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You forgot:
7. ???
8. Profit!
run for your life!
Uhh, the Fortune 500 is the list of top grossing US companies.
Wrong. I read this site, and I am married--
Oh, crap, you're right!
But then, who really wants one?
Eh. Most web editors will do that, and hell, I can probably cobble together a shell script to do it, if I felt like re-inventing the wheel.
People who have that little idea what they're doing should never ever ever be allowed to work on production code. If you don't have any idea how to convert it, then don't touch it. If it absolutely has to be converted, do it right. End of story.
The real WTF is that your girlfriend can't develop ASP.Net
I believe only the females that read this forum have girlfriends.
I could factorize that with a sed script to get rid of the folders
"ultraedit, seartch & replace across directories" pah, that sort of thinking is what comes from using Windows for too long.
A bit of shell scripting was able to do that 30 years ago, it really isn't hard.
The use of Windows in an educational enviroment should be left until the final year and even then for one semester.
Exactly, the proper "Enterprise" solution to bad directives from a manager should already belong to our collective memories. But for those who have forgotten:
Commodore Matt Decker: For the fourth time, a rewrite is not on the table.
Spock: That sir, would be suicide. Attempted suicide is evidence of mental instability. If you persist in this course of action, I will relieve you of duty, have security escort you off the bridge, and into sickbay for medical treatment.
Decker: You're bluffing.
Spock: Vulcan's never bluff.
Decker: No, I don't suppose they do...
Whether they actually do or not, it probably does affect morale. Some may not quit on the spot, but maybe, they start looking elsewhere.
Gene Wirchenko
wouldn't mind one, but I don't think my wife would approve!!
that last message was in relpy to this
I'd sure like to have asked the PHB why a rewrite was out of the question.
I recently left a place with this same attitude. The reason generally given was that the app works: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
What it really means is that management thinks a rewrite will be over budget, take too long, and won't work when its finished; they don't trust programmers to get the job done. Even if maintenance ends up costing more in the long run, its predictable and very low risk.
Oh boy... I would really want to start working for a company like this..... BUT as a contractor! People like this are like a gold mine. Anything better than what they have would be amazing to them and hence (over)charging them wouldn't be a problem. Besides I've seen much worse cases, so fixing this one wouldn't be such a big deal...
So did they give you deadlines or so? With a sh***y project like this you could "milk the cow" and relax while doing next to nothing until they are convinced that a rewrite may help actually... just an idea.. hate saying this but I know people doing this and actually being happy about it.
Can I have the manager's job please? :D
I'm currently in the process of doing the opposite :-) We have both IIS (vb.net running asmx web services) and Tomcat (running the web application) running on the same web servers. The original designer could not figure out how to write web services in java. I got so sick of the conflicts and complexities that I started the rewrite in my own time at home. Luckily my wife is an understanding sort :-) Happy ending is that when I told the manager what I was doing he insisted on paying me for the work :-)
Are all your apologies so gracious?
Yes. Using programs like "wget" would be a lot faster than using "Save as" for each page in IE... but perheps you still got a chance.
1) Copy all the image/script folder from the old JSP site to the new ASP.NET site.2) Use "search" with "project" scope to search all lines contains ".file" folder names and replace them one by one.
3) Rename all the ".file" folder to ".file_" and see if anything is missing. Adjust accordingly.
If the there's no further trouble involved, all the conversion would be done from "within an afternoon" to "one week", and the manager would be happy to grant your the time to "remove the pin at the a**" (This should prevent him from hiring decent enough developers)
This amazing piece of sh...WTFery...I'm 90% sure is brought to you by the 29th member on the Fortune 500 list. I spent some time on a project there, cutting and pasting mainframe "forms" into .asp pages and adding the naughty server bits later. The real WTF is that it may be the same application, probably converted from asp to jsp to .net. Classic. I ran away quickly from this one too, smartest thing I ever did.
The secret is to not ever refer to what you are doing as a rewrite. Instead call it a shortcut, streamlining, or someother phraseology that connotates doing it cheaper, faster, and/or more efficiently.
Then do it the way that best meets the constraints in resources and time that have been allocated for the project. Most management hasn't a clue so long as you use the words that they're looking for.
Manager: "You're not doing a rewrite are you?"
Me: "No, I'm taking the fastest and cheapest approach? Do, you want me to do it slower or more costly?"
