• (cs) in reply to Carnildo
    Do they cycle through the rest of the ten commandments when other error messages come up? (Warning! Coveting neighbor's ass is bad!)

    Is it a good-looking ass?

    Do you need to be warned off coveting the gross ones?

  • Bohr (unregistered) in reply to seymore15074
    John Doe:
    Sgt. Preston:
    What the hell does "data" mean?
    I'm not even going to nibble on that bait.
    You're leaving me word-less!
    That goes double for me...

    Shit like this makes you want to byte someone...

  • You lose (unregistered) in reply to Bohr
    John Doe:
    Sgt. Preston:
    What the hell does "data" mean?
    I'm not even going to nibble on that bait.
    You're leaving me word-less!
    That goes double for me...

    Shit like this makes you want to byte someone...

    You lose

  • Max (unregistered) in reply to pitchingchris
    I'm no expert in German, but is the American OK translate to German OK?

    OK is pretty much universal at this point.

  • Not an Englishman (unregistered) in reply to [twisti]
    oh hey, wait, Windows was made in English, not German. There is not German text in Windows that has been translated to English in a special version.
    So the "VGA Save Driver" was named by a native English speaker instead of being miswritten by a German? If so, maybe it would be saver for Microsoft to hire viewer native English speakers.
  • mikko (unregistered) in reply to purge
    supposed to be data its a typo

    Thank you! I spent nearly ten minutes trying to figure that out.

    After extensive analysis by my team of system engineers, it has been determined that you have reached an incorrect conclusion regarding the meaning of the message. We have concluded that installation of a program takes place at a finite speed, and that if you kill the installation process, you will alter the speed at which the installation takes place. The measurement of speed is also known as rate, therefore if you terminate the process, you will cause an increase in the amount of time needed to complete the aforementioned installation, therefore you may, in fact, "lose some rate", or measurably slow the installation. I hope this information will correct any misconceptions you may have held concerning the meaning of the message...

  • SlyEcho (unregistered) in reply to seymore15074

    Wow, this is really getting long.

  • AC (unregistered) in reply to John Doe
    John Doe:
    Sgt. Preston:
    What the hell does "data" mean?
    I'm not even going to nibble on that bait.
    You're leaving me word-less!

    Come on, take a byte!

  • (cs)

    you have no chance to survive make your time.

  • $|i(3_x (unregistered)

    Killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing--goonotdab.

  • Bargmann (unregistered) in reply to Gabriel Cesario

    Hey, c'mon! This is the Daily WTF!!! This is a shout of sanity over the insane coders around the world. (I'd prefer clever coders over dumbazzes, but that wouldn't be politically correct). YES! We are mercyless over stupidity! You should ALWAYS be careful when posting anything here. Lots of bright minds are watching. Seeeee?

    Have fun! :D

  • (cs) in reply to 54645
    supposed to be data its a typo

    Ok - who sold you the clue? And how much? They're not supposed to be cheap, you know.

  • (cs) in reply to icelava
    you have no chance to survive make your time.
    All your date are belong to us. (Maybe I'd be more likely to get a date if I didn't kill so many windows.)
  • David Schwartz (unregistered)

    Often an error message will be typed out hastily by a developer either because he assumes it will be fixed and then never seen again or because he expects it to never happen at all anyway. Then it gets released to the public, the error actually happens, and we get a message that makes no sense at all.

    Perhaps the most famous example of this is Halo's "Ass Error".

  • nj (unregistered) in reply to morry

    V is sometimes pronounced as in English.. e.g. "Vasall". But usually like f, yes.

    It's funny how Americans pronounce names like "Von Braun" with a "soft V" when both the Dutch van and and the German von (of) are pronounced as "fan". What you say would be spelled "won".

  • Merus (unregistered)

    You've got to watch those Mindstorm insane objects: Mindstorm is Lego's robotics brand, so if you download an insane object to the Mindstorm device, it will start enslaving humanity.

    The way they express that with clinical Lego diagrams in the instruction leaflet is just adorable.

  • (cs) in reply to nj
    It's funny how Americans pronounce names like "Von Braun" with a "soft V" when both the Dutch van and and the German von (of) are pronounced as "fan". What you say would be spelled "won".
    You should hear us with Jan (a man's name there, a woman's here). The way you pronounce it would be spelled "Yon" here.
  • dkf (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw
    (Warning! Coveting neighbor's ass is bad!)
    Is it a good-looking ass?
    Do you need to be warned off coveting the gross ones?
    It's a good idea. After all, we also have roadsigns warning of trains, low-flying aircraft, wandering moose, geese, frogs, children, cameras and holes. Alerting everyone to a jaw-droppingly ugly ass might save a few minds and prevent startled swerves into hapless lampposts. Won't somebody think of the lampposts?
  • Nelle (unregistered) in reply to Someguy
    supposed to be data its a typo
    What the hell does "data" mean?

    its the white guy from star trek

  • viagra ringtones (unregistered)

    Actually, I've seen the first dialog box on my English version of XP. I was convinced that I'd contracted some exuberant strain of malware.

    The dialog isn't coming from Windows, but from a window manager called Virtual Dimension. Shift-click allows you to kill a window that won't respond to a normal close request. It's a feature!

    (the warning can be disabled)

  • neminem (unregistered) in reply to viagra ringtones
    viagra ringtones:
    The dialog isn't coming from Windows, but from a window manager called Virtual Dimension. Shift-click allows you to kill a window that won't respond to a normal close request. It's a feature!
    You probably won't ever see this, but oh man, thank you! I noticed this "error" a few months ago, had no idea where it came from (I do use Virtual Dimension - great program, but the documentation leaves something to be desired, as you can image from messages like that), and google was, amazingly, no help. Browsing the back archives of this site, and seeing this "error" show up... had to check whether someone explained it, which you did! So, thanks.
  • Chris (unregistered)

    I own the Lego Mindstorms NXT-G software, and those insane object complaints occur all too frequently. LabView is more stable.

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