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Hey we do that in our code! Except we use a construct called a "while loop" to get all the inner exceptions. I dunno, maybe this way is more enterprise-y?
Shirley this calls for a loop. Or maybe even recursion? Or a loop?? Or recursion???
OK, I'm not familiar with this construct... are there always that many inner exceptions?
In my experience, you never really need to dig more than a level or two down. To have that many nested levels means that you're being super Enterprise-y.
If you dig deep enough in the exception stack, you end in Limbo.
TRWTF is the empty catch block. What if the call to MessageBox.Show() fails? (maybe because of the too much nesting :-) )
Well, TRWTF is this method of catching exceptions, but if you really must...
The original version did use a loop. But, after profiling their application, they determined that the loop was a major performance bottleneck. What you see here is the result of their senior developer's optimization - he unrolled the loop.
Cool! I'm gonna throw such an exception then:
C'mon, this is just plain stupid... This can't exist, it's only the result of someone's imagination.
[quote user="LazerFX"]Well, TRWTF is this method of catching exceptions, but if you really must...
[/quote]... must... refactor...
N'ah it's there in case one of the InnerException's isn't there, resulting in a NullReferenceException when trying to get it's .Message property. After all, why would you check for null when you can just catch all exceptions? And why would MessageBox.Show() ever throw an exception?
I'd call it the Inception...
He wanted to go deeper. Like a Limbo within a Limbo.
Would just like to point out the very useful GetBaseException() method :)
Like all great exception reporters, he discarded the stack trace and only showed the message.
Thumbs Up Man!
Exceptionally bad code can be found everywhere and this code is no exception!
If we go deep enough, perhaps we will not find an InnerException but throw a NullReferenceException, instead.
Every exception is a null reference exception.
Obviously TRWTF is indeed PHP.
I bet you had handlers like this too:
catch(ex) { // throw the exception throw ex; }
I'm disappointed that nobody did an InnerFrist post.
It's exceptions, all the way down...
Another refactor to prevent Kuli and MiffTheFox from exploding your stack...
Insanity! Such error handling is unexceptable!
CamelCase properties, class names, namespaces and sometimes event method names? What a great way to avoid ambiguities! Not to mention the amazing space-saving brace placement. </rant>
TRWTF is showing the final user (client?) an error which goes down to god knows where in the code and can be shit like:
throw new Exception("Passing null is for pussies"); throw new Exception("Shouldn't get here"); throw new Exception("The process with ID {gibberish} failed because the DB driver for {more gibberish} wasn't found.");
Not taking into account that non-technical users won't know WTF this means, it's not i18n, so you just added millions of people to your WTF. Oh! And now developers will have to think about nice error messages for their exceptions. And please, don't make your Exceptions i18n, this is EVEN MORE STUPID!
Next stop for this application will be Error'd
Exception.ToString() already does this for you.
Throw this in LinqPad, then stop making fun of stupid people when you're just as fucking dumb.
new Exception("You", new Exception("Are", new Exception("Fucking", new Exception("Stupid")))).ToString()
"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"
Ugh. Exceptions. The out-of-band method of returning a sensible error state wrapped up in so-called "modern programming". Try-catch is rife with pointless issues. The only good thing try-catch can do is automatically restart a program that's crashed.
A more rational approach is to return a structure from all calls that contains a boolean to indicate success or failure of the call. If successful, the data portion contains the returned data. On failure, the data portion contains a human-readable error message, a machine-friendly error code, and optional data. The programmer is first required to unwrap the result of the call and test for success/failure, which should always be done, but no one does. If the return type enforces checking, the programmer will check it. try-catch doesn't enforce checking - programmers just let exceptions bubble up and they log the error(s) at best.
But the only languages that can handle that sort of return policy natively are weakly-typed languages (e.g. PHP can implement it via arrays). Strongly-typed languages, usually the sort that require an intermediate compilation stage, have a more difficult time (e.g. C++ could process the return data via macros but it would turn into a complete disaster pretty quickly).
This is worse than casting pearls before swine. This is more like sitting down to a fine dinner at a restaurant renowned for its excellence, and mixing in a little diarrhea with the salad dressing, just for added flavor.
I'll leave it to the reader to figure out which end of this interface is the fine food and which part is the diarrhea.
I never write loops; and don't call me Shirley.
All the user is going to do is play whack-a-mole with your message box anyway.
To a user, a message box is a barrier between them and what they want to do. The sooner they can get rid of it the better.
They will commit suicide before they read it. Reading is painful. It might require thought. Expecting someone to think on the job is just inviting a lawsuit.
It has been demonstrated, even if the message box says in blinking red bold letters "Click OK to format your hard drive and wipe out all your data" they will still click OK.
That's why security warning pop-ups never work.
Isn't "caught handled" something that happens to teenage boys?
The issue with that is the "data" object will either not be strongly-typed (which, as you pointed out, makes the language a PHP-level WTF), or you would have to extend the return object class for each type that you use, which could lead to a maintenance nightmare. Either way, I'd rather have exceptions. Language developers can try to prevent stupid developers from messing up their own apps, but they will always win, so it's a futile attempt.
private void Application_DispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { ShowException(e.Exception); }
private void ShowException (Exeption myEx) { if (myEx == null) return; MessageBox.Show(myEx.Message); ShowException(myEx.InnerException); }
captcha : dolor (it's what i felt reading this WTF and my crappy recursion)
It's hard to ensure that the check has actually done something useful, but it will show up in code reviews if you do something like this:
The method name .isSuccessful() is chosen carefully to look weird when it's called outside the context of an if() statement, so that it is easy to spot. (A lesson not learned by the Boost folks, who gave shared_ptr<T> a .get() method rather than the more accurate .sickeninglyBugInducingRawPointerRetrieval(). The only time I ever built a serious smart pointer object, my colleague and I were very purposeful in not giving it a quiet-named raw pointer retrieval method. Sure it had a method that could retrieve the raw pointer, but it was .operator ->(). Nobody much is going to call that explicitly, and anyone seeing such a call will squawk.)
No, you can't always remove the human element from your code validation process, but you can do things to make that element easier, like grabbing the GAU-8 from your back pocket and using it on anyone who suggests renamiing .sickeninglyBugInducingRawPointerRetrieval() to .get().
Now you've done it... Sometimes, the ex.InnerException won't be null, but a self-reference to ex, so you end up with a StackOverflow unless you add a check for ex == ex.InnerException
The WTFs that give my widescreen monitor a horizontal scrollbar are always the best.
I'm out of GAU-8 rounds from the last time I saw developers creating void functions with the prefix "Get", and non-void functions with the prefix "Load."
The real WTF is using anything other than Exception.ToString()
Who cares what the exception message is, normally it's wrong/misleading/empty anyway. What you need is a stack trace, which is what ToString generates for you.
At first I wondered what would happen if the inner-exception was null, then I noticed in the comments try-catch. Sure enough, it's wrapped in a try-catch.
I just don't know what to say now.
Captcha: nimis - Several minis turned inside out.
public static Object XamlReader.Load(Stream stream)
Time to re'load'