I worked for that company. We typically had 5 QA people for each (as in 1) developer. None of the testing was automated (unless you count copy and paste.) On one medium sized project I got stuck as the only developer and the entire local QA gang(~8 people) was assigned to testing my work. Needless to say about 1/3 of the way through the project the budget was exhausted. I guess I didn't code fast enough. My own Unit tests were endlessly ridiculed as a waste of time by the QA people.
Captcha Venio: the trait of showing up on time. "He was sort of venio about meetings."
What a bargooooon!!
Sounds like the story of the Vision App from the book Oracle Insights. "We've been promised that this miracle app will be written using this amazing technology for next to no cost." 3 years later, the app is fatally flawed, all the experts were right having said that it would never work and the company is going down the tubes. The wonderful phrase that us smug techies love when we're right, "false economy"!
Lol - you made me spit COKE all over my keyboard. And CoKE doesn't pay me to write COKe all over the forums. cOKE
I joined a company as its sole developer, to maintain and extend a few systems that were outsourced. One in particular took 3 years and $350 000 to develop. Some highlights of the production build when I inherited it are:
I refactored the playback part in C, more as a prototype and proof-of-concept for a few major design changes. Naturally, the prototype worked better, and most of the CPU usage was dedicated to video decoding.
Does this kind of stupidity just infuriate you? These numbskulls need to be exterminated or just plain terminated in the least. How can they survive with such abject moronic idiocy???
Wasn't Cleopatra killed by an ASP?
Oh god yes -- I really had to re-read those sections carefully to understand them
Jim apparently only picked one, cheap, and ironically didn't even get that
This is all well and good unless you work in Govt (here at least) in which case the cheapest quote always wins. It's taxpayer's money after all. EDS know this and Always underprice and end up with the job. (Or so I'm told) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_Data_Systems#Controversy
I think the answer is clear: $93,200.
He didn't want to step back from his former decision. It'd mean he had lost against someone who is evidently far more knowledgeable than he will ever be.
Sadly, I think its becoming more like pick 1 and maybe a half. Or maybe I'm just becoming too jaded.
The changes made to the article were of a VERY poor nature. The original controversy section is taken almost verbatim from the cited sources, and the RAF one was not cited at ALL in the new version, indeed the original citation outlining the problems they had was deliberately removed.
That's exactly the problem you get with .NET when you're developing Windows forms. Shouting "Thou shalt not block the UI thread!" while waving a clue-bat has become a past time of mine.
It's not as if it's difficult to throw most of it off in to a BackgroundWorker - you don't even need to use a full Thread implementation for most stuff.