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The evil's wishes are hard to come by.
name varchar(20) primary key
That was enough for me..
See... it works.
My WTF List:
wftery abounds.
The manager that hires a clueless tosser as a DBA
admin_user1 varchar(20) not null,
Clearly, nobody there including the DBA's have the slightest clue about database normalization. Which begs the question: what exactly is it that the DBA's there do?
Don't forget the Not Null constraints on all the admin columns on the application_admins table. I'm sure if an application has fewer than 5 admins they populate the rest with spaces or something equally horrendous.
So, what do they do if there are more than 5 admins for a given application? Create a new table with 10 possible admin names?
I know why you're leaving. Your ClueBat has been used so much it's now a ClueToothpick.
...and not content with that:
listen_port integer not null unique,
I am not saying it's a good idea (you should use a separate primary key, what if a service changes port?), but at least this one is an integer, unique and not null... so if you wanted to be sloppy, at least use this as the primary key.
And for heaven's sake, if you are so crazy to use a varchar as a pk, at least put some foreign key constraints around. It's not a solution to anything, but at least it will stop you from shooting your foot.
Ha! And what happens when the same user has admin rights to different applications? PKs HAVE TO BE UNIQUE!!!
Isn't that the name of the application?
It is pretty obvious that the name column in that table would be the application name, not the user. So using it as a primary key is a minor WTF (the name could change or there could be multiple versions) but TRWTF is people laughing at a simple data model that they don't understand.
Beautiful example. I worked for a company which developed software for medical health care specialized on InVitroFertilisation. The had a table like this: create table Patient ( PatientId INTEGER NOT NULL, PatientFirstname VARCHAR(20), PatientLastname VARCHAR(20), ... BabyName VARCHAR(20), BabyDateOfBirth DATE, BabySex INT, --- (SIC!!!) Baby2Name VARCHAR(20), BabyDateOfBirth2 DATE, Baby2Sex INT );
Some day we had a patient with 3 children. Our chief developer decided to change the architecture as follows:
create table Patient ( PatientId INTEGER NOT NULL, PatientFirstname VARCHAR(20), PatientLastname VARCHAR(20), ... BabyName VARCHAR(20), ... Baby2Name VARCHAR(20), ... Baby3Name VARCHAR(20) );
A few months later we had a patient with 4 children. Therefore the chief developer decided to change the architecture to something more scalable.
create table Patient ( PatientId INTEGER NOT NULL, OtherPatientID INTEGER NOT NULL, PatientFirstname VARCHAR(20), PatientLastname VARCHAR(20), ... BabyName VARCHAR(20), ... Baby2Name VARCHAR(20), ... Baby3Name VARCHAR(20) );
OtherPatientID referenced to a PatientId. So whenever a patient had more than 3 children we had to create a new dataset and link it to the original patient. This was genius! The chief developer had been fired. But not because of his genius architectures. So, whenever you plan to get a 4th child by in vitro fertilization you should ask for the hospital's database design :)
I was there when it first rolled out! I had to legally change my name seven times.
Cluebat. What a lovely work I've learned.
"Many things in life can be joined. You can join two pieces of wood to construct something useful. Like a double-jointed super-leverage extra-power cluebat."
I am still wondering how they arrived to this :
My best answer is that they brutally copy/paste the second part of the previous query.http://img.tapatalk.com/3281f1ff-4eef-8823.jpg
a+, =) -=Finiderire=-
And perhaps Doug himself deserves a couple of FAIL points, for creating the particular query. Really, dude, it isn't that hard to explain to people how to properly query a database, even if you've worn the ClueBat down beyond ClueToothpick to ClueSplinter.
I mean, what a lovely word I've learned.
What has normalization got to do with anything? They wanted to fit a variable number of admins in a field that only held one admin. That is a problem with the database interface, it has nothing to do with the table structure.
(For instance, in Postgres, I'll never set up a table with an array column, but I'll often write a subquery that returns an array. That is completely kosher.)
Any view is dropped into the join plan, so it's optimized with the rest of the query. Unless by "optimized" you mean "materialized."
There are a finite number of Normal Forms for database design. That's boring, but help is on the way! There are an infinite, and maybe even uncountable number of Abnormal Forms.
Maybe Manager == useless tosser == DBA?
But to be fair even the select Doug gave to them is ugly:
select applications.name, attribute, listen_port, AD1.admin1, AD2.admin2 from applications left outer join (select name, MIN(admin) as admin1 from application_admins group by name) as AD1 using name left outer join (select name, MAX(admin) as admin2 from application_admins group by name) as AD2 using name };
This would do the same:
select applications.name, attribute, listen_port, AD.admin1, AD.admin2 from applications left outer join (select name, MIN(admin) as admin1, MAX(admin) as admin2
from application_admins group by name) as AD using name
A DBA goes into a bar, walks up to two tables, and says, "May I join you?"
I know almost nothing about databases, and I can see some (but not all) of the problems here.
CAPTCHA distineo: From the chorus when a boy band sings about destiny.
admin_users varchar(210)
Insert comma-separated list. Done.
Worse than failure.
Instead of having a "variable number of blahs" in a single record, you can have a table of blahs which points to the original, blah-less record. You can then "join" the table of blahs to the record.
That is called "normalization", since it puts the relevant tables into a "normal form".
Did you hear that sound? It's the sound of this whole entire WTF going over your head.
TRWTF is naming an application "Dave from accounts".
A DBA goes into a bar, walks up to two tables, and walks out again utterly confused by the situtation.
Captcha: tego - when you break out the puns, I got tego.
Right or wrong, this is simply how table joins have always been done.
As a public service. There are minor variations that can be used, but a quick mysql definition where one record in the applications table has an applicationID=1 and name='MyApplication':
Massive lulz at Meep's post also. Unless it was meant seriously, in which case I feel really sorry for him.
And when I go interview for jobs I'm told, "You're probably more senior than we're looking for." Well, when you hire junior people this is the kind of software you get because they don't understand the fundamentals. They may be able to crank our PHP, C#, Java, or whatever the language du jour is, but ask them about OO principles or database normalization and they look at you like you're speaking gibberish. I weep for the future of our profession.
Please, please tell me you're joking. Alternatively, please send me your real name so if we ever get your resume I know not to even waste time reviewing it. Thank you.
Lol, yeah that's why I like to make all my columns XML based so I can fit whatever sequences of data I want into them.
You joker, you ;-)
And so it was that two different web applications would never listen on port 80, and port numbers greater than 80 grew up and procreated.
Getting job done at the right price is more important!
Are you having some kind of sixth sense? For all you know, they stored IIS as the application running on port 80.
Don't be an idiot in the vast sea of idiots.
All my applications are named HAL plus a consecutive number. Right now, I am at HAL 8500.
They can be blank/empty, but not NULL. We generally do that to avoid any wrinkles of having to do "blank or null" checks.
I read this as "clueless toaster".
There are probably several toasters which could design a better table structure than the one in this article!!!
He forgot to prefix the columns, now you can only have 10 admin's max, he should have used admin001, be be safe.
And the database engine, ever the responsible designated driver, says, "Not so fast--let me get your keys first."