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My favorite part is where you claim to have been a PhD student at one time. Every time I read your retarded posts, I smell large cow patties. So, you're trying to get some cred by saying you attended a university longer than any of us? Creative use of imagination where you include some very specific bogus details to try to prove that.
So how long until someone sees someone trying to write a non-existent directory that someone decides to well, create said directory and lose the entire ticketing system?
Too bad he was too lazy to learn COBOL. There's a lot of contract COBOL jobs out there, and they all pay big money.
CAPTCHA: appellatio -- I have no idea what a "pellatio" is supposed to be
Prob'ly both.
It seems to me that Jesse created an injection exploit, and executed it on company systems. That is a willful breach of corporate security policy. Not only am I shocked that he received a job offer, I'm also surprised that he was not summarily dismissed, and turned over to law enforcement officials.
So... they implemented connection bureaucracy?
It's supposed to be a quote, but the protagonist is talking with a group of people at the time. Unless they chanted the answer out in unison, it's not a literal description of the event. As such, Remy deserves nothing but contempt for including that sequence of letters in his summary of it.
I don't know about you guys, but if someone referred to me as "The smiling intern" I'd be a little upset.
Not Enterprisy enough. He should have used some regex somewhere.
My intern was built with great form, and she did hold it against me.
Where's the WTF? The kid's a genious! Made a silk purse out of a sows ear (or however the stupid saying goes).
The real WTF is (a) Nagesh forgetting to write in character.
Yeah, but thanks to that comment I have discovered Firefox's "3D view" feature and had a good laugh. Thank you!
Greasymonkey ftw
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My version:
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Corollary: I've had many times that I've looked at someone else's code and said, "That was a stupid way to do it. I'm going to fix that." Many hours of work later I discover why they had to do it that way, and I reluctantly revert my changes.
Or in some cases, "muddleware", when it's only purpose is to muddle through dumb problems.
Tangential comment: The beginning of this story with its reference to dozens of dropdowns reminds me of a far worse possible design that I've seen implemented.
At the hospital that I used to take my kids to every time they sneezed, they had this brilliant intake system. The clerk would ask you what your insurance company was. You'd tell her, and then she'd pull a binder off the shelf that apparently had a list of all their insurance company codes. She'd page through this until she found the right one and then type the code into the system. Then she'd ask who your regular doctor was. She'd then pull another binder off the shelf and search for the code for that doctor and type it in. Then she'd ask for your address, and she had another binder where she looked up something, I guess a city code or whatever it was. Etc. Some of the codes had few enough possible values that they fit on one page, and so they put the pages for those all in one binder. But every question she asked, she had to look up the code on a piece of paper. Apparently the system had no dropdowns and no look-up functions.
That hospital closed down a few years ago. I wonder if their user-friendly computer systems had anything to do with it.
The last five words before the
in the article are very... unfortunately worded.
If you doubt this, then google "final solution".
Nobody has pointed the obligitory Tolkien reference yet so I will.
TRWTF: "Irregardless"
Updated version that works:
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