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The answer was boring and unimaginative...no elan in the delivery...drone-like repetition of something memorised. Who wants a geek like that working for them...
Zygo, you are conflating parameterized with prepared queries. To my knowledge, points 1 and 2 apply only to prepared queries, not all parameterized queries. Not that I would think they were particularily relevant in any case. I only use command preparation when I have good reason to believe the command will be used numerous times. In this case, the extra work required for the one-time preparation is outweighed by the time saved on every single execution.
This is tantamount to saying that some ways to handle query parameters are broken, while some ways to concatenate strings are not. It's an irrelevant tautology.
My suggestion would be to use parameterized queries and a sane client library. It is possible.
Faster maybe, but less maintainable, less reusable and more error prone. Even if performance considerations should override all these objections, you should rather use a better client library.
C:\tmp>type hello.dpr program Hello;
begin Writeln('Hello, World!'); end.
C:\tmp>dcc32 hello.dpr Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0 Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation hello.dpr(6) 7 lines, 0.08 seconds, 10476 bytes code, 1797 bytes data.
C:\tmp>dir hello.exe (...) 23-08-2007 21:47 15.360 hello.exe
Native Win32, no need for any kind of libraries. So we're really comparing your 495K+ to 15K. ;)
The point is that you might want to review what a GUI is, because your example isn't. (Even so, 5MB gets you quite far in Delphi - I think the minimal GUI app that doesn't rely on Win32 is 3-400KB, depending on version)
What she said is legally actionable. Peter can sue for damages.
If he can prove that his blurb on concatenation was original, he can get that company (or at least its HR department) in ALOT of trouble. Essentially what they did was to assume fraud when there was none.
that's boneheaded! what - you can anticipate the exact wording of all your sql queries? if you don't know how to filter data before putting it in a sql query, you probably should be asking people if they want fries with the products you deliver.
and my captcha was bathe - what, do Labtec webcams have odor analyzers now?
Thanks, I forgot about those...
You could be using an (evil or broken) toolkit where the only way to bind variables to a parameterized query is to create a temporary prepared query object, then call bindValue() on the prepared query object.
You could also be using an embedded SQL system which can't avoid preparing any queries that aren't of the form "execute(string_variable)". "Embedded" here means the old-school technique of writing "SELECT INTO cVar * FROM FOO;" in the middle of C code, then running the source through some kind of preprocessor which replaces the SQL statements with machine-generated C code.
Yes. Often it's possible to make your program go faster or be more maintainable by avoiding utterly lame technology in your dependencies. But that's an irrelevant tautology too.
My Real Experience.
Along with my diploma thesis, I have another task to translate a lengthy article, actually I realized afterwards that it was a big chapter from a book, from English to my native language, I worked very hard on it.
And when I submitted my work, the guy said that he suspect the translation was from internet. i.e., plagiarized.
That guy was a professor I didn't know him before that, immediately, my respect to him went away, down to the hell.
The problem with the dude wasn't his answer. Following most methodology used by interviewers, the proper way to test for plagiarism is to do a follow-up interview.
I believe the root of the dude not getting the job was because the employer already had their heart on hiring someone else. The excuse that they used to justify their means of not "wasting their time" interviewing someone they don't want to hire is to say that his answer was plagiarized. By saying that, other's involved in knowing about the interview will believe that the their manager is weeding out loser "plagiarists". Obviously the manager doesn't want to be seen by people around him/her as "unfair" and not giving everyone "an equal chance" because that can cause tension. The most beneficial way, from the manager's perspective, is to simply make a false excuse of "plagiarism".
What's wrong with doing it this way? (I can read it just fine. =))
if(!is_int($_POST['pid'])) { die('How dare you stick a non interger in there!); }
$sql = 'SELECT
= ''.mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['monkey']).'' ANDpid
= ''.$_POST['pid'].'' LIMIT 1';captcha: burned
Uhh. No. Just no. Go back to programming and leave the legal advice to the professionals.
You might have been better off using the SCIgen Automatic CS Paper Generator. (http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen/) for the lazy reader, these are pretty convincing!
I always thought the best way to avoid SQL injection in PHP was to write in Perl :-) Not forgetting to set -t (taint).
