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The Load ones weren't as bad. If you have it return a bool to say whether or not the operation was successful, I'm not going to be upset.
But when you prefix a function with "Get", and it doesn't........get, then there are issue. But then again, it was from people who didn't have English as their first language, so I guess the nuances can get lost.
I once caught an exception from my realdoll and I can tell you it is no laughing matter.
this code is looking fishy to me. not even junior developer from lowest university will do this thing.
Will result in endless misery for user.
Agreed with Pista.
throw new NotButterException();
Exceptions are for wimps! Real programmers don't use exceptions, they use setjmp/longjmp. If the exception was bad enough, then 'exit' with a non-zero argument is in order.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled pissing match on the virtues of try/catch of which there aren't many!
Virtue #1 Stacktrace.
Oh crap, where did my ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND occur, I use that in 1,500 places. Ok, time to make 1,500 ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_XXX error codes, so I know which one. Wait, I'm starting to clash with the ERR_NEED_NEW_DEV_XXX numbers.
Clever, but won't compile.
The great thing is that it's C# (.NET), so there is no need to free the exception resource! :D
I don't think I wanna use GetBaseException()
Captcha: causa: causa the wonderful things it does!
so maybe this function can help (translate to the language of your choice)
function try_me { trycatch(try_me)}
ReferenceComparer is trivially implemented.
The real WTF is that you have a code base where exceptions can be thrown and are never handled more than 1 or 2 layers deep.
oh, it's turtles all the way down...
And at the bottom, beneath all the other layer of exceptions, we finally reach the creamy nougat center.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs.Exception?
"Exceptions are a great source of stress and suffering." Is that supposed to be ironic? Except that irony is using language that normally signifies the opposite, and here it doesn't.
"Each exception thrown by our application must be caught handled before the user sees it." Applications rarely throw exceptions. Must be caught handled?
"Failing to do disturbs the balance of our application." Failing to follow errors makes.
"We can use a generic exception handler, but we never can be truly certain we’ve found the true exception." Filler stuff, vaguely philosophically sounding.
"So often the Truth is hidden within an inner exception." And one more.
"It may also be hidden within that exception’s inner exception." He gets to the point, except inner exception doesn't make any sense.
Ok, I'm having a bad hair day...
There is the Either monad which can provide a way to deal with this kind of situation. The accepted answer to this question is an explanation using Scala: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1193333/using-either-to-process-failures-in-scala-code
This is brilliant. It gives devs an incentive not to write code that throws exceptions because they have to click through all of the message boxes.
I agree with the other guy: I think it very likely what they'll actually get is a null reference exception. No inner peace in this monstrosity. Just a sad (and obscure) end.
Nope. That's why it's in a try/catch block!
This will fire off a NullReferenceException in an awful lot of (almost all?) cases, precisely because of that.
<sarcasm> Using the app is a task for users! Any good dev doesn't have to use their app, they just develop it. </sarcasm>
I propose a change to MiffTheFox's exception.
Code untested and might throw an exception when you compile it.
You'd certainly get a code smell ... OTOH in a French restaurant you'd probably spend an inordinate amount of time trying to identify which cheese you'd been served.
the amount of exceptional programming puns is just too damn high in this post
You String us along, and leave us Empty...
TRWTF is the number of commenters who think infinite loops result in stack overflows.
TRWTF is fnord.
oh god, so stupid and short-sighted!
there. much better!
Unless you are trying to use PowerShell to call a DotNET function, and PowerShell doesn't have a formatting wrapper for an exception thrown by that fuction.
For example, if you tying to send an email from a script and use the 'Net.Mail.SmtpClient' class to do it, the true error (couldn't connect to mail server) is three levels down the exception chain from the top error 'reflected function call failed.
Sorry, dude. Unsolvability of the halting problem says you can't win that arms race. (Sorry, I haven't used C# in the better part of a decade, so my syntax may be a bit off, but you should get my point.)
Winner. That's exactly what happened. I'm the original submitter, and it's code that my coworker checked in (claiming it was inadvertent after the fact) for debugging purposes. For some reason, he couldn't attach the debugger to that process, or it wasn't convenient, so he just threw that code together to give him a message box orgy. Of course, there's a thousand different ways to do it better, but that's what he did.
I assure you, it's very, very real. And from an otherwise competent senior developer to boot.
Uhhhh... wait.
Ok, I was with you 110% up to that point.
