• Sgt. Preston (unregistered) in reply to rbowes
    I hate how they name all the states (albeit poorly), but can't say that most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are covered. Come on, there are only two of them! And it's hardly a large part of Canada.
    "Only two"?! Atikokan and Medicine Hat are in the Terra Incognita. Would you place them in Saskatchewan or in Alberta?
  • wiregoat (unregistered) in reply to Jim

    Never be ashamed to be ignorant. Show it proudly

  • SL (unregistered) in reply to Dan

    It's funny because it's true...

    Are you telling me that's not an accurate portrayal of the world?

  • (cs) in reply to jb
    You would be surprised how much *better* the education is in some of the supposed third world countries :)
    Maybe because they're struggling to get up to speed, while the old established countries have become fat, complacent and lazy.
  • Sgt. Preston (unregistered) in reply to Sgt. Preston
    Sgt. Preston:
    I hate how they name all the states (albeit poorly), but can't say that most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are covered. Come on, there are only two of them! And it's hardly a large part of Canada.
    "Only two"?! Atikokan and Medicine Hat are in the Terra Incognita. Would you place them in Saskatchewan or in Alberta?
    I'm tripping over my own rhetoric. I meant, "Would you place them in Saskatchewan or Manitoba?"
  • Sgt. Preston (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw
    You would be surprised how much *better* the education is in some of the supposed third world countries :)
    Maybe because they're struggling to get up to speed, while the old established countries have become fat, complacent and lazy.
    Indeed. Or to put it another way, in developing countries, students see education as a valuable opportunity, while in developed countries, they tend to see it as a burden imposed on their social lives.
  • (cs) in reply to Monkios
    Why does every one keeps on drawing on their pictures.

    It's so much funnier to spot the Wtf by myself then to look at dodgy arrows and poor drawn squarres.

    People, stop that.

    They're posting to the lowest common denominator. Sad to say, there are people reading this who wouldn't get it without the arrows. A while back, I submitted an image very similar to the "misspellings" image of this thread, but without any arrows. It hasn't been used, leading me to wonder if perhaps the recipient didn't get it and needed arrows for emphasis.

  • dani (unregistered)

    how can I submit images for the "Error'd"??

    thanks a lot.

  • (cs) in reply to dani
    how can I submit images for the "Error'd"??

    thanks a lot.

    Up near the top right of the page there's a little white box with a link in it that says, "Submit Your WTF". That link takes you to the submission form. On that form is a dropdown list that lets you choose what to submit to. "Error'd" is one of the choices.

    Added: oops, didn't read closely (a big mistake on this site). To submit an image, go to the submissions page (see above) and click on the "Browse" button and browse to the image you want to submit. It will be uploaded when you submit.

  • dani (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw

    Ok. oh sorry I didn't see it :)

  • Rob G (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw

    "Old established countries"? The U.S.? Now there's another WTF!

  • Rob G (unregistered) in reply to Rob G
    Rob G:
    "Old established countries"? The U.S.? Now there's another WTF!

    Oops meant to quote...

    You would be surprised how much *better* the education is in some of the supposed third world countries :)
    Maybe because they're struggling to get up to speed, while the old established countries have become fat, complacent and lazy.
  • (cs) in reply to Rob G
    Rob G:
    "Old established countries"? The U.S.? Now there's another WTF!
    If that doesn't work for you, feel free to substitute "well-" for "old ".
  • (cs) in reply to rbowes
    I hate how they name all the states (albeit poorly), but can't say that most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are covered. Come on, there are only two of them! And it's hardly a large part of Canada.
    But... but... there are over three square inches that are not visible!
  • (cs) in reply to Jeremy D. Pavleck
    Jeremy D. Pavleck:
    As a Minnesotan sitting in my office here in Minneapolis, I assure you all that we truly do exist.
    Prove it!
  • NotanEnglishMajor (unregistered) in reply to Sgt. Preston
    Sgt. Preston:
    Sgt. Preston:
    I hate how they name all the states (albeit poorly), but can't say that most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are covered. Come on, there are only two of them! And it's hardly a large part of Canada.
    "Only two"?! Atikokan and Medicine Hat are in the Terra Incognita. Would you place them in Saskatchewan or in Alberta?
    I'm tripping over my own rhetoric. I meant, "Would you place them in Saskatchewan or Manitoba?"


  • tesla (unregistered) in reply to Ethan
    google maps shows that when an image doesn't load. anybody who's been on a shoddy internet connection has seen that. not a wtf. maybe the text that they show when it doesn't load sort of is, but it's been that way for a long time; nothing new here.

    Who's calling my 56k modem "shoddy" ?

  • (cs) in reply to tesla
    Who's calling my 56k modem "shoddy" ?
    Since he didn't mention 56k, looks like you are! :)
  • Caleb (unregistered)

    Jake, you must have failed Geography. I also hate you for propagating my personal misspelling pet peeve--definitely.

  • Tim (unregistered)

    RE; Google Earth

    Hey, there isn't much there anyway.

  • Jaz (unregistered)

    WTF is with the first one - where's the joke? I don't get it. It's just a map of a couple of roads in Sheffield (where I am)? Is it because Penistone starts with penis or something?

    W T F ?

  • (cs) in reply to Jaz
    WTF is with the first one - where's the joke? I don't get it. It's just a map of a couple of roads in Sheffield (where I am)? Is it because Penistone starts with penis or something?

    W T F ?

    I don't think you're on the right wtf....

  • Rich (unregistered)

    "referer" (though admitedly it is misspelled by software.


  • Rich (unregistered) in reply to Rich

    That is to say that referer is the misspelling. Referrer is the word.


  • Jaz (unregistered) in reply to foxyshadis

    Uumm.. yeah - it seems FF is playing tricks on me - I've just been on a forum where the image for someone's "contact this person via yahoo! messenger" had been replaced by an image of the A57!! Forced refresh fixed it this time - but I was sure I'd checked WTF out in IE and it was the same.

    Never mind, eh? I can see the WTF now.

  • ELIZA (unregistered) in reply to NotanEnglishMajor
    Sgt. Preston:
    Sgt. Preston:
    I hate how they name all the states (albeit poorly), but can't say that most of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are covered. Come on, there are only two of them! And it's hardly a large part of Canada.
    "Only two"?! Atikokan and Medicine Hat are in the Terra Incognita. Would you place them in Saskatchewan or in Alberta?
    I'm tripping over my own rhetoric. I meant, "Would you place them in Saskatchewan or Manitoba?"


    For the record, my atlas gives the partially covered states and provinces as Alberta, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. The fully-covered states are Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota.

  • (nodebb)

    thanks for info

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