Manager: " No, of course not. Only a idiot would ask for something like that. BTW how's that new web app coming? You're not using any other tools other than notepad are you?"
I've worked for about 20 companies in the Fortune 500, and if you count nested subcontractors, probably twice that. I can tell you from personal experience that any one of them is capable of doing something that dumb; not only that, but on a scale far beyond what we're talking about here. The ASP converter looks to be a $2m project - multiply that by 300 and you're up in the EDS/Telco/Accenture range.
Sometimes it helps to try to duplicate the thought processes that cause these debacles; what sounds right to me is:
- They gave me a $2m budget,
- To manage a bunch of techies for a year,
- I'm not accountable for WHAT gets done,
- But my peers will think I'm not a team player if I make demands on them,
- So I can't change anything outside my project.
See, rational decision-making, and a WTF! What Joy!Admin
"For the IE deprived, allow me to expand on step four."
Actually Firefox has "Web Page, complete" save option too... Nonetheless, what a "nice" "conversion"...
This will create a copy of the site (with 32 levels of deep):
wget -r -l 32 --no-parent http://serversite/page/
theres even shareware tools for windows, that most users know, teleport or other.
you can even download a help compiler, and build a CHM file from that mirror. Having a compresses file copy of the old site can be convenient.
Also can be a good idea to buy a book about reformulation (yea, I know, that is a migration, but anyway... )
>WRONG! Where are non-US companies ?
Outside the US is naught but formless ghosts, miles of howling wasteland and currencies entirely unlike the US Lira.
This post brought to you by the leaning captcha of pizza.
Those programmers probably wasted several years 'trying to make things better' in previous jobs and have decided to not go through the heartache again. Unless you've been in this soul destroying situation, I'm not surprised that you 'don't get it'.
By all means try to convince the PHB that there's a better way to do things, but try to recognise a lost cause when you see one.
I try to detect bad situations like this at interview time and avoid starting there in the first place. If I'm in the bad situation I try once, and once only to explain the problem to get things changed. Past experience teaches me that if they don't listen the first time, they are not going to and it's time to bail out. Life's too short for putting up with that bad situation.
For "Large Enterprise" read "capable of even greater stupidity than you though imaginable". Politics comes into play too much in large enterprises. Politics and (software) engineering don't mix.
winhttrack (freeware) will do it on windoze
photogenic captcha
The dictionary needs revision:
en·ter·prise P Pronunciation Key (ntr-prz) n.
it would be much easier to build another similar application in .net than try editing those files. ^_^
i've tried conversion from a java based project into the asp .net framework, but i did not use the same files, except for the css i think.
So does Visual Studio... he had the tool right there in front of him!
Visual Slickedit also....but that's already considering solving this stupid task.
But WAIT..."Let's talk about...money" How much was he paid by the "Enterprise"; what salary did he have...because you see...you can always say "OK, I'm almost done, just a few minor bug fixes remain"....and you can stretch that for months on end...'till you buy a nice car, or for a Eurpean vacation...and then quit, saying "My efforts are not appreciated! All these pages I ported from ASP to JSP (or whatever), and still no raise, no promotion...not even feedback....I'm pissed off! I quit!" ....Sadly I know of such case in reality...I'll tell you another time ;
Nice site; makes my day, every Day !
Television God is so right. If you have the skills then re-do as much of the project that you can. Talk to your manager and explain what it is going on. If you can't help him to see... Then find someone who will.
It's built on wget anyway, and I found wget to be much more stable and reliable if slightly harder to get the first time around.
Heh, another one to post without looking through all posts... The WTF is that the post just before this IS an apology for said mistake :)
The post before was an apology, however the apology had no context to let it be known what previous post of the author's it, the apology post, was apologizing. Also, the time lag between the 2 post was only about 24 minutes, could be just a time lag. Not everyone refreshes and checks for new post before posting. The real WTF IMO is cases where people assume too much and investigate too little before posting a condescending reply. But that's only human nature.
Man, so Dean quit over a simple find and replace job? I'm guessing this had to be the final straw and he wanted to quit anyway. Anyone that hopes to survive a Fortune 500 with their sanity in-tact had better become a competent guerilla coder.
Just looking at this limited example, it seems that it would have been trivial for Dean to write a sed script, or a vb script, or used Visual Studio / UltraEdit / EditPlus, or a myriad of other tools for the replace. Or, if all of the files were identical, he could, I dunno, change one file and then overlay all of the others.
