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Whoooo. I guess if that "proof" is true, then, for integers, 0=1 after all. There goes number theory. TWTF.
I think the point would be to define what we all mean... rather than trying to cite any smart sounding rule that comes to mind.
Rules created to make sense of chaos like "Any 2 Real numbers always have a number between them" are just that, made up rules some dudes decided was needed. It's not 'real' and without any hard reason to back it up makes no sense in relation to the discussion i think (other than its there to make things simpler and workable).
To mean 0.9999999 etc to infinity in actuality means not 1 but zero point 9 to infinity so as to never be 1. There is no 'real' reason to have it equal 1 other than to simplify math and so people can feel better about having to deal with it and can use basic formulas on it using multiplication etc.
Simple normal math isn't designed to work with infinite numbers in the first place and that's the real issue.
0.333... = 1/3 multiply both sides by 3 and you get 0.999... = 3/3 collapse the fraction 0.999... = 1
This is incorrect as 0.333 inf does NOT = 1/3 as 0.333 inf is not a perfect third of 1 (its damn close... but not exact), that's the whole point... they are not equal.
0.999 inf does NOT = 3/3 either because if 0.333 inf is not a perfect third 3 of them cannot be a perfect set of 3 thirds (its 'close enough' perhaps but not technically equal)
Given x = .999... Then: 10x = 9.999... .....{snip}.....
This is also wrong as 10 times an infinite number isn't something that has set rules in basic math. e.g. How do you multiply a fraction correctly that's infinite? you would never stop calculating and so it simply cannot be done at all.
In short the rule that 0.999 infinite equals 1 is just a farce to simplify a problem in mathematics and is in fact wrong in actuality.
How did i do? please rate my attempt at helping the losing argument side on a scale of 'bah' to 'wtf!', all proceeds go to help the 'i need more wild turkey: american honey' fund.
Ok, I think that was at least 0.8 TC (timecubes). Probably even more than 0.9. (No, not more than one. No one can do more than TC without their head asploding.)
Ouch indeed, so I guess that make you an airhead as compared to being dense?
As usual, TWTF is in the comments.
Hmmm, quoting system is obviously not working as intended.
The above post should also include.
Since which number theory states that 2 adjacent numbers have an equality relationship. Because if that is true, all numbers would have been equal with a proof by induction.
Is it even worth pointing out that 215 isn't a prime number?
Good thing there are no adjacent real numbers.
I am not sure the first one is WTF: Suppose we have something like
then we can call it like that:
TDWTF postings We tear them all down, because we can. For the good of all of us Except the ones who get flamed
Now it's no use pointing out every mistake You just keep on posting 'til you run out of flames And the CSoDs all get done, and the Error'ds come and come From the posters who are still awake...
[ ... ]
Easy: (IV + I) - V = I - I
Um... actually.. they did have a representation for nothing; but there was no need to represent a zero figure since it did not figure in their numeric symbols (Roman numerals are not positional). If a value was what we call zero (no apples, no eggs, no life, whatever), then it was regarded as nulla/nullae - which has actually been represented in some old roman texts as N (rare).
There is really no need for the number zero either - cnsider the value MM, which is 2000, or MMI which is 2001.
0.999 infinite has ambivalent meanings due to the unability of the decimal system to represent thirds of one correctly.
1/3 != 0.333 infinite
It's just the closest number to 1/3 we know in the decimal system - that's the reason for the widespread use of 1/3 = 0.333 infinite. In the ternary numeral system it would be simply 1/3 = 0.1. Basically, that means both sides are correct, because both meanings can be applied. It's like the M in roman numbers - it stood for 1,000 as well as infinity. By the way, the same problem arises if a double is supposed to represent 1. I don't think I'll have to elaborate this one in this place.
On another note, like somebody else already pointed out, there is a number between 0.999 infinite and 1 - it's 1.999 infinite divided by 2.
Always be open-minded, and check the validity of the arguments of other people before answering. Sometimes they're right, sometimes both are right.
(I love "real world" comparisons: "Okay, this stick shall now represent a gun. Hey, why can't I shoot with the stick? Why doesn't it behave like a gun?" "Okay, 0.333 infinite shall now represent 1/3. Hey, why can't I calculate with 0.333 infinite so 3 * 1/3 = 3 * 0.333 infinite = 1? Why doesn't 0.333 infinite behave like 1/3?")
V - V
Whether 1 is a prime number or not is essentially an arbitrary definition.
If you say it is prime, there will be some theorems and proofs that say "for all primes except 1".
If you say it isn't prime, there will be some other theorems and proofs that say "for all primes and 1".
The primality or not of 1 is defined so it makes sense in the majority of cases in actual use.
So close... and yet so very, very far...
I think you forgot the comments on this one. Or else your parser quit on you... Looking forward to your future submissions to this site.
IV + I) - V = (I-I)
I've seen GameFAQs topics with a more intelligent 0.999~ = 1 discussion that this.
I am not a number, I am a FREE MAN!
Iron Maiden!
The only sensible (there's that word again) definition of 0.999 infinite is as an infinite geometric series. And they're fairly well understood. And the limit of this particular series is 1.
To put things simply, there is no mathematical operation that you can perform on 0.999… that you can't also do on 1 to get the same result. (Assuming you're sticking with the real domain; in the integer domain the 0.999… is not syntactically valid.) If you think about it, that's got to be the case (what is 1-0.999… anyway? Must be 0.000… That in turn means that no measure function can distinguish them) which means that, at least with the standard representation of the continuum, they must be the same thing.
