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Swing and a miss:
500 ml = 1.05668821 US pints
But isn't the point of the table to allow for shorter working weeks? I would guess that when there is a public holiday (UK English = Bank Holiday) then the developer thought that the users would go in and manually amend the table to ensure that the reports (?) are correct. Hard to hard code this due to Easter moving etc etc. In some languages there are functions for this.
In VBA I personally would have had a table where you enter the public holidays and look up the date range and deduct these from a hard coded 5. Or am I missing something?
1 Imperial (UK) pint = 568.261485 millilitres
I'm wondering if there might be at least some sanity to this? Everyone seems to be assuming 5 days/week is set in stone but it isn't.
A couple of times I have written code that is suspiciously like this: It contains some information about the day and auto-initializes more as needed. In both cases there is an editor somewhere that lets you change what's in the table--the auto-initialize takes care of the normal case (including holidays), a human can use the editor if there is something unusual.
re: 5 day work week
Some employers let you do your 40 hours in 4 days.
Now what do you do?
Beer is in imperial measures because the laws in that area are very explicit, speed limits/distances are again defined by law though that's probably easier to change than beer quantities, and milk's just plain inconsistent (it's formally sold in metric quantities, but in some cases those quantities are within 1mℓ of a pint, and in others it is in multiples of a quarter litre).
As I said, legacy code…
That's true.
But have you measured a standard pint glass as used in the US? 14.5 ounces.
Wouldn't it be easier to just have a table with the holidays in it?
For those of us who haven't seen this movie, can someone explain how this person is able to find the year of her own death in the rings of a tree?
Captcha: transverbero - Verbs that like to cross dress?
The proper response to this question is to ask
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe ghosts can possess people?
Do you ever intend to see the movie?
Thanks for playing.
Whoops. My previous post is in response to the previous poster, who asked about the reference to "Vertigo."
In the past, I worked the following schedule:
Let's see the original developer code -this- schedule into a VB application.
Of course, with all that wood right in his face.
Scrolling up, and down, and up, and down...
Surely TRWTF is that the day and the month are transposed in the comments.
Umm, I've never seen milk sold in a 500ml carton in the UK, it's always 568ml, or a multiple of. It did strike me as odd when I moved over here (England) first, but since then I've become more English than them themselves.
12 fingerbones.
Easy. He'd just code it both ways and comment out one way depending on which week it was.
I've opined this before...WTFs relating to DIY date/time manipulation code should be banned on the grounds of being too common.
So he felt like he needed a cold shower because the code turned him on so much? Eww...
Ever heard the saying "The sun never sets on the British Empire". There were around a third of the worlds population in the British Empire by the 1920's.
Except your aliens have a 12pronged pen!s to continue their count with.
Hmm looks like his comments are still around to me. Which ones got deleted?
I don't know for sure. I was looking at the comments for the Hot Room story. A lot of other people's comments got deleted too, without explanation. I didn't go back and look through the older stories, but I remember at least one other time recently seeing comments mysteriously disappear (good comments, not FRIST POST!!!)
That said, calculating is a lot harder, and there are a lot more units of measure to remember. I've had a recipe that called for a cup of something or other that was only sold in pints. I couldn't find anyone in the store who could tell me if a cup was larger or smaller than a pint (I wanted to buy a large enough quantity so I could measure at home).
Oh, and ounce being both a measure of volume and weight? Epic fail.
They were units devised by those using them, as they were needed (i.e. from the bottom-up). Those who work with imperial units have no problem converting back and forth. It's very rare for the lay person to be required to convert between sub-systems (e.g. weights to volumes or vice-versa), so it's no big deal that there is no easy way to convert.
Converting is not much of an advantage in metric, you still need to look up density if you want to convert liters of fuel to kilograms, but at least it's easier to estimate if you know that whatever substance floats or sinks in water.
As the case with bottom-up design, sometimes two systems would have to be joined together that don't quite sync. That's why you get weird conversions like 11 yards equals 2 furlongs, and other cases where the units are separate and will likely always be, like troy weights and measures.
