• cadunkle (unregistered)


  • Fubar (unregistered)

    Oh how I know this one.

  • Anon (unregistered)

    Let me be the first to say that TRWTF is Lotus Notes. Horrible piece of software...

  • mike! (unregistered) in reply to cadunkle


    The real WTF is that you're using IE7...

  • Mikkel (unregistered)

    You got the names mixed up in the end, or Ivan and Tore is the same person calling himself...

  • AlleyGator (unregistered)

    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

  • (cs) in reply to AlleyGator
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    Martin is "Proffesional", so he must know about it, just too lazy to strech finger

  • Johhny Awkward (unregistered)

    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl? She's got breasts and everything.

  • (cs)

    I'd fire the whole bunch, especially for getting the names mixed up at the end.

  • populus (unregistered) in reply to Johhny Awkward
    Johhny Awkward:
    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl? She's got breasts and everything.

    I think irishgirls a pretty cool guy, eh has tits and doesnt afraid of anything.

  • againjj (unregistered)

    The story was a bit confusing, until I realized the names got screwed up:

    Ivan demanded that he call internal IT. Though it had been less than two minutes since he'd talked to them, he wasn't going to agitate Ivan any further. Internal IT put Tore on hold while they called the tech for an estimate. As Tore listened to the Michael Bolton hold music, he noticed that Martin was calling on the other line. He quickly switched over.

    "Hey Tore, do you have a status update on the Lotus Notes situation? What's the ETA?"

    Tore responded, "No news just yet, but I'll let you know as soon as learn more." Satisfied, Martin hung up. Tore switched back over to internal IT. A minute later, the IT support guy said that someone was working on it, but that couldn't give a solid estimate. Tore called Ivan with the update, and got back to his TV show.

    Fixed! -ed.

  • JD (unregistered)
    The Article:
    Tore's job was eventually replaced by an Indian service desk... their poor staff...
    Poor staff indeed. Poor at their jobs, poor at communication, the list goes on...
  • (cs) in reply to AlleyGator
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    More like a triple WTF.

    You expect them to email the issue, probably when the email server is down?

  • Tim (unregistered) in reply to populus
    Johhny Awkward:
    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl? She's got breasts and everything.

    I think irishgirls a pretty cool guy, eh has tits and doesnt afraid of anything.

    WTF?? Irish girl?!?!? did I miss something?

  • stEvil (unregistered)

    What kind of retard doesnt figure out that after contacting Internal IT, and a member of IT contacting you about the same thing, there is likely to be a communication problem? Good thing for Ivan he got rid of them.

    Though, not sure an Indian call centre was a good idea. An "engineer" from my ISP argued with me for quarter of an hour that there was no such thing as a 'key' in wireless networks, insisting that I meant my Windows logon password. Sometime I wonder if they can tie their own shoelaces.

  • yetihehe (unregistered) in reply to stEvil
    What kind of retard doesnt figure out that after contacting Internal IT, and a member of IT contacting you about the same thing, there is likely to be a communication problem?
    Yeah, they should use some BGP protocol for phone conversations.
  • Addison (unregistered)

    Yeah this was much funnier on the second read-through once you understood what was going on. With all that back and forth you forget 90% of it by the time the punchline rolls along.

  • distineo (unregistered)
    Tore demanded that he call Tore. Though it had been less than two minutes since he'd talked to them, he wasn't going to agitate Tore any further. Tore put Tore on hold while they called Tore for an estimate. As Tore listened to the Tore hold music, he noticed that Tore was calling on the other line. He quickly switched over.

    "Hey Tore, do you have a status update on the Tore situation? What's the ETA?"

    Tore responded, "No news just yet, but I'll let you know as soon as learn more." Satisfied, Tore hung up. Tore switched back over to Tore. A minute later, Tore said that someone was working on it, but that couldn't give a solid estimate. Tore called Tore with the update, and got back to his Tore show.


  • Soviut (unregistered) in reply to AlleyGator
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    I have to agree there, anyone who "works to rule" on something this simple, mentioning nothing about needing a reboot or that he didn't have access to the server, is asking for headaches.

  • (cs) in reply to AlleyGator
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.


    Are you the type of IT guy that requires users to open a support ticket to report that the support ticket software is down?

  • (cs)

    Is Tore that stupid to not realize that he is thought to be targeted for fixing it? After the incoming call when Tore was looking for an estimate, it became blatantly obvious. This whole thing seems too unrealistic.

  • Andy (unregistered)

    The title sort of spoils this one.

  • Me (unregistered) in reply to Helix
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    More like a triple WTF.

    You expect them to email the issue, probably when the email server is down?

    Standard Procedure:

    1. Send an email broadcast to let everyone know the email server is down.
    2. Check the calendar for any unscheduled downtime.
  • skin256 (unregistered) in reply to Grimoire
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.


    Are you the type of IT guy that requires users to open a support ticket to report that the support ticket software is down?

    No I am a master at keeping a paper trail of every single piece of communication, saved my a$$ a few times.

  • Me (unregistered) in reply to cadunkle


    Next time the server is going down unexpectedly, please schedule this in advance!

  • psycho (unregistered)

    from what i see, the solution has no chance to escape

  • Teh Irish Gril Riot (unregistered) in reply to Johhny Awkward
    Johhny Awkward:
    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl? She's got breasts and everything.

    There is no substitue!

  • Karl von L. (unregistered) in reply to Tim

    WTF?? Irish girl?!?!? did I miss something?

    I've never seen this "Irish girl" myself, but my guess is that she shows up on the site if you turn off Adblock. Though why anyone would do that in the first place escapes me.

  • Mark V Shaney (unregistered)

    Poor writing.