I would've been soooooo pissed. WTFFF
Hey guys, it's me again. Back here because of the Digg attention.
First of all, you have to understand that this specific event took place early in March of 2005. It's a new story to all of you, but until a buddy emailed me yesterday, I had forgotten I even submitted the story to wtf (which was done many months ago when this was still thedailywtf).
Regarding libel. Technically it never could have been libel, I was told this over the phone, so slander would have been my option. But with no decent way to prove it, there was no point in going to that much hassle. Our culture is too trigger-happy with lawsuits as it is.
I'm now the Sr. Software Engineer at a top marketing agency, so don't worry about my employment status as a result of this tale =P
Also, some of you may remember me as the developer of fValidate, a now long-defunct javascript library for "validating" forms.
Anyway, carry on =)
captcha: waffles. mmmmm, yum!
Well I definetly wouldn't hire you if you made such a stupid comment. Just because your using dynamic data in sql queries does not mean sql injection 100%. If you code your program safely (ie escaping characters), then your sql queries with dynamic data will be fine.
Well I think Peter deserved the job, I think next time just answer the question without expanding on it.
You can come work for me at www.WhichWebsite.com
I think he did a better job demonstrating his ability to write clearly and cohesively. That's a fine piece of writing of a caliber you don't normally see in many programming tutorials.
fail. user email address can't be represented with a regex. you could parse them with a grammar if you like, or just remove anything potentially hazardous.
Sounds like it would have been a boring job anyway
English is not my native language so bear with me here...
I think it actually sound more like a text book answer than a response to a job interview question. The answer sounds like someone teaching someone else something.
Not going into the technical details, there are just too many "you" used in the write-up.
The question asked for a demo of your skill, hence instead of being sounding like a teacher, he should have sound like a demo. First round of review of this answer would likely be HR staff who won't really understand PHP anyway, might as well make the write up sound soooo difficult hence discouraging them from even reading pass the 2nd line.
HR people are the worst to do interviews, especially concerning IT
I would have hired the guy.... Based on his answer I can tell that he seeks a challenge and would be the type of developer that work well in a team. The simple fact that he went beyond a simple answers tells me that he would go above and beyond simple tasks that would be assigned to him.
And as far as the preventing against the whole sql injection thing.... I would have just used Coldfusion.
:) i love the last line........
+5 on that one! I couldn't agree more.
That prof needs attitude adjustment. What sort of a scientist/researcher is she if she'll believe her own precoceived ideas more than hard facts? You have a bright student, get over it, idiot...
Sighs in disbelief...
Thank $DEITY there's someone else who thinks (like me) that programming recruits are actually supposed, to, you know, have a clue about programming.
Thank you again.
The issue with PHP and parametrised queries isn't that you could always do them, it's that the setup that came bundled with PHP couldn't until PHP5.
If you bundle one particular module and not another, Joe User is gonna use the one you bundled. It'll improve portability by eliminating an "unnecessary" dependency, and many would assume that you, as the maintainer of your project, are knowledgeable enough about it to pick the best module for the task.
And "oh, it's fine, we're bundling the functionality now" doesn't magically fix everything. There's a lot of legacy projects, and PHP programmers who've learnt bad habits, and they're not gonna disappear overnight.
is_int() tests the internal variable type; it doesn't actually check the value to see if it's an integer:
is_int("10") // returns false; "10" is a string. is_int( (int)"foo" ) // returns true; typecast converts to int value 0
To actually test, you have to do a regex, i.e.:
if( preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $_POST['pid']) ) die('PID must be an integer.');
I knew how those guys got hired. It was the same way I did; the interviewer sat and chatted with them for an hour trying to "get a feel for their skills".
Eventually I became an interviewer, and the first thing I did was put together a test consisting of simple questions that would allow the interviewee to demonstrate elementary skills in C#, ADO.Net, SQL, Javascript and HTML. A couple of examples:
You still forgot
Too bad it's not lame technology. Parameterized queries are conceptually sound. That there are some lame implementations (not that you actually named any, but I won't base my objections on that) doesn't disprove this in any way.
That's all pointless, everyone of you who is thinking that there is a possible source of sql injection assumes, that getID retrieves tainted data. But there is absolutely no clue that this is tainted data. If you use untainted data for sql generation you don't need to escape it...