A theory on a contributing factor as to why the bases never seem to be constant in Imperial measurements: Until fairly recent times, urban water was often not safe to drink. The beverage of choice was beer or wine, because fermentation and anaerobic storage would kill off most pathogens. As a result, most people lived day-to-day in a state of constant mild inebriation. In these conditions, the level of WTF-ery can approach a maximum, paradoxically coincident with productivity.
Dude, that was awesome! I can't believe no one else here seems to get it...
Censorship seems to be getting more serious these days. http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/05/201205 and http://arstechnica.com/reviews/other/future-of-reputation.ars
That's mostly because they made 10 day weeks without extra weekends.
Normally I'd agree with you. Much more than a pint and your beer is flat and warm before you finish it. But remeber, the OP is from the UK. They like their beer flat a warm.
Or 500 ml = 0.879876 UK pints
Who swung and missed?
Or possibly this would have exactly the opposite effect that you intended. Firing rockets from the "back" will add energy, putting the planet into a higher orbit around the sun, which means that it will take longer to complete an orbit, effectively slowing it down. Using the "front" rockets to slow down will put you in a lower orbit, and you will make a complete circuit faster.
You have to think "backwards" in terms of speed when dealing with Orbital Mechanics.
Base sixty comes from twelve being counted on the phalanges on one hand as pointed by the thumb, times five on the other hand. This way of counting is still used today in some parts of the Middle East. It's a great base, lots of divisors, easy to work with.
The ancient Babylonians were the originators. It was a very good system for its day, well ahead of the rest of the world. Drawbacks were powers of sixty were implied so you didn't know if ||| meant 3, 180 or 10,800, that had to be figured out by context, and no symbol for zero, just a space that could often get overlooked during transcription.
It wasn't until Fibonacci's time that decimal started to be used in Europe. Before the learned used base 60 and Roman numerals. Fibonacci might write the square root of II as "most certainly greater than the sum of I and XXIV parts of LX and LI parts of MMMDC". Had a symbol for zero and an equivalent to a decimal point been established, we'd probably be using base 60 exclusively today.
and that, kiddies is why they call it "Rocket Science"
Google knows ALL!
Forget the decimal time system, use teh binary!
I'm posting this at 10:1001 pm, for example.
Huh? Are you talking about, perhaps, the "Fluid Ounce?"?
In the same vein. . . I like "gear-inches", where the mechanical (dis)advantage of a bicycle gear selection is described as the diameter of a corresponding Penny-Farthing bicycle's front wheel, to which the pedals were solidly affixed. The lower the number, the easier to push the pedals.
When faced with a really steep hill, one used the 24-inch gear, i.e., two feet.
Time to chop that tree down and plant a nice thin new sapling already!
Don't worry, thread readers; I hear that TopCod3r is all right. He went to live on a farm, where he can run and play. Irish Girl is there too. They're very happy. Please don't cry.
captcha: pecus (That's dirty.)
This is obviously a complete lie. Having moved from Metric to Imperial territories, it just baffles me: as you go from small to large, the units switcheroo randomly and I dare you to convert them. What you imply is a worldview in which all putters about leisurely. It necessitates a stroboscopic view in which small has nothing to do with medium sized, and medium with large; and slow nothing with fast.
For instance, the sugar I use can go from teaspoon via tablespoon to ounce then pound then ??, suddenly becoming (metric or not, unspecified) tonnes. While human weights have stones. So, if I need half a teaspoon of medicine per pound of bodyweight, there's a good chance my doc miscalculates and kills me. Speeds in miles/hour, with no easy relation to yards/minute --- so forget about a feel for "I'm doing XX miles/hour, so the next 100yards will take me YY".
It's almost as bad as the football statium as surface unit and double-decker as weight.
I think TopCod3r banned rumor is due to his comment getting deleted on the Engineer Story: http://thedailywtf.com/Comments/Sticking-to-the-Method.aspx#220076
Alex, should really run a story on him! Imagine an article with these quotes:
You mean half a liter, plus a bit?
Well, it's better than the U.S. pint, which is just short half a liter. The silly muffins.