Getting fancier, it would have been trivial to move the common files to a common place and rewritten the aspx pages to point to the new location. If he needed to tell someone, he could have called it 'a necessary architectural refactoring'. Managers eat that shit up with a spoon. It would be fairly trivial to baseline the savings in terms of hours needed for future, similar, enhancements.
It's a useful strategy to carry forward with the rest of the application as well. As new enhancements come in, add a small amount of time for refactoring, or unit testing, whatever. Either be straightforward with what the time is being used for or bury it... either way, it's a simple case for the effort. If it comes to it, it wouldn't be hard to insist that the rework is needed in order to accomplish some part of the enhancement. Your manager will likely either not be tech-savvy enough to really know or know you're bluffing but care about the quality of the system as well.
I had the opportunity to squeeze in a rewrite of a horrific system at work. The reason they didn't want to properly rewrite the system was due to both dev and QA cost. I worked on the rewrite on my free time (between projects, over lunch, other time at work that's typically wasted). I was able to reduce the code base by 73% while adding a full suite of unit tests. Once I was done, it was painless to lay a case out for my boss on how many hours would be saved on maintenance (this was one of our costliest components to maintain). After showing him the code reduction, the automated unit tests, and the estimated support savings, funding came very quickly for QA testing.
As the original poster, I definitely missed that apology post. Going back and reading it...it's not linked to any of the previous posts at all, so that's probably why I missed it.
So, my apology is warranted here. Sorry I missed your post, Mr sdfasdgasdgsadg.
At any rate...let's just forget the whole thing, shall we?
Find and replace is not a workable development methodology. This wasn't ONE find and replace, this was a career of find and replaces we're talking about.
Back when I started here, we didn't use version control. My boss made me merge and remerge 3 source trees using WinDiff every few days. Those were dark, dark times. I begged for CVS, got it, and suddenly my productivity shot up 300% -- since I didn't have to spend most of my week crawling through WinDiff.
Of course, the Indian programmer we had on the team liked to cvs update his directory on the server, over-write the entire dir with his entire local copy of the code (wiping out any changes brought in by the update) and commit, backing out all our changes. He also liked to wrap 70 line javascript functions in PHP echos, instead of just writing 'em raw. God was I glad when we god rid of him.
<FONT face=Verdana size=2>Why are so many people talking about ways to convert from JSP to ASP.NET? The site has already been converted. The WTF has been committed and its history.</FONT>
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p><FONT face=Verdana size=2> </FONT></o:p>
<FONT face=Verdana size=2>Dean's role in this organization was to maintain a large and growing web application. If he really wanted to get enterprise experience, he should have made an effort to refactor the application. In the long run, Dean could have gained great experience transforming a WTF into true enterprise application for a fortune 50 company.</FONT>
Theres good editors out here:
VI, is the better, widen support (sudo apt-get gvim)
EMACS, is to complex
Notepad, is slighty underpowered, the windows native one.
JEdit, written in java
Perl, is read only
SciTE, is a secret and forbidden cult
Visual C++6 with Tomato, you can code Perl with it!
I think can be a good idea to use a editor that support Reformulation features. The machine can understand code, with a parser that support the sintax of lang. So can be mostly safe to rename functions and variables to fit conventions, and fix typo/mental errors.
I have a secret guru here, on my city, and this guy say:
"Code evolve, and good code evolve to be flexible".
Too bad my secret guru is a .NET coder, and I code on PHP, Perl, C and Javascript :((((
I would use Microsoft's variant, J# and the latest VisualStudio.Net IDE
I would put the current Java code through some kind of analysis tool and look at places to refactor the code.
this is nothing... wait until they convert it back to jsp...
THEEEEEENNNNNN... you'll see a real enterprisey wtf!
There are plenty of Open Source .Net projects. Besides, using Java, you are stuck with Sun's way of doing things instead of MS. I went to a news update on Sun's visions for Java recently. They seemed to be stuck. They had a new way of dotting your way through xml, but that was about it. Borring and depressing, as I think there is room for improvement in Java. I work with Java and .Net 50/50. I prefer .Net because I think that its easier to use. I simply think that the framework is easier to work with.
Not to mention, that Visual Studio.NET is far better than any Java IDEs IMO.