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Club them to death with the revolver....
The question about building a bike for a blind man made me think of the one I heard about on the "interview question" websites.
How would you sell ice to an Eskimo?
WTF, Why would I be so amoral to do that!!!
Push 10 into the ravine as he is obviously too lardy and consequently likely to break the bridge.
Tell 5 to use 10's corpse as a trampoline to cross.
Saunter across with 2.
I think this question is designed to detect sexist biases. Anyone who doesn't immediately correct the term to "man-or-woman-hole" should be immediately excluded.
Go eco on them and say you couldn't possibly do this without replacing the bulbs with LEDs or fluorescents. This will wholly flummox the average HR rep because they expect YOU to sweat and think, not to get the ball bounced back.
If you decide the job isn't worth the hassle during the interview you might as well have some fun (evil grin - this is a job hazard anyway when interviewing security specialists :-)
OK 2 things here:
So rage, despair and compliance is the expected range of reactions to your silly questions? Maybe it would be more appropriate for the interviewee to register exasperation and annoyance that someone he/she doesn't even work for yet thinks it's a good idea to shove staff (or potential staff) around just because he can. If you need to test someone out to see if they can deal with (possibly) unsolvable problem(s), then your business must run into these regularly - so maybe there's something wrong with the way you run your business.
Out of curiousity, did recruiting give a reason why they didn't want brainteasers being asked?
Too f*ckin right. It may be the case that sometimes a manager/boss has to push people around to 'get the job done', but far too many of these guys think it is part of the job description and that they are required to push people around (or just do it because they can).
Giving smart-ass answers to questions like that
Actually there are other shapes that will work....
"Well, Jedi fight for justice, so I'd look for the largest conflict around and stick it to the agressor. I'd probably be fighting in Iraq against the Americans right now."
Wait... The 'proper' answer is to dump it in a lake??? That's no good. When it sinks, all it tells you is the volume of the 747, not the weight (and even that's assuming you have some way to measure the displacement, which is non-trivial unless you have a purpose-built water container that's big enough for a 747 - in which case why not use scales?). It has to float for it to tell you the weight. Did the question state that the plane was closed up and sealed to be watertight?
The proper way is either to look at the weight & balance sheet for the plane, or put it on some scales.
Stupid people! You're assuming each switch is directly connected to a single lightbulb! There are 8 possible switch states which may create any of 8 possible light bulb states, i.e. 64 possible maps f: switch-states -> light-bulb-states.
That's exactly the kind of narrowminded thinking I don't want in my company.
is a far simpler solution, and still only takes 19 minutes.
Simple solutions - unless they result in a huge resource/ time penalty - are inevitably the best solutions. And the best solution is always the right solution.
What do you do when someone answers the Boeing question correctly? There are a few ones of doing it:
or (the easy way)
Oh, I don't program. I'm a sysadmin.
Which the Google search would have revealed, but which the interviewer might have not known.
Total: 12 minutes.
I'd rather have an A- developer who isn't a total shitheel rather than an A+ developer who needs constant coddling because otherwise he'll have a fit.
Well, that was certainly fun. Can we talk about something else now. . . like religion or politics?
Easy, you just do the same thing. Warm one up, and then flip it off and turn on one. You now have light switches you can label Warm, Cold, and On.
If any of these these anticipated lights states are missing, you can attribute it to the broken one (excepting Cold, obviously, since the broken one is always Cold.).
The Cold dark one is the light you didn't turn on (broken or not). If none are on, the broken one is the switch left On. If one is On, and the other is Cold, the broken one was the Warm one. If one is On, and the other is Warm, the broken one was the Cold one.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_747-8 : "747-8I Empty weight: 211,700 kg"
Now that was a lot easier than a water-displacement scale, wasn't it?
(Of course, I had to make a couple of assumptions regarding the question whether it was an African or a European Boeing...)
There are people who instead of walking, do what looks more like a penguin waddle. And there are people (like me) who have a faster-than-average gait who always have to go around people...
Now, why someone would go on a hike with penguin-waddler, is another discussion altogether...
I'd rather be asked to provide the answer to a koan by a Zen master to prove my enlightenment than answer a programming question during a job interview.
If I were giving job interviews for programmers I'd just list every technical skill I could think of and then hire the person who had the most prior knowledge because nothing is more important than broad expertise and experience.