You serious? You've never had to take user input and generate a query based on it? I am picturing Jesse's code including tables and tables of millions or billions of queries, one for every possible user input. Heh.
There's no reason to believe that dynamic data absolutely leads to SQL injection. It would make a good follow-up question, though.
Heh. I seriously feel for whoever they pick out for the job. Anyone who's even tried programming beyond "Hello world" level can answer that. I guess you could say that this is a very advanced screening question: You're looking for someone to do a trained monkey's job for $5 an hour. It's not that you want your "coders" to be stupid, but they shouldn't be too bright, right?
It never occurred to me before, but yes, screening questions can apparently have a lowpass filter as well.
umm.. that's what escaping is for. If you can't enter new data, your application is pretty useless.
That's the issue with:
A) Managers who aren't programmers and B) Recruiters with English majors.
A programmer with his weight in salt/gold/silver/RAM will have good communication skills, and be able to explain a concept thoroughly and clearly.
This response had little jargon apart from the expected technologies associated with PHP... "query", "SQL", etc. Problem is, if a recruiter/screener/manager was told that concatenation is "the joining of two sequences of characters", his response looks like an encyclopedia.
That's just crazy.
Well his code is fine. Let me quote from php.net:
"The PHP directive magic_quotes_gpc is on by default, and it essentially runs addslashes() on all GET, POST, and COOKIE data. Do not use addslashes() on strings that have already been escaped with magic_quotes_gpc as you'll then do double escaping. The function get_magic_quotes_gpc() may come in handy for checking this."
yea thats how it is. because if u are too good, you gonna make others look dumb and probably desire for a higher salary when you realize that your co-workers are idiots.
With only 30 seconds...he did plagurize it. He may have known the answer. As a programmer, myself, concat is a very easy thing to describe. But i don't know anyone that could give that detail in 30 seconds. Cut and Paste he did. he should have just said, 'using an concat operator to combine two strings.
It is easy to check if the answer has been plagiarized - just take a phrase from the text you suspect and google it. In this case "sequentially join multiple pieces" is enough. I regularly check my student's work. A phrase of four uncommon words is normally sufficient to find the source.
This post was to critisize Java, not a reasonable language. Delphi will for sure not produce a 5MB .exe to output "Hello World". I was talking/writing about an entire application and how much memory this will approximately need. A Java executable might "need" less but the fact that you have to run at least 100MB of Java engine stuff, that was the point. And, of course, using C++ should consume even less than 5MB as you tried to point out (though >1MB for "Hello World" is a WTF on its own) but it is less comfortable to write this in 10 seconds.
Use stored procs for f***s sake. 6 pages of comments, all about parametrized queries. But no one of you high-level-top-gurus ever thought of stored procedures. It's a shame.
Thanks for this cool peace of info.
don't worry Peter, i'll give you a job (lol)
A recuiter rejected me because I fell short of bits in my programming experience. She asked me how many bits of programming experience I had. When I asked what she meant, she asked whether I had programmed in more than 16 bits. Thinking that this was a hopeless place, I joked that I had programmed in 23 bits max and was trying to get my 24th bit. She didn't understand the joke and said the minimum bits required for the job was 32.
Hmmmm nice fake story
a) rejections always comes through emails b) Even if the HR person called, she wouldn't have mentioned the real reason why he didnt get the job because they can never be 100% sure so it would be highly offensive for the applicant in the case of a wrong accusation.
Every guru (and I don't consider myself one) knows that this is a religious debate. Some say use them, some say don't. I personally don't like to use stored procs if I don't have to. First of all, the store proc languages of database X usually sucks. Second, the code will almost never be portable to database Y. Third, it's yet-another-language-to-learn which makes your app harder to grok.
What most folks are missing here is that it's not merely that the answer is correct and complete; it's that it's well-written. Relatively few programmers have this level of facility with the written language. Written communication skills are severely undervalued in our profession, but they're very important.
If I received this answer from a job applicant, I would Google a few phrases to see if it seemed to be plagiarized from somewhere. However, assuming it wasn't, that candidate would be rated much more highly than one who merely knew the correct answer.
I'm in the wrong industry. I hate computers.
OMG, bad luck buddy. I didn't see that one coming.