    Every time we have some story with more than 2 person, the poor writing confuses the hell out of readers. I generally stop caring about who's who at roughly the middle of the story.

    As the writer is evidently incapable of presenting the protagonists to the reader, he should just list them at the start of the story. That would be easier for everybody.

  • Dirk Diggler (unregistered) in reply to Soviut
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    I have to agree there, anyone who "works to rule" on something this simple, mentioning nothing about needing a reboot or that he didn't have access to the server, is asking for headaches.

    Whoosh, do you know what Lotus Notes is?

  • tobo (unregistered) in reply to bsaksida

    Yeah, can you send me an email when our email system goes down?

  • P (unregistered) in reply to Karl von L.
    Karl von L.:

    WTF?? Irish girl?!?!? did I miss something?

    I've never seen this "Irish girl" myself, but my guess is that she shows up on the site if you turn off Adblock. Though why anyone would do that in the first place escapes me.

    Maybe to see Irish girl?

  • Ebs2002 (unregistered)

    No adblock, no irish girl. What gives? Where is she?!?

  • (cs)

    Let Lotus Notes bashing begin!

  • P (unregistered) in reply to Ebs2002
    No adblock, no irish girl. What gives? Where is she?!?
  • wbk (unregistered) in reply to Ebs2002
    No adblock, no irish girl. What gives? Where is she?!?

    Just keep refreshing...

  • (cs) in reply to stEvil
    Though, not sure an Indian call centre was a good idea. An "engineer" from my ISP argued with me for quarter of an hour that there was no such thing as a 'key' in wireless networks, insisting that I meant my Windows logon password. Sometime I wonder if they can tie their own shoelaces.

    No, they can't. They're 100% worthless.

  • (cs) in reply to wbk
    No adblock, no irish girl. What gives? Where is she?!?

    Just keep refreshing...

    Ah. She is AN Irish Girl... but not THE Irish Girl.

  • I walked the dinosaur (unregistered) in reply to Johhny Awkward
    Johhny Awkward:
    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl? She's got breasts and everything.

    Maybe because she is 15.

  • zolf (unregistered) in reply to yetihehe
    What kind of retard doesnt figure out that after contacting Internal IT, and a member of IT contacting you about the same thing, there is likely to be a communication problem?
    Yeah, they should use some BGP protocol for phone conversations.
    They did and even they got some route flapping.
  • ebenblues (unregistered) in reply to Karl von L.
    Karl von L.:

    WTF?? Irish girl?!?!? did I miss something?

    I've never seen this "Irish girl" myself, but my guess is that she shows up on the site if you turn off Adblock. Though why anyone would do that in the first place escapes me.

    Maybe to support the people who go through the trouble of providing this site with new content everyday? Just a wild guess...

  • NotTheDroidsYou'reLookingFor (unregistered) in reply to zolf
    They did and even they got some route flapping.

    I'm still trying to see this new Irish Girl, then I'll get my route flapping.

  • (cs) in reply to AlleyGator
    Am I the only one who uses Email to solve these problems, and CC's everybody involved?

    While Martin might be the "root cause" of this, note that at no point did Tore ever attempt to add value or suggest that usually the server just needs a reboot.

    So this is kind of a double WTF.

    1. It's impossible to send an email when the email server is down.
    2. His boss specifically said to follow the documented procedure; he did that. It's not Tore's fault that his co-worker Martin is screwing off.
  • McCrainky (unregistered) in reply to stEvil
    What kind of retard doesnt figure out that after contacting Internal IT, and a member of IT contacting you about the same thing, there is likely to be a communication problem? Good thing for Ivan he got rid of them.

    Though, not sure an Indian call centre was a good idea. An "engineer" from my ISP argued with me for quarter of an hour that there was no such thing as a 'key' in wireless networks, insisting that I meant my Windows logon password. Sometime I wonder if they can tie their own shoelaces.

    Dude- everyone knows that those guys wear sandals. "Shoelaces" now there is a TRWTF.

  • (cs) in reply to Johhny Awkward
    Johhny Awkward:
    Why no comments about the new Irish Girl?
    Because she's been around for a few weeks already.
    She's got breasts and everything.
    and they're half the size of the original Irish Girl's
  • (cs)

    PALIN FTL!!11!1!

  • Tore (unregistered)

    As the submitter of this article, which have been altered a little, as i wrote it in first person.

    Few things, the Internal IT deparment had been oursourced to another company, except for a few things like lotus notes administration, though at the time, i was not aware of this.

    I had at the time, worked for the Company 2 months, when i got this call, and as I was working from home, had no complete basis for understanding the complete infrastructure because it was irrelevant for my position, i was to follow the procedures when my manager called, and when someone like Ivan calls, and says Jump, you ask "Over which cliff", he had a huge temperment, but also intelligent for the most part, he had my number and not the Internal IT number, so it was enough for him to report it.. And to this day, i still have a very high regard for the man.. Wow.. that sounded like i was kissing his behind...

    The outsourced department served as a SPOC, Martin was slacking off, thinking that we in the UNIX production enviroment also could do such a minor task as reboot the Lotus server.. the man was really lazy...

  • (cs)

    If you danced in your underwear a la "Risky Business", did you also take the train ride with Rebecca De Mornay?

  • KKKoder (unregistered) in reply to savar
    Though, not sure an Indian call centre was a good idea. An "engineer" from my ISP argued with me for quarter of an hour that there was no such thing as a 'key' in wireless networks, insisting that I meant my Windows logon password. Sometime I wonder if they can tie their own shoelaces.

    No, they can't. They're 100% worthless.

    I agree with you completely that those sand niggers are just as worthless as the jews and gypsies. I'm glad I have so many pure white brothers on this website.

  • don't forget (unregistered)

    Vote Joshua A. Norton for Emperor of America!

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