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This is probably the result of some IT manager going through a "standards" phase, where he forces the whole department to focus all their time on becoming standards-compliant, though he doesn't really know anything about standards. Never mind that the company is risking breaking all of their currently-functioning code with drastic changes in the name of "standards." That's okay, they have source control, right? Right? Oh dear.
Once they've broken enough processes, worked enough nights/weekends/holidays, lost enough data, and wasted enough money, the IT manager is likely to go through a "backups" phase. Everyone will forget about standards and focus on backups. He'll buy massive space to backup the data (since it wasn't before), the code, the backups, the backups' backups, the backups' backups' backups, ad nauseam. But nobody will test the backups to see if they can recover from them.
Wait until he goes through a "security" phase. Not only will it be mandated that all data are encrypted using ROT26, but interns won't be allowed within 30 feet of any computer that has (or ever had) access to the data.
I'm pretty sure it's actually illegal to store the 3 digit verification code code "anywhere", even if you encrypt it (properly). Well maybe not illegal as in go to prison illegal, but against the credit card vendor's rules where they can suspend your account for doing so.
A fortune 500 company would probably be public and therefore subject to yearly security audit from SAS-70 and maybe also SSAE-16. No company with this level of grossly incompetent "security" would pass such an audit.
Don't you see? That's where the genius lies! All of the plaintext is in the DEV environment.
I want magical unicorn and rainbow ROT26 encryption on all my sites too now. :(
Could be worse... the person at my desk read that as "smegma", snorted and said "WTF?"
Not a wtf. How else am I supposed to steal credit card data from users?
I hope everyone realizes I'm kidding.
Oooo, my brain's been decrypting on the fly!
Guess our auditors were more "motivated" in their job than yours.... Just finished another round of SAS-70 audit 2 weeks ago and they were a major pain in the ass.... An incompetent auditor would be nice for a change ;)
Remy I want more secret comments next time.
I did too. The unintended benefit to that: I finally figured out the rainbows and unicorns. I had always thought that bored people clicked random words until they saw them. Now I think they are punishment for people who have to look something up that the author has deemed common knowledge.
I guess I can be somewhat happy that it took me 6 months of constant reading to find them on my own.
I only sat in one one audit (of the application's error log) and it was pretty much a scenario like that. They audited the strangest stuff and went right past the stuff that should have been audited, reported on, and gotten someone's ass thrown in the fire for.
Working there was the biggest mistake I've made.
It's not something I can force. When I feel it, I pile 'em on. When I don't… well, I always make sure to include a little something.
It works like that everywhere. Security is just talk. Companies that succeed invest time in more useful stuff.
Security is a good place to steer people that would fark up real work.
Hahaha, I love that cornify script. Was trying to copy/paste ROT26 encryption into google to make sure I wasn't crazy. Glad I'm not.
Not just that, but it's entirely possible for a developer to slip a wrong configuration value in there, changing the behavior to something other than what is expected (incorrect service endpoint, for example). I haven't seen anything as blatant as this story describes, but I have seen a dev endpoint, for example, inadvertently turn up in the config file in production.
We had a situation awhile back at one of my jobs where we were logging web service requests and responses from our 3rd party data provider, and it turned out that they were sending unmasked credit card numbers back in a free flow text field which we weren't using... One of the DBAs discovered this while running a script on our non-PCI compliant database.
In short, I wouldn't be surprised if there are PCI violations at every large company, but the story does seem a little too flagrant.
Security also affords those people the perfect opportunity to fark up everybody else's real work, though. I'd rather just fire them.
That is correct, PA-DSS enforcement by the PCI council has been less than stellar. They are relying upon the merchant service reps, processors (when they pay attention) and to a lesser extent the merchant banks.
Having worked in global payments and payment security, the code that is out there is atrocious at best. Of course I still run into people who are storing track 2 data and the CCV/CVV.
Captcha: praesent, a European farmer
Um, that violates PCA - they can (and arguably should) lose their ability to process credit card transactions.
Crap, I meant PCI. Duh.
Just about the same think happened to me about 10 years ago when I worked for a fortune 500 company which also was one of the top 10 software companies. I found the client order database on a public network share. It also had the CC info for each order. It was however a MS Access database, and didn't even have a password.
...gwana gwana double ROT39 gwana...
I have spent a good part of the day reading the BOFH archives. Then I decided to read some on TDWTF for a break.
