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We need antivirus to cope with the insane!
Insane lego object kills three before taking own life, more at 11.
At least the second one wants you to report the error to them though.
If it now is the German version, why didn't they translate the error message too instead of just the caption of the buttons?
If the first is an installation of a German version why is the error message in english? I for one would be very suprised and irritated if I got some error message in russian or whatever when I don't understand that language...
Its good that they thought of the buttons though....
I think, both buttons are created automatically with the german caption. So this message will always appear in english but with the correct buttons for the chosen language.
Your head a splode! Looks like a problem with bad translation (#1)...
And no title on the last message box? What are we living in, the stone age?
Honestly, what would it say after that insanity in the message box?
Having worked with Native german speakers communicating in English, I'm getting a kick out of your replies. In German, V is pronounced like F (and F is pronounced like F), so a lot of time in implementation plans or problem reports I'd see stuff like the below. Completely understandable, but gave me smirks every time.
"... and on test4 it worked ok, but on the life system it fails."
"system test september 10-20 load life september 22"
Its an installation of the english version on an german operating system. The error dialog translates the buttons itself, but not the message.
"you will lose some date"?
WTF, it's hard enough for me to get dates as it is!
Wait, hold on a minute there...someone here had a date?
supposed to be data its a typo
supposed to be data its a typo
Sherlock, is that you?
Really?... damn, I didn't even THINK about that!
What does this have to do with German???
Thank you! I spent nearly ten minutes trying to figure that out.
Hahahahah! You guys have no mercy.
I love making fun of people's spelling, but it's important to spell correctly when you do so; otherwise you're opening yourself up to the same mockery.
(my emphasis)If you're going to spell bad, at least make it funny, OK? And that, my friends, is "the real WTF".
Mercy is for the weak. Would you like the long, slow death of the brave man, or the short, quick death of the coward?
I'm no expert in German, but is the American OK translate to German OK? The only reason I ask is that I've ran a few german programs. The OK button usually was replaced with some other text.
As far as the password thing goes, I won't be using that program. The first time I had to conform to that password, I'd be working somewhere else.
That third one isn't a WTF - it's my bank's password policy. Plus every time you log in you have to tell it your favorite band from when you were 14, the third street up from the closest major department store to your house, and the number of times you had a haircut in 1994.
The real WTF is that I spend about 30 seconds examining and rolling over the blackberry ad just below the post, trying to figure out why it was "error'd."
Even better would be a minimum of 68 unique digits.
In GUIs, yes, most of them (don't) translate it that way. In real life, "okay" is used in informal speech, too.
I think the point was that Germans are supposedly more prone to misspell life vs. live because in German, v is usually pronounced in the same way as f.
(Although there are exceptions - Vase, Ventilator, Vibration...)
Wow, you gotta love the friendly customer service behind "Please complain to us at once!"
Two of those words are most commonly used by women..
So I think it's just for surival-thingie..
Do they cycle through the rest of the ten commandments when other error messages come up? (Warning! Coveting neighbor's ass is bad!)
Hey, so it seems like everyone here agrees that the password dialog is an error'd, right?
/shout's to co-worker: "Hey Nick... let's hold off on that 300-character, UTF-16 password policy... people on this forum think it's excessive..."
"But, what about security?"
"We'll just have to trim it down to 128 non-repeating characters."
"Alright, but if we get hacked, I'm blaming you!"
"Fair enough."
Ha! That's a much better explination that I was thinking. I thought labeling it "German version" was actually a jab at Germany's polcies when it comes to videogames. The BPjS/BPjM departments are much more rabid than in america and are known to restrict or censor all kinds of games that contain violence. So notorious is this that German versions of Command & Conquer have the military forces changed to "robots" and blood replaced with "oil".
Anyway it made sense to me that an error message about not killing would be attributed to them. Just like an error message that says "Pleahse save your werk daarllling" might be attributed to Zsa Zsa Gabore.
No. 3 is pretty standard on Labview, which I think Mindstorm uses. It's got something to do with an object's memory getting corrupt, and the only way of getting around it is to remove that bit of code and actually rewrite the whole thing
Damn! Foiled again.
Exactly. So don't do it. Or, as Mr. Mackey would put it: "Killing is bad. M'kay?"
My bank also has similar wtf policy which doesn't quite guard against phishing. LOL at the person working at the bank when she told me "Well if someone were to fake our site, all they would see is the **** when you type in your password anyway"
The worst part is that their questions assume that you are married and know your grand parents well enough to know their nick names. That makes up for 40% of their question types.
For example, I myself have opted for the long, leisurely life of the coward who has learned to convince brave men to do his bidding.
It would be a shame to lose your birthday over something like this. Of course, you could always throw out a Monday. "Sorry Boss, it was German Window's fault I didn't show up yesterday."
As mentioned, the Mindstorms IDE (and the blocks it uses) are written in and based on LabVIEW, which is also a graphical programming language.
When LabVIEW opens a function, it performs a sanity check on the code and GUI objects inside that function. If the check fails, you get an insane object error, with the ID of the specific object. This is usually a rare occurence.
I have seen worse than that. It was with Dos 6.22, where I had booted from a media that didn't contain a format command. So when I actually needed to format a partition, I found a format command elsewhere. Now that format command happened to be from a Dos 6.22 in a different language.
It took my quite some time to realize, that the code that wrote the message "Are you sure Y/N?" and the code that parsed the answer were not both part of the format program. So the end result was, that I was asked the question including the possible answers in one language, but expected to actually answer in another language.
Ha ha ha ha! I could give in to the temptation and suggest that the technical ineptitude could somehow be related to the sex.
But, to overcome this temptation, let me tell you of a strange experience I had with a male relative. I was talking to him about some GUI application when at one point he asked me, puzzled, "But if the data is in one window, how can it be in another window at the same time?"
I had to point out to him that his ideas of where a computer actually stores its data might be slightly naive.
Interestingly, overall, he's quite intelligent, but when it comes to computers he's glad he knows how to use his office apps and that he usually doesn't have to dig any deeper than that. Unless Windows has a hiccup, of course, then things get slightly unpleasant.
The first one is completely fake. Nothing like that is contained in any version of Windows. You'd have to be retarded to think otherwise, really. Microsoft might not be everyones favorite, but that error message is just too ridiculous. "Killing is bad" ? Please.
And where does the bad English supposedly come from ? If it's an English message that someone forgot to translate to German, why would it be in bad English ? If it's something that was German and was translated to English by an idiot ... oh hey, wait, Windows was made in English, not German. There is not German text in Windows that has been translated to English in a special version.
A bit of common sense when accepting WTFs would be nice. Obvious fakes like this should not be posted.
Is it a good-looking ass?