• peterlind (unregistered) in reply to Mith
    Unless it's just 0020 in binary... :-)
    Still not valid - valid Danish postal codes start at 1000

    Almost true - most danish postal codes are indeed four digits. Codes for the Faroe Islands are however three digits, and eventhough the islands have their own country-code (FO) in front of the postal-code, apparently you can send a letter to 100 Tórshavn, Denmark ...

    And there are a few (very specialized) three digit-codes - most interessting are 877 for the major tabloid magazine, and 999 for the national television ...

    Interessting facts, right!

    Read more at Postdanmark

  • Cuttie McPasty (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Anyone want to take a crack at decoding the email address?

    We know it ends in ".dk", based on the visible "k" in the "confirm" box and the dropdown.

    It also contains a "g" and a "j".

    Given that the font is unantialiased 10pt Arial, it should be possible to reconstruct the original email address...

    (Otherwise known as, why you should always blank out private information in screenshots and NOT blur it or pixelate it - enough information remains to reconstruct the original.)

    Lesson learned by Christopher Neil. Could it be that Christopher Neil reads thedailyWTF?.. oh, sorry, 'worsethanfailure'...

  • Onychophora (unregistered)

    Under 18 Americans often claim to be 100+ years old and from a small European country on these forms, since they're often not allowed to register with their actual age, and lying in the most blatant possible way strikes them as funny. (I was generally 121 and from Bulgaria.) So entry forms make it impossible to claim to be "excessively" old. You'd think it would be more helpful just to flag the obviously false data, rather than making people put in believable--looking data and screwing up your database.

  • NotanEnglishMajor (unregistered) in reply to Jamie
    Pretty Internet Hate Machine:
    eventually diying in a lot of pain with blood, worms, and that kind of stuff.

    DIYing with blood. Sounds like a typical bank holiday weekend to me.

    Ah, the joy of a trip to your local Home Depot. Then comes the pain and the blood and the trip to the emergency room. Ain't America great!

  • (cs) in reply to Anon
    Anyone want to take a crack at decoding the email address?

    (Otherwise known as, why you should always blank out private information in screenshots and NOT blur it or pixelate it - enough information remains to reconstruct the original.)

    Good luck - The pixelation is actually copied from somewhere else, and not based on the pixels it covers ;)

    And no, I'm not female... I checked male, but it appears it jumped over to female when giving me the error page.

  • nzruss (unregistered)

    Regarding the CS install. I've encountered the exact same display dialog when installing CS under WINE on Linux. IIRC the fix is to install the mscorefonts (Microsoft Fonts) package.

  • iMalc (unregistered)

    Yeah, bluring the text is like hashing it. One could write a brute-force program that produces random text and blurs it in the same manner, looking for a match.

    Anyway, don't old people know that on the Internet you're supposed to say you're 21 and built like a tank?

  • AdT (unregistered)

    Sheesh, everyone knows that the Earth was created by a Unix shell one-liner that Kernighan and Ritchie ran on Jan 1, 1970. Therefore, 1900 is not a valid year.

  • v (unregistered) in reply to keanpedersen

    [quote user="keanpedersen"][quote user="Anon"] And no, I'm not female... I checked male, but it appears it jumped over to female when giving me the error page. [/quote]


  • Someone else (unregistered) in reply to T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
    The real wtf is the first "why register" bullet on that IMDB screen. It's still live, just go there (http://www.imdb.com/register/), type "1900", submit the form and it will show up. Brillant!
    Are you >= 100 years old? If not, the IMDB system has successfully prevented you from tainting its database with your lies. If that's the worst problem in computing these days then there is hope for us all.
  • Generic Phil (unregistered)
    • Year of birth is required ** E-mail address is required *** Sex is a required field **** Password is required

    It's a shame they didn't keep the wording the same for all of them...

  • Mark (unregistered)

    But who will review the silent films of the twenties?

    captcha: gotcha

  • Ataraxis (unregistered)

    ... like Scooter says: The question is What is the question?

  • s. (unregistered) in reply to wiregoat
    With viagra now men are wanting to live longer.

    With Viagra now men live shorter but die happier.

  • (cs)

    I normally put my real DOB in i.e. 0000 Some sites will not take it so I need to use 1902, but there was one I was playing with a few days ago that said I was 3007 years old... I've upload the screengrab when I'm on my other laptop.

  • me (unregistered)

    You shouldn't use the cs.rin.ru nosteam cs 1.6... install a russian version of windows and try again and you will probably get more readable stuff instead of "?????"

  • Publius (unregistered) in reply to v.dog
    "Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man" ~James Thurber

    Nobody seems to know if this quote is from James Thurber or Leon Trotsky (Diary in Exile, 1959), but the irony of Trotsky writing that is way funnier so I'll go with him.

  • asspirate (unregistered)

    That nonsteam Counter-Strike version is actually even more wtfy. I've seen it installing on tons of computers at lan parties, and some actually get readable english text, while some get the questionmarks.

  • Synonymous Awkward (unregistered) in reply to Cuttie McPasty
    Cuttie McPasty:
    oh, sorry, 'worsethanfailure'...

    There, you see? You can stop being a retard if you really try.

  • Sanity (unregistered)

    While the ktorrent one is a WTF, isn't it also a WTF that this person was torrenting an OO tarball, rather than going through some sort of package management?

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