For example, I'd ask the job candidate if he knows how to use CSS to control the font color of a web page print-out. I'd ask him if he knows anything about alternative style sheets. I'd ask about cascade deletes in SQL Server. How would you transform JSON to XML? There are thousands of technical details and a huge advantage in being familiar with a wide range of obscure tips and tricks.
But it's quite possible for one software developer to be 10x as good as another. Or for one thread to complete its task 10x faster than another. How do you schedule 4 threads on 2 CPUs that need to share data and thus must move in sync with each other?
dude, don't touch the box.
If you manage to land a job after uttering the phrase "woman hole" during the interview, please let us know.
Did it says Opaque box?
So can't you just SEE what bulb is lighting up?
The puzzle thing is a cute way of evaluating kids just out of school without any real experience -- I went through it in my early 20s and it made sense - there wasn't much else to go on. Now I have half a brain, a college education, and over 10 years of experience. You whip out your puzzle and I flip you the bird and walk. If I don't even try your test you don't want me? Good, because if you have that test in the first place, I don't want the job.
Other than that, 100% spot-on.
As I think I mentioned last time the book came up, I have the perfect answer.
Question: How do you move Mount Fuji? Answer: Read it a really sad Haiku.
The answer is 5 minutes. You pick up the first person, cross with with them in 1 minute, put them down, cross back in 1 minute, pick up the next person, cross in 1 minute, and so on.
3 crossings, 2 crossings back.
And on that note, I think I'll go home early today. It's too beautiful outside to be sitting in here simultaneously writing/compiling code and typing stuff on TheDailyWTF. I sense a beverage in my near future.
the problem, as i see it, with these questions is that they ignore the basic tendency of creative people: fix the situation, making the problem moot. this is sort of a kobayashi maru issue. like the flashlight question. my answer involves determining who has the greatest carry capacity. the lights one depends on the idea that the bulbs get warm, they may not, and that every switch is connected to exactly one bulb and that all the bulbs are even wired to a switch. the airplane one has several solutions as well. some mundane and practical, some really exotic and well, useless. i was once asked an interview question. i failed the test because i could not answer the question. i asked the interviewer and they gave me the answer. it was probabilistic, not deterministic. i pointed out a completely plausible way for it to fail. they said the question may need revision but pointed out that i did not have a correct answer either... drones.
To all those "Ask me puzzle and I walk" guys, yeah, we get it, you're so flipping awesome that everyone should bow down with respect in the presence of your awesomeness. And god forbid we take 2 minutes of your precious time to ask you something you deem irrelevant... your awesome ass will storm out in disgust. GOOD. Go work someplace where you can sit all alone in your hole and solve very relevant and awesomely important problems all by yourself. The rest of us, I guess, are stuck working with, hmm, OTHER PEOPLE, in like TEAMS and such, and people are not computers, they CAN BE and often ARE unpredictable, and the last thing any sane person want in their team is an asshole who throws a fit because someone asked them something they do not think fits their job description.
Seriously, have you never talked to "business department" guys??? Those people come up with questions you'd never expect and you really have to be civil about it because really they are the important ones, not you. And don't get me started on stuff customers throw at you! Going to storm out of a meeting with them as well??? Gees, what a bunch of self important pricks.
Well yeah - the employer failed the interview, so you have to find another one.
Use a synchronization barrier - totally different from finding out how long it takes to finish.
The "just" side doesn't automatically mean the smallest/underdog side. If you want justice for these people, go back and fight for them during the crusades, when they really were being persecuted unjustly.
Well, now they're just being occupied and generally getting ravaged by a general atmosphere of lawlessness, so there's something to fight for there.
Exploit the sentimental value angle ? How his ancestors actually touched some of that stuff, before the bears learned to swim for huge distances ?
I think you hit the nail on the head there, chump. You're a typical wannabe IT manager dickhead whose death the rest of us secretly and sometimes not so secretly plans. "The business department makes us money, you cost us money, so do what you're fucking told you gimp". We hear stories about you from time to time on this very site.
I'm not surprised you're upset at this thread - you can't stand the fact that someone other than an "important business person" would dare to oppose your iron-fisted rule. You have all the hallmarks of an utterly useless manager and I think everybody here is glad as fuck that they don't have anything to do with you.
Cram it up your ass.