Why does it sound like it's about the same company?
The worst is, it's that special kind of unbelievable story that I have no trouble believing.
Do you "adults" have awareness of the presence of bullshit?
What do you mean? It got one intern a book deal, fashion line, and 15 minutes of fame.
I had a similar experience. An application I was working on was storing passwords in the clear. Now, it's not credit card data but storing passwords in the clear is just bad practice. So I wrote an encryption function and a decryption function and a function to encrypt the passwords already in the database. I tested it, checked it in, and moved onto another task.
A month later I hear from my coworker that our boss logged into the production database (why he has access to it I'll never know) and FREAKED OUT because the passwords were all garbled. He then restored the database from his own backup copy (why he has this I'll never know) and then freaked out because he couldn't log in.
Moral of the story: Don't bother encrypting anything when your boss doesn't know what encryption means.
It is, but when has that stopped a large company? It's a "standard" practice for a lot of companies over here, and a lot of cashiers don't see anything wrong with it.
Frankly, it is amazing credit card fraud doesn't happen more often than it does.
Your assessment that a fortune 500 company would have these types of things under close guard is erroneous. The larger a company gets, the more insecure it is. I took a network security class and the first week we studied social engineering and our assignment was to gather as much data (or attack vectors) on a F500 company. I was assigned Sprint, who just happen to be going through a merger with Nextel (which usually adds an additional layer of insecurity). You can dumpster dive loads of customer and employee information from any kiosk trash, grab information on their IT systems by browsing LinkedIn, or find forums that employees vent information vital to social engineering (in this case howardforums.com).
It's a shame that data was so easily available, but it's common in a large organization, especially due to the use of resource roles and typically those roles focus more on accomplishing an unending list of tasks and not general security of information.
Customer: "Oh hello there, is this Visa? My card details have been compromised and I now have a fraudulent charge on my bill."
Visa: "I'm sorry to hear that sir but don't worry, we will cancel your current card and issue you a new one immediately. It should take 3-5 working days to arrive. As soon as our fraud investigation department has cleared up the details, you will be credited for the fraudulent transaction."
Customer: "Sweet, cheers dude."
Visa: "Only too happy to help sir!"
This has happened to me before and the above transcript is pretty much the exact conversation I had with my card issuer. It was HELL!!! Oh wait, no it wasn't, it was a trivial inconvenience.
Perhaps you should reconsider all aspects before calling someone fghcvq.
I once had a conversation that went something like this (sarcasm added):
me: You know that extra private personal data that we transfer over the internet from the client machines to the server? Turns out it is actually transferred in plain text.
Original Developer, now manager: No it's not
me: Sure it has our proprietary delimiters and tags are on it, but I am sure people could figure out what the tag SSN followed by 9 numeric digits means - and there is no encryption on it at all.
That dev/man: But it is encoded - it is sent across in unicode. Nothing to worry about.
Yes. He was serious. I left when he was promoted from manager of his own little world to being manager again of our team.
Production data is required for dev in some products, but then again we don't store private user data... just stock/bond/derivative/etc data.
If you're taking requests, I'd like the html footer to give free foot massages, as it should. What else is a footer good for?
And don't get me started on the header.
The situation in today's WTF is no different - if the company knows the problem exists but refuses to fix it, the only way to force their hand is to expose the problem. A small number of people may be inconvenienced as a result but the long term benefits far outweigh the inconvenience of a few customers.
While working as a consultant for the Welfare department of a State government, I was a developer in the Day Care Subsidy program. According to requirements handed down by the state, all production user data had to be encrypted in any environment lower than prod. Why? Because the application stored all user data deemed necessary by the state. It included date of birth, social security number, and full address, and several other fun pieces of information. Was it encrypted in lower environments? Nope. I know I had the ethics not to copy the personal information of 250K people; I can't vouch for some of the other guys who worked there, especially the foreign nationals...
You rang?
Then it looks good on a dress.
It's astounding how many people, both development and non-technical, simply do not understand that. Even if you explain it to them.
I worked at a health care claims processing company that stored everything that came through as plain text in databases accessed with one password (that everyone knew) on prod systems with one password (that everyone knew) and with no auditing features. A trove of blackmail opportunities. Yet they passed a security audit (which I guess assumed no one could be so stupid as to have a single public password for production).
Seriously, I want to know who these people are. There is no way in hell I'm doing business with them. Any dev can give themselves a "raise" in this company.