The cause of this weirdness is the fact that real numbers are not discrete, and that has some very non-obvious consequences. The natural way for people to think about things is in terms of discrete entities, but that sort of thinking just doesn't work for real numbers. (There are mathematical structures that can distinguish these things, but they're even odder than the reals and I've yet to see any convincing argument that they're useful for anything at all.)
Look, whoever made the first comment was claiming that this was C#, because it had generics, notwithstanding that Java has had generics for the last five or six years.
It was pointed out that is, in fact, Java, and he said, fair cop, I was unaware of that.
But then he came back with the pedantic rubbish about definitions, "patently false", and who should have written what.
I don't care if someone makes a mistake; I make them myself all the time. But I can't stand people trying to cover their arse and making excuses.
Or coming up with silly arguments about "problems at home". There's a name for such a debating "technique" (for want of a better word), but quite frankly, I can't be arsed to look it up.
It's even simpler. Notations like 0.(142857) or 0.999 infinite or such have no intrinsic meaning, so their meaning has to be defined.
The meaning has been defined so that these representations denote the limit of the sequence of the finite decimal fractions (e.g. 0.1, 0.14, 0.142, ... , 0.1428571428, 0.14285714285, ...) of increasing length formed from it[1] (you all know the rule by which they are formed, I believe).
Since the limit of (1 - 10^(-n)) as n tends towards infinity is 1, 0.(9) = 1 by the definition of the notation. Similarly 0.(3) = 1/3 by the notation's definition.
I haven't seen a convincing argument for non-standard reals either. I would appreciate one.[1] Technically, the definition is a little different, but I won't go into that without a blackboard or LaTeX available.
One can argue about the "arbitrary", but yes, it's undeniably a matter of definition.
And since in the overwhelming majority of cases not including 1 amongst the primes (or, for that matter, 0, if you use the more modern definition of primes instead of the traditional definition taught in school, which characterizes what are nowadays called irreducible numbers), makes things far more elegant and succinct, that's the definition adopted by the overwhelming majority of mathematicians.
0.999.... vs. 1 - it really depends on context, those two things could be clearly different in some cases - lets take function "floor" which maps Real numbers to Integers by returning the highest Integer number less or equal its parameter.
and there are not only functions, which are not continuous in some points, there are also functions, which are not continuos in any point :)
f(x) = 0 when x irrational f(x) = 1/q when x rational and p/q in its lowest fractional form
Continuous at all irrational points, discontinuous at all rational. Proving this is left as an exercise for the reader.
CAPTCHA: secundum (the CAPTCHA is backing me up!)
They would have written it as NIHIL, NULLUS or NIL to prevent confusion.
It's generally thought that the Romans did not contribute anything of significance to mathematics, yet European mathematicians were using Roman numerals and base 60 (from the Babylonians) until well into the first Renaissance. Had at some time they formalized a zero, say N/n for "nil", and a sexagesimal point say E/e for "et", we might today still be using it.
E.g. the ratio of the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter is approximated as:
It actually not too hard to add, subtract or multiply in Roman numerals. There are only a few symbols, so the multiplication table is really small. Division is a pain though.
Except floor(x) isn't actually mapping reals to integers but floats to integers. Floating-point numbers aren't reals, they're just an approximation that's close enough most of the time.
The only "context" it depends on is the number system. I think we've established that we're talking about real numbers. Note that digital computers cannot accurately calculate real numbers, which may cause some confusion with your example since most people around here probably see floor() in computer programs (where it typically maps from IEEE FLOAT, not real numbers).
The floor() function operating on Reals does not map 0.999... to 0. You can't just drop everything from the decimal point onward. Per your definition, floor() returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the Real number you give it. You can't use your assumptions about its output to prove something about its input; you have to calculate its output based on what's known about the input. As has been discussed at length, 0.999... is just a funny decimal notation for 1, so the greatest integer less than or equal to 0.999... is 1. The correct evaluation of floor(0.999...) is 1.
Several people have suggested that 0.333... != 1/3 but is an approximation. This is provably incorrect. (I'm not going into the details. The importance to me of you understanding this is exactly enough for me to post a suggestion that you educate yourself; not enough that I will try to educate you.)
At least one called 0.333... an "infinite number". It isn't; it's finite and has a well defined value. The math operations we know and love (like multiplcation and subtraction) work on all real numbers, including those whose decimal representation is infinite. They even work on irrational numbers, or you couldn't do any geometry involving circles.
A lot of people get uncomfortable with infinite representations, or with math that extends to talk about limits or other infinite concepts. This doesn't mean that math doesn't work with those concepts; it means you don't.
Assuming that 0.999... != 1 (which is assuming wrong, but bear with me), or rather that 0.999... is supposedly the largest number less than 1, I ask you this: what is the largest number that is less than 0.999... and how do you write this number?
Heh, I remember proving that...it was actually on a test. It was the first time any of us had seen the function or it's proof.
The prof usually liked to throw things like that on the test because he felt tests weren't an accurate assessment unless we had to actively think/deduce as opposed to just recall.
Given that the standard rules of mathematics don't apply under this assumption I would be perfectly happy with saying that .999...8 is the largest number less than .999...
In this crazy world .999...8 would be .000...1 less than .999... which is .000...1 less than 1