This is where a language like (at the risk of coming across as a functional language zealot) Haskell absolutely shines.
Specifically, the [image] Either type does precisely what you suggest. And far from your disclaimer at the end, Haskell is an extremely strongly-typed language, which does require the caller to, as you suggest, "unwrap the result of the call and test for success/failure."
So I'm going to present an example in what is not perfectly idiomatic (or best-practice) Haskell, but I've tried to make it clear to a non-reader.
Assume you have some type called ErrCode - that contains the "machine-friendly error code, and optional data". Other data types I've used should be clear: String, Int and Bool are the obvious things.
Assume further that you have some process called runComputation that takes 3 Ints (call them x[/], [i]y and z) and returns an Int.
Finally you have a couple of functions called sanityCheck1 and sanityCheck2 that each take two Ints and return a Bool. The idea being that for the aforementioned x[/], [i]y and z, sanityCheck1 will evaluate the fitness of y in the context of x, and if that's ok, sanityCheck2 will evaluate the fitness of z in the context of y. You've defined a couple of error codes code_check_1_failed and code_check_2_failed to return in the case of failed checks.
So conceptually we want (using the error-throwing paradigm):
Fine, now to get rid of the throwing up. In Haskell, we can use Either. Either is parametrized by two further types. We say Either a b (with a and b referring to those parametrized types) - meaning that an instance of Either can be one or the other of Left a or Right b. (I'll get to the Left and Right in a minute.)
In our example, we might want the function doThatThing to return the data type Either (String, ErrCode) Int. This means that the value returned will be one or the other of Left (String, ErrCode) or Right Int.
The Left and Right are "constructors" - basically a token that we can examine. Based on its value (either Left or Right) we can expect the remainder of the return value to contain either an ordered pair of (String, ErrCode) - which is to say, the human and machine readable error codes - or Int - the actual return value of runComputation.
So what does this look like? Here's our doThatThing function again:
The first line is the type signature - don't worry too much about it.
The rest says that we take in x, y and z, then:
In a real-world usage, of course, runComputation may have its own error codes to potentially return, also wrapped up in an instance of Either. It should go without saying that Haskell has all kinds of facilities to make this trivial to handle.
So now what about the code that calls it? Well, it would look something like the following:
You call doThatThing on some i, j and k. Then test the answer for Left or Right and do an appropriate thing in either case (in this example, copping out by putStr'ing (which does more-or-less the obvious thing) the human error code and stopping, or by saving the computation result in the variable x' and going on).
But you have to do something for both cases. To omit one is a semantic error and will generate a compiler error/warning (depending on settings). Haskell's strong typing gives you this: the entire program is type-checked at compile time, and (at least for types like Either), the compiler knows if there is a case you haven't covered.
Ok, so that was long-winded. And my above disclaimer notwithstanding, I'm really not a functional language zealot. Functional languages are very pretty, but definitely come with their own set of baggage in other areas.
Are there imperative languages with this kind of typing capability? I honestly don't know, but imagine there must be something somewhere. Possibly some hybrid language like [image] Scala might be a promising place to look?
Also Google searches along the lines of "[image] imperative parametric polymorphism" or "[image] imperative hindley milner" may prove fruitful.
Anyway. Yeah. Enough nerding out.
I usually just spit the entire thing out in a message box. Everyone says that's a horrible unprofessional thing to do. Except the users who never complain about it. They just take a screen shot and email it to me. Fifteen lines of soup at least appears more helpful than 'FILE_NOT_FOUND'
I have one application cough Cadence cough Allegro cough PCB Designer cough. It spits out error numbers when things go wrong. Ask support for a list of error codes and what they mean and they'll admit there is no such list. And since it's just a number, they can't help.
It works with toiletpaper..
right because
int myFunc(char parm1, int parm2, object* returnValue);
is totally impossible to do in C/C++. Where object is of whatever type you want to get back; and the int returned by myFunc is either a Boolean or some error error code value. It works almost the same in Java. Strict typing has nothing to do with it.
The bigger issue comes when you have have to now check all those error results in your code path. If your next action is already conditional your error handling response is any more complex than
if !(myfunc(...)) {exit(1);}
the decision trees get pretty large. Have fun debugging that. Exceptions are useful when used well. That fact that most people don't use them well is not a problem with the syntax or language facility; its a problem with you, me, and anyone else who writes sloppy code out there.
private void Application_DispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { }