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I was just called "old-school" this morning because I asked my boss to put perl or python onto the svn server so I can autogenerate the documents on a commit. Perl, I could sort of understand, but python? Yeah, python's old-school to him...
Isn't it alwasy fun trying to determine whether or not a bug you discovered was intentional or just a bug and will the business users be pleased or pissed if you actually implement the logic correctly...
I had this happen to me recently and luckily they didn't even know [broken feature which never worked] even existed.
Does that ever work for you? Anyway, they're not explaining the joke, they're arguing about whether it was funny. Pure Td, if you ask me.
Don't worry, your boss' test for old-school went thusly:
So we really have no way of knowing if Python was old-school to him.
Actually, quite a few applications do not know that the meaning of , and . is swapped in German (and in Danish by the way), that's why I always set my computers to use US numeric system . for decimal point as opposed to , as is the 'official' Danish way....
Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer.
Python was first released in '94, is not old school. Perl is getting there, released in '87. Ruby, by comparison, first became public in '93.
"Old-school" would be your centralized version control system that is an API compatible remake of CVS, which is itself just RCS on life support, which in turn is the bastard child of SCCS, developed in 1972. They've glommed new features on, but there are probably projects out there that have migrated from SCCS all the way to SVN.
The true WTF is that they should have used .NET regex:
SCCS to SVN then onwards. Oh yes, oh yes.
SCCS to SVN then onwards. Oh yes, oh yes.
"Turns strings into numbers" is incorrect, at least I think it is after looking for 2 minutes.
Doesn't the line "Mid(trimmedStr, 1, k - 1)" take a number up to the first non-number. So doubilize( 37yes ) becomes 37.0
Also the TWTF is that if statement with the not, orelse, wazzup, etc.
Also double your billable hours :-)
Sure it's not just hot coffee?
Yep, I was about to ask the same question. The OP could also be complaining about C, C++, Perl, Python, Eiffel, Bash, PHP (TRWTF is somebody creating PHP after we see what happened to ASP), or a plentora of other languages.
About it being useful... I guess it is not, or at least should not be useful. The reason that constuc is alowed is to keep the language simple (with the minimum amount of rules), and that we need both binary and logical AND, and logical should short-cut.
TRWTF is not using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.
I didn't know "" was a valid number... And that 1.05e-3 wasn't.
Just so there is no confusion.
Sure doesn't taste like coffee...
Either way - WTF?
'nuff said.
How'd you post to this site then? Do you have some sort of intranet setup that has Unix-style permissions, where you only have write, and not read? That'd be a pretty entertaining submission.
Or he can reply to comments by e-mail.
you can't think of any instances where it is useful to have both logical and bitwise 'AND' as programming constructs?
this was about the only comment in this thread which looked interesting.. so I'm curious to actually understand what you are meaning here.
Yah...It seems most WTFs are cases of reinventing wheels to be less efficient
Which brokes the other half of applications, especially MS Office doesn't like having set decimal separator to point when the locale default is comma (e.g. if you have set word as outlook editor -- which is of course the real wtf by itself -- it will complain every time you want to compose message).
Surely you've been here long enough to know that not everyone does funnies, Fritz...
Gold!!! Best joke ever!!
I think many are suggesting that Lazy evaluation should be the norm. VB's take on it is that you may be calling functions that have side effects, adn lazy evaluation stops this. Of course the real problem is that people call functions with side-effects from within conditional statements.
I'm no big fan of VB, but I think allowing the programmer to choose Lazy Evaluation or Full Evaluation is well intended. Unfortunately, the road to Programming Hell is paved with VB's good intentions!
You need those to counterbalance "Advanced BASIC".
In BASIC, "AND", "OR", "XOR" etc are bitwise operators. They are used as non-short-cut Boolean "AND", "OR" etc.
Exhaustive evaluation allowed BASIC to re-order Boolean expressions. Generally this means that BASIC does not have to be hand-optimized to get good performance out of complex logic.
The PASCAL I used was able to optimize better than either C or BASIC, because by design it did guarantee the representation of Booleans, the order of evaluation, or exhaustive evaluation.
My favorite line avoids calling Trim; instead using two calls to do the same thing:
Whoever wrote this must have been being paid per function call.
In fact 1.05e-3 is a valid number (according to Doubleize), equal to 1.05. Also equal to 1.05WTF35167. While is supposedly valid, I don't know whether the CDbl call will choke on it.
Replicating the precise functionality of Doubleize is a lot harder than most of the suggestions posted. However, if you have an operational requirement to do things like converting 126TEXT754 into 126.0000, needless to say you have bigger problems than getting the conversion function right.
Actually, I've thought about this ... I have an idea what might have happened here.
A lot of programming courses try to teach the programmer to think in a logical way. And one of the exercises in the elementary course is: "Write a function to convert a generic input string to a number. It will be expected to take any random agglomeration of digits and letters and make sense of it ..." and so on. Having done this assignment, your student gets 5/10 for it. "Oh good, that's a pass!" he says. "I must save that in my Little Black Book of my Best Programs Ever!"
The next week, the proto-programmer gets an internship. His boss says: "We might get people typing stuff in this box which isn't numbers. The way it's currently programmed, that would make it break. You've done Data Entry 101 - I'd like you to sort this out for me." And proto-programmer enthusiastically barks: "Aye aye sir!" and proudly pastes in place the abovementioned.
TRWTF is using floating point anywhere except science calculations, i.e. 3D geometry.
Just to confirm what others have already answered, I just went to the decompiled code of the double.TryParse, and to me it seems like a sane use of basic if-else/while logic, not sexy but efficient looking, and without exception handling.
Actually TryParse is the basic parsing method that returns a boolean. Parse juste uses TryParse and throws a FormatExeption when that boolean is false.
Also, if you think you can write a 5 line method that is more efficient to parse a string than the one written by the developpers of the framework you use, maybe you should realize you're on the road to WTF.
Extra bonus:
Most people don't know that, but the comma ("," in the US) is a ";" instead in Germany.
(according to Excel)
"Classic ASP" is what people have been referring to non-ASP.NET as for ages.
Fortunately .NET does know this. Although it still requires the developer to write their code in such a way as to to take advantage of this.
In the case of Decimal.Parse() or Decimal.TryParse() it requires you to use an overload that takes an IFormatProvider that contains the culture specific formatting rules - which if you're lucky will be CultureInfo.CurrentCulture or CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, otherwise you need to use CultureInfo.GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